RBSE Solutions for Class 10 English Literature Reader Prose Chapter 10 The Tribute are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 10 English. Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 English Solutions Literature Reader Prose Chapter 10 The Tribute.
Board | RBSE |
Textbook | SIERT, Rajasthan |
Class | Class 10 |
Subject | English |
Chapter | Chapter 10 |
Chapter Name | The Tribute |
Number of Questions Solved | 33 |
Category | RBSE Solutions |
Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 10 English Literature Prose Chapter 10 The Tribute
Activity 1: Comprehension
A. Tick the correct alternative:
1. The story shows Bubuli’s father as
(a) healthy
(b) dead
(c) ill
(d) none
2. Babuli’s second brother appears as
(a) broad minded
(b) selfish
(c) friendly
(d) none
3. Babuli was gifted a wrist-watch when he was studying in
(a) eighth class
(b) ninth class
(c) tenth class
(d) eleventh class
4. In the story the tribute has been paid by
(a) the elder brother to Babuli
(b) Babuli to the elder brother
(c) the second brother to the mother
(d) the sister-in-law to the father
5. The chief reason of the division of property is a quarrel between
(a) the brothers living in the village
(b) the sisters-in-law living in the village
(c) the mother and the sisters in law
(d) Babuli and the second brother
6. The theme of The Tribute is
(a) religious
(b) domestic
(c) political
(d) historical
B. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false:
1. Babuli has a deep love for his village.
2. Babuli’s wife was disturbed to hear about the partition.
3. The village bus is quite luxurious and attractive.
4. The second brother did not want any partition.
5. Babuli touched the feet of his elder brother after coming down from the bus.
6. The mother was present at the time of the partition.
7. The second brother was unwilling to buy Babuli’s land.
8. Babuli’s wife wanted to buy a car.
9. The elder brother had seven children.
10. Babuli donated his property among the poor.
C. Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each:
Question 1.
What was the complaint of Babuli’s mother in her letters to him?
बबुली की माँ ने उसे पत्र लिखते हुए क्या शिकायत की थी?
Babuli had not written to his mother for a long time. He got his job in Bhubaneshwar. The time and tide of business has almost swept him away from his mother. She also reminded him of his unmarried days. She found utter negligence in his writing to her.
बबुली ने काफी दिनों से अपनी माँ को पत्र नहीं लिखा था। भुवनेश्वर में उसकी नौकरी लगी। समयाभाव तथा नौकरी की व्यवस्तता ने उसे लगभग अपनी माँ से दूर कर दिया। उसने बबुली को विवाह के पूर्व के दिनों की याद दिलाई। उसने उसे पत्र लिखने में पूरी लापरवाही का आरोप लगाया।
Question 2.
How did Babuli’s wife react to hear about the partition?
बबुली की पत्नी ने बँटवारे की बात सुनकर कैसी प्रतिक्रिया जताई?
Babuli told his wife about the partition. She heard it but she was undisturbed as nothing was going to happen. The partition was not a big matter for her. She simply asked Babuli when it
would take place.
बबुली ने अपनी पत्नी से विभाजन के बारे में बात की। उसने यह सुना लेकिन वह जरा भी विचलित नहीं हुई। क्योंकि उसकी नजर में यह एक साधारण-सी बात थी। बँटवारा उसके लिए कोई बड़ा मसला नहीं था। उसने । बबुली से सहज भाव से कहा कि यह कब होगा।
Question 3.
What was the attitude of Babuli’s second brother regarding the partition?
बबुली के दूसरे भाई का बँटवारे को लेकर क्या विचार था?
Babuli’s second brother was very particular and not moving about partition. He wanted partition at any cost. The two sisters-in-law had frequent quarrel over trivial things in the house. Partition was only solution.
बबुली का दूसरा भाई बहत ही सख्त था तथा बँटवारे को टालना नहीं चाहता था। वह हर हाल में बँटवारा चाहता था। दोनों भाभियाँ घर में छोटी-छोटी चीजों को लेकर हमेशा झगड़ती रहती थीं। बँटवारा ही एकमात्र समाधान था।
Question 4.
How did Babuli feel when he accompanied his elder brother to the paddy fields?
अपने बड़े भाई के साथ धान के खेत पर बबुली ने कैसा महसूस किया?
When Babuli accompanied his elder brother to the paddy fields, he felt the imprints of his elder brother’s feet. The palm and fingers of his elder brother were present everywhere in the paddy fields. His elder brother’s sweat was sparkling like pearls on the close of the fields.
जब बबुली अपने बड़े भाई के साथ धान के खेत पर पहुँचा, तो वहाँ उसे अपने बड़े भाई के कदमों के निशान का अनुभव हुआ। उसके बड़े भाई की हथेली तथा अंगुलियों के चिह्न धान के खेतों में हर जगह मौजूद थे। उसके बड़े भाई के पसीने की बूंदें खेतों के नजदीक मोतियों की तरह चमक रही थीं।
Question 5.
Why was Babuli’s elder brother’s wrist watch mortgaged?
बबुली की भाई की कलाई घड़ी को क्यों गिरवी रखना पड़ा?
When Babuli was in M.A. he needed money to attend an interview. The venue of interview was Delhi and he had no money. His elder brother mortgaged the watch and sent him one hundred and fifty rupees to go to Delhi for the interview.
जब बबुली एम.ए. में था, तो उसे एक इंटरव्यू में शामिल होने के लिए पैसे की आवश्यकता थी। उसे दिल्ली जाना था तथा उसके पास पैसे नहीं थे। उसके बड़े भाई ने अपनी कलाई घड़ी को गिरवी रखकर उसे दिल्ली जाने के लिए एक सौ पचास रुपये भेजे।
D. Answer the following questions in about 60 words each:
Question 1.
How did Babuli differentiate between his student life and the present life?
बबुली ने अपने छात्र जीवन तथा वर्तमान जीवन के बीच विभेद किस प्रकार से किया?
In my student days, it was almost a routine affair. I used to go home to that distant village on a rickety bus, caring nothing for the strain of the journey. My home-my village-they used to pull me away from the moribund city life. Now things have changed and I too have changed, a great deal at that! A lot of cobwebs have settled around me. I am swept by that invisible tide of time, and business. I was studying at Bhubaneshwar, where I got my job and now for these two years, I have thought of home not even once. Many a time my mother has written letters complaining about my negligence in writing to her. She has even reminded me of those pre-marriage days of mine.
विद्यार्थी जीवन में यह हमारा लगभग नित्य-क्रम था। मैं अपने दूरस्थ गाँव स्थित घर में एक जर्जर बस पर सवार होकर जाया करता था। मैं यात्रा में होने वाली थकान की जरा भी परवाह नहीं करता था। मृतप्राय शहरी जीवन से मुझे मेरा गाँव, मेरा घर अपनी ओर खींचते थे। अब स्थितियाँ बदल गईं तथा मैं भी एक बड़े सौदेबाजी के चक्कर में बदल गया। मैं चारों तरफ से मकड़जाल से घिर गया। मैं समय और अपने व्यवसाय के प्रवाह में बह गया। मैं भुवनेश्वर में अध्ययन कर रहा था–जहाँ मुझे नौकरी लगी तथा इन दो वर्षों में मैंने एक बार भी अपने घर के बारे में नहीं सोचा। कई बार मेरी माँ ने मुझे पत्र लिखकर यह शिकायत की कि मैं पत्र लिखने में लापरवाही कर रहा हूँ। यहाँ तक कि उसने मुझे विवाह के पूर्व के दिनों की भी याद दिलाई।
Question 2.
How was Babuli fed during his stay at home when he was a student?
जब बबुली छात्र था तो घर में रहने के दौरान क्या आहार लेता था?
During his stay at home, Babuli was specially fed. His elder brother used to catch fish for him from the pond behind their house. He often asked his wife to prepare a good dish for him. When the catch was scanty, the dish would be prepared exclusively for Him. His brother used to instruct his wife she must make the dish as delicious as possible using mustard paste for him. The changes of the world around have failed to affect his brother. He is still the same person.
घर में अपने प्रवास के दौरान, बबुली विशेष प्रकार का आहार लेता था। उसके बड़े भाई घर के पिछवाड़े के तालाब से उसके लिए मछलियाँ पकड़कर लाते थे। वे अक्सर अपनी पत्नी से अच्छा व्यंजन बनाने को कहते। जब मछलियाँ कम होतीं तो व्यंजन विशेष रूप से उसके लिए भी तैयार किया जाता। उसके भाई अपनी पत्नी को निर्देश देते कि जहाँ तक संभव हो, उसके लिए सरसों तेल से बना सुस्वादु व्यंजन बनाया जाए। सांसारिक परिवर्तनों का उसके भाई पर कोई असर नहीं पड़ा था। वे अभी भी वैसा के वैसा ही थे।
Question 3.
How did the family members behave with Babuli when he came home at the time of the partition?
बबुली बँटवारे के समय घर आया तो उसके परिवार के लोगों ने उसके साथ कैसा व्यवहार किया?
When Babuli reached home, none of his nephews rushed towards him. Even his sister-in-law did not run from the kitchen to receive him. He found the house quiet and calm. He did not see his second brother and his wife. They showed no motion when they were present in the house. The entire house was like a graveyard. Only his mother came forward and received him. Hence, the author or Babuli understood that the entire house was making way for the final ruin.
जब बबुली घर पहुँचा तो उसका कोई भी भतीजा उससे मिलने नहीं आया। यहाँ तक कि उसकी भाभी भी रसोई घर से भागते हुए उससे मिलने नहीं आई। उसने घर में निस्तब्धता तथा शांति का माहौल पाया। उस अपना दुसरा भाई तथा उसकी पत्नी कहीं भी दिखलाई नहीं पड़े। उन्होंने घर में रहते हुए भी कोई संवेग का प्रदर्शन नहीं किया। पूरा घर एक कब्रिस्तान की तरह प्रतीत हो रहा था। केवल उसकी माँ उसकी अगवानी करने आई। अतः लेखक या बबुली को ऐसा लगा जैसे पूरा घर बर्बादी की अंतिम अवस्था की ओर अग्रसर हो रहा है।
Question 4.
Which childhood memory did come up in Babuli’s mind when he was on the village road while returning from Bhubaneswar
भुवनेशवर से गाँव की सड़कों पर गुजरते हुए बबुली के दिमाग में उसके बचपन की कौन-सी स्मृति ताजा हो उठी?
While returning from Bhunaneshwar when Babuli was on the village road, the memory of his childhood reeled over his eyes. He remembered how he used to cross the street alone to go for tuition in the evening. When his studies were finished it was usually late and dark But his elder brother was always there to escort him home so that he might not get frightened. He always carried his bag of books and notes with a lantern in his hand. Sometimes his elder brother even carried him on his shoulder when he accompanied him to the fields for a stroll.
भुवनेश्वर से लौटते समय जब बबुली गाँव की सड़क से गुजर रहा था तो उसके सामने उसके बचपन के दिन चलचित्र की तरह घूमने लगे। उसे याद आया कि कैसे वह गली को पार करके शाम में ट्यूशन पढ़ने जाया करता था। जब उसका अध्ययन समाप्त हो जाता था तो सामान्यत: देर हो जाती थी तथा अँधेरा छा जाता था। किंतु उसके बड़े भाई हमेशा उसे लेने के लिए आ जाते थे ताकि वह भयभीत न हो। वह हमेशा किताबों तथा नोट्स से भरा बैग तथा हाथ में लालटेन लिए रहता था। कभी-कभी उसके बड़े भाई उसे अपने कंधं पर बिठाकर खेत पर सैर के लिए ले जाते थे।
Question 5.
Justify the tittle of the story ‘The Tribute’.
कहानी के शीर्षक ‘The Tribute’ को न्यायसंगत सिद्ध कीजिए।
The spirit of human relationship moves the story. How we nurture and retain the tender love for our blood relation is a matter of thought provoking. Tribute means something done as a mark of veneration and admiration for a person who is considered much more superior than others. In the present story the tribute is paid by Babuli to his elder brother who did everything for him. When the partition was over, Babuli realized that his elder brother was much more important than land. His elder is everything for him. Babuli also knew that nothing could replace the position of his elder brother. Therefore, as a token of his gratitude he gave up his land to his elder brother as a tribute. So the title is apt and appropriate.
माननीय संबंधों का संवेग कहानी को आगे बढ़ाता है। किस प्रकार से हम अपने खून के रिश्ते का पालन-पोषण तथा उसके प्यार को बनाए रखते हैं, यह एक विचारोत्तेजक विषय है। भेंट अथवा योगदान का तात्पर्य उस व्यक्ति को श्रद्धा तथा आदर प्रदान करने हेतु किया गया अवदान है जो अन्य लोगों से अधिक वरिष्ठ हैं। प्रस्तुत कहानी में यह भेंट बबुली के द्वारा अपने बड़े भाई को प्रदान किया गया, जिन्होंने उसके लिए सब कुछ किया। जब विभाजन समाप्त हो गया, तब बबुली को यह अहसास हुआ कि उसके बड़े भाई जमीन से अधिक उसके लिए महत्वपूर्ण हैं। उसके बड़े भाई उसके लिए सब कुछ हैं। बबुली ने यह भी जाना कि उसके बड़े भाई का स्थान कोई नहीं ले सकता। अतएव, उनके प्रति कृतज्ञता ज्ञापित करने के लिए बबुली ने अपनी जमीन अपने बड़े भाई को भेंट स्वरूप दे दी। इसलिए यह शीर्षक उपयुक्त तथा संगत है।
Activity 2: Vocabulary
A. Match the words in column A with the words of their meanings in column B and also use them in your own sentences: Compassion = feeling of sympathy
Example: The younger brother had no compassion for the elder brother.
1. Teaching is indispensable for me.
2. Your habit of stealing things is abominable.
3. He is adamant about this decision.
4. I often take a stroll on the bank of the river Yamuna in the morning.
5. Hari Ram was still contented with the old tattered shirt.
6. My brother mortgaged a piece of land to support my studies.
7. I was moved by the pathetic scene of the bagger.
8. Memory has coagulated for me.
9. My friends lives in the vicinity.
B. Find out synonyms of the following words:
pathetic, adamant, feud, screeching, abominable, mortgaged, compassion, complacency, unperturbed
C. Write one word from the lesson for each of the following expressions :
1. A spoon with a long handle
2. A nearby place
3. thanklessness
4. something small in quantity
5. sacred
1. Ladles
2. Vicinity
3. Ingratitude
4. Scanty
5. Idols
D. Convert the following adjectives into adverbs and frame one sentence on each:
invisible, relentless, abominable, busy, quiet, helpless, innocent
Example: pathetic = pathetically.
Babuli pathetically remembered this past days.
1. The hands of the magician moved out invisibly from a corner.
2. He pulled up the fallen tress relentlessly to clear the road.
3. The people abominably talked about the division among the four brothers.
4. He finished the work and went away busily.
5. Deepak quietly spoke to the manager of the firm.
6. The old man was helplessly searching the medicine.
7. The accused innocently made his appeal before the judge.
E. Fill in the blanks of the following sentences with antonyms of words given in brackets:
1. People soon forget goodness shown to them and become full of ….. (gratitude)
2. We do not have sympathy for ………. people. (innocent)
3. I am always ………… to those who are in trouble. (helpless)
4. The Government is going to levy tax on …………. property. (movable)
5. A …………. breakfast is good for digestion. (heavy)
6. The GST bill was initially …………. by the Rajya Sabha. (accepted)
7. Babuli’s wife was …………. to hear about the partition. (perturbed)
8. Hindus are …………. towards all human beings. (cruel)
1. ingratitude
2. guilty
3. helpful
4. immovable
5. light
6. rejected
7. unperturbed
8. kind
Activity 3: Grammar
Relative/Adjective Clauses
An adjective clause works as an adjective in the same way as a noun clause works as a noun in a complex sentence. An adjective clause modifies or tells something about a noun or pronoun; the noun or pronoun that is modified is known as the antecedent. Usually an adjective clause is placed immediately after its antecedent; the clause is connected to its antecedent by a relative pronoun – who, whom, whose, which, that; it may also be connected by a relative adverb, why, when, where. Hence this clause is also identified as a Relative Clause:
Types of Adjective Clauses:
(a) Defining (also called restrictive Relative clause)
(b) Non-defining (also called non restrictive Relative clause)
Defining Relative Clause:
1. A doctor is a person who has been trained in medical science .
2. An atheist is a person who does not believe in God.
3. A teacher is a person who imparts knowledge to students. If we omit the words in italics, we learn only that a doctor is a person, an atheist is a person, and a teacher is a person. Such information about these persons is unsatisfactory, even though all the three sentences are grammatically correct. The “persons” in the sentences are defined or distinguished from each other by the adjective clauses in italics. The definition of a teacher is no longer simply a person, but a person who imparts knowledge to students. As the antecedents in all the three sentences have been defined by the adjective clauses (relative clauses) they are called defining clauses. Since they are integral part of the sentences, they are not separated from the antecedent by commas.
Complete the following sentences by using defining relative clauses.
Example: A tailor is a person who stitches clothes
1. A surgeon is a person ……………
2. A barber is a person ………
3. A dietitian is a person …….
4. A poet is a person …………
5. A painter is a person
6. An engineer is a person ……
7. A wrestler is a person …….
8. A cook is a person …..
1. who operates our wounds.
2. who cuts our hair.
3. who suggests the regulation of diet.
4. who writes poems.
5. who paints our doors and windows.
6. who makes bridges.
7. who participates in a combat sports.
8. who cooks good dishes for us.
The relative pronouns ‘that is used only in defining clauses; it may denote both ‘persons’ and ‘things? The relative pronoun who’ denotes persons and which’ denotes things:
1. I like men that work hard. (person)
2. I like books that contain classical learning. (thing)
3. I like men who work hard. (person)
4. I like books which contain classical learning. (thing)
If the antecedent is a vague noun/ pronoun the use of that’or who’is equally appropriate.
1. I am waiting someone that/who can help me.
2. They are the type of people that/who can support demonetization.
If the antecedent is a well identified category of individuals, who’is preferred to ‘that’:
1. The judge who was popular for quick judgments has resigned
2. The air hostess who met me at the airport turned out to be my classmate.
The relative pronoun of a defining relative clause may be omitted when it is not the subject of the relative clause :
1. The district administration did not give me information (that) I wanted.
2. The dress (which) I saw in the showroom was attractive. Such clauses are called contact clauses.
Non -Defining relative clauses:
Non defining relative clauses merely provide additional information about the noun/pronoun (antecedent).
My brother, who lives in America, is coming next week.
The relative clause in italics gives additional information about the antecedent (my brother). In this situation the relative clause is called non-defining (or parenthetical), and is enclosed by commas. Even if we omit the clause, the meaning of the main clause remains sensible. The information contained in the main clause and relative clause may be given in two separate statements:
My brother is coming next week. He lives in America.
As the relative clause gives additional information, and not the essential one, it could even be represented by an independent
clause in parenthesis :
My brother (he lives in America) is coming next week.
The use or absence of commas in relative clauses change the meaning of sentences altogether:
1. My brother who lives in America, is coming next week.
2. My brother who lives in America is coming next week.
In the first sentence the presence of commas implies that the writer/speaker has only one brother (it is therefore impossible to define which one). It is a non defining clause. In the second sentence the adjective clause is not separated by commas. The absence of commas implies that the writer/speaker has more than one brother; that one of them in particular is being referred to – the one who lives in America and another may be living somewhere else. It is called a defining clause because ir distinguishes and defines which brother is coming.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions who’, whom’ or ‘that:
1. The person ………. donated money is a famous industrialist.
2. The boy from ………. I borrowed the book is my friend.
3. The book ………..contains the data of census is in our library.
4. The bank manager ………. the police arrested is from Mumbai.
5. The currency notes …… were banned on Nov. 8, 2016 are no more acceptable.
6. The wrist-watch ………. I bought last year is not working properly.
7. Is Anil the man ……….you met at the airport last Sunday ?
8. The terrorist ……….the army killed is said to be from Pakistan.
9. The Indian scientists ………. work at the NASA are highly talented.
10. The foreign travelers ….. visited India in the past praised the Indian culture.
1. The person who donated money is a famous industrialist.
2. The boy from whom I borrowed the book is my friend.
3. The book which contains the data of census is in our library.
4. The bank manager whom the police arrested is from Mumbai.
5. The currency notes which were banned on Nov. 8, 2016 are no more acceptable.
6. The wrist-watch which I bought last year is not working properly.
7. Is Anil the man whom you met at the airport last Sunday?
8. The terrorist whom the army killed is said to be from Pakistan.
9. The Indian scientists who work at the NASA are highly talented.
10. The foreign travelers who visited India in the past praised the Indian culture.
Activity 4: Speech Activity
Divide the class into Group A and Group B. Now ask them to hold a debate on the topic- ‘Joint family system should be maintained’. Let the Group A speak in favor and the Group B against the topic.
Do your self.
Activity 5: Composition
Question 1.
Write paragraph in about 100 words describing the benefits of a joint family. You may include the following points:
(i) A joint family-heritage of ancient culture
(ii) Promote emotional attachment
(iii) Mutual harmony
संयुक्त परिवार के लाभों का वर्णन करते हुए 100 शब्दों का एक अनुच्छेद लिखिए। आप इसमें निम्निलिखित बिंदुओं को शामिल कर सकते हैं।
(i) संयुक्त परिवार–प्राचीन संस्कृति की विरासत
(ii) भावनात्मक संबंधों को बढ़ावा
The joint family is a heritage of ancient culture. It is the pride of Indian traditional family system. All members are equally respected.They share all expenses, works and burdens with the rest members of the family. So everybody is free to lead a happy and peaceful life.
All children get equal share of love,care, guidance and education.Their grandparents are the best teachers and guides to them. They learn invaluable lesson of love and compassion from them. They develop love and attachment towards the other family members also. They never miss the love of their parents.
Every child gets teaching and guidance from their uncles and aunts also. Deep attachment with the cousins and sisters builds a very strong base in their life. Every moment is celebrated as a festival. The big occasions like marriages, birthdays etc. holds a huge meaning for a joint family. But in our days the joint family system is losing its hold.
संयुक्त परिवार प्राचीन संस्कृति की धरोहर है। यह पारंपरिक भारतीय परिवार पद्धति का गौरव है। उसमें सभी सदस्यों को समान रूप से सम्मान दिया जाता है। वे अपने सभी प्रकार से व्यय, कार्य तथा बोझ को परिवार के शेष सदस्यों के साथ सहभाजन करते हैं। अतः दूर कोई सुखी एवं शांतिपूर्ण जीवन जीने के लिए स्वतंत्र होता है। सभी बच्चों को समान रूप से प्यार, देखभाल, मार्गदर्शन तथा शिक्षा प्राप्त होता है। उनके दादा सबसे बेहतर शिक्षक होते हैं तथा उन्हें दिशा-निर्देश प्रदान करते हैं। वे, उनसे प्यार तथा संवेदना का पाठ सीखते हैं। वे परिवार के अन्य सदस्यों के साथ प्यार एवं जुड़ाव की भावना का विकास करते हैं। वे अपने माता-पिता के प्यार से कभी भी वंचित नहीं होते। प्रत्येक बालक अपने चाचा तथा चाची से भी शिक्षा तथा मार्गदर्शन प्राप्त करता है। चचेरे भाइयों तथा बहनों के साथ उनका गहरा जुड़ाव परिवार को मजबूत आधार प्रदान करता है। प्रत्येक क्षण एक उत्सव की तरह होता है। बड़े समारोह, जैसे-शादियाँ,जन्मदिन इत्यादि के दिनों में संयुक्त परिवार का स्वरूप कमजोर होता जा रहा है।
(Additional Questions And Answers)
A. Tick the correct alternative:
1. Where was Babuli studying?
(a) Jaipur
(b) Patna
(c) Ajmer
(d) Bhubaneshwar
2. What kind of city was the author residing in?
(a) Enjoyable
(d) Moribund
(c) Thrilling
(d) Tiring
3. Who wanted division at any cost?
(a) Babuli
(b) His elder brother
(c) his second brother
(d) his sister-in-law
4. When Babuli told his wife about partition, she was ………
(a) perturbed
(b) unperturbed
(c) weeping
(d) jealous
5. Who showed lots of impatience in the market place?
(a) Babuli’s wife
(b) Babuli
(c) His son
(d) His daughter.
6. Which was Babuli’s favorite seat?
(a) Near the conductor.
(b) The back seat
(c) Just behind the driver
(d) Near the foot-board.
7. Why did Babuli feel so small when he was walking on the village road?
(a) His brother was running with his bag.
(b) His mother was calling him.
(c) His brother was carrying his bag.
(d) His elder sister-in-law was chiding him.
8. When reached home from Bhubaneshwar, his nephews rushed towards him.
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Either yes or no
(d) None of these
9. All the household articles were divided into ………… equal parts.
(a) four
(b) three
(c) two
(d) five
10. What did Babuli need money for?
(a) To go on a tour to Delhi.
(b) To clear his debts
(c) To attend an interview in Delhi
(d) To buy clothes.
B. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false:
1. The letter contained the familiar handwriting of his mother.
2. When Babuli was s student, he often went to the village by train.
3. Babuli’s brother always tried to recover the amount invested in his studies.
4. Babuli’s mother was jealous of him.
5. Babuli’s presence in the process of partition was essential.
6. After reading the letter sent by his brother, the author felt elated.
7. Babuli’s wife wanted to buy a car for him.
8. At the bus-stop the author’s brother appeared a little fatigued.
9. When Babuli met his elder brother, he had changed a lot.
10. At the time of separation the author’s brother was present in the vicinity.
11. The author sold his share of property at the amount of twenty-thousand rupees to his elder brother.
12. The author’s elder brother gave whatever the second brother demanded.
13. Babuli came back from the village with a deep sense of gratitude.
14. Babuli was an M.A. in English
15. Babuli’s job was in Delhi.
C. Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each:
Question 1.
Why did Babuli’s elder brother write to him?
बबुली के बड़े भाई ने बबुली को पत्र क्यों लिखा?
In the village Babuli’s family was facing some critical situation. Some feud had cropped up over the domestic matter. His two sisters-in-law had quarreled. His cottage, paddy fields and entire property had to be divided into three parts among three brothers. His presence was unavoidable.
गाँव में बबुली का परिवर बड़ी ही नाजुक स्थिति से गुजर रहा था। घरेलू मामलों में कुछ झगड़े उत्पन्न हो गए थे। उसकी भाभियों के बीच लड़ाई हो गई थी। उसका घर, धान के खेत तथा समस्त संपत्ति को तीन भाइयों के बीच तीन भागों में विभाजित किया जाना था। उसकी उपस्थिति अनिवार्य थी।
Question 2.
How did Babuli react to partition?
बबुली ने बँटवारे पर कैसी प्रतिक्रिया व्यक्त की?
The matter of feud and partition made Babuli perturbed. He felt orphaned. The fear of helplessness drenched me. His life was surrounded by despair and he remained restless for a long time. He made several attempts to make himself peaceful. Finally he sat in a chair and tried hard to comfort himself.
झगड़े तथा बँटवारे की बात सुनकर बबुली विचलित हो उठा। वह अपने-आप को अनाथ महसूस करने लगा। वह नि:सहायता के भय से सराबोर हो गया। उसका जीवन नैराश्य से घिर गया था तथा वह काफी समय तक बेचैन रहा। उसने स्वयं को शांत रखने की बहुत ही कोशिश की। अंत में वह एक कुर्सी पर बैठ गया तथा स्वयं को सँभालने की पुरजोर कोशिश की।
Question 3.
What is the central idea of this story?
कहानी का केंद्रीय विचार क्या है?
Tribute stands for an act, a statement or a gift. It is intended to show one’s respect or admiration to somebody. This is the story of an Indian family united with love and emotion but this unbreakable family bond is torn by the modern onslaughts of urban greed for money and dryness of relations.
भेंट या योगदान का अर्थ इस प्रकार का कृत्य अथवा कथन है जो किसी के प्रति आदर तथा सम्मान प्रदान करने हेतु किया जाता है। यह कहानी एक भारतीय परिवार की है, जो प्यार तथा भावनाओं के बंधन में बँधा है। किंतु यह एकजुट परिवार शहरी जीवन की धनलिप्सा तथा लालच में आकर तथा संबंधों में सूखेपन के चलते अंतद्वंद्व का शिकार हो जाता है।
Question 4.
Why did Babuli’s second brother want to purchase his share of land? How much amount is he ready to pay?
बबुली का दूसरा भाई लेखक के हिस्से की जमीन को क्यों खरीदना चाहता था? वह इसके लिए कितने पैसे देने को तैयार था?
His second brother was well aware that Babuli was city Babu. He had no use of land. He would sell out his share to other. So he was willing to purchase his share of land. He was ready to pay eighteen-thousand rupees for his share of land.
उसका दूसरा भाई यह अच्छी तरह से जानता था कि बबुली शहरी बाबू है। उसके लिए जमीन की कोई उपयोगिता नहीं है। वह अपनी जमीन किसी दूसरे को बेच देगा। इसलिए वह उसके हिस्से की जमीन को खरीदने को इच्छुक था। वह उसके हिस्से की जमीन के लिए अठारह हजार रुपये देने को तैयार था।
Question 5.
Choose two incidents from the story which show that Babuli was a little bit ingratitude to his elder brother?
कहानी से ऐसी दो घटनाओं का चयन कीजिए, जिससे यह पता चलता हो कि बबुली में अपने बड़े भाई के प्रति कृतघ्नता के कुछ अंश मौजूद थे।
Two incidents from the story:
(a) In spite of his sufficient income, Babuli never thought about the little needs of his elder brother.
(b) Babuli never remained in a constant touch with his elder brother by means of letters.
कहानी की दो घटनाएँ:
(a) अपनी पर्याप्त आय के बावजूद, बबुली ने अपने बड़े भाई की छोटी-मोटी आवश्यकताओं का जरा-सा भी ध्यान नहीं रहता।
(b) पत्र के द्वारा भी बबुली कभी भी अपने बड़े भाई के संपर्क में नहीं रहा।
Question 6.
When Babuli visited the fields with his elder brother, what did he find there?
अपने बड़े भाई की साथ बबुली खेत पर कब गया? वहाँ उसने क्या देखा?
When Babuli visited the fields with his elder brother, he found the presence of his elder brother’s love in the fields. He was able to feel the imprints of his feet, his palm and his fingers everywhere. His brother’s sweat was sparking in the middle of the paddy fields. He had experienced the deep love of his brother for the fields.
जब बबुली अपने बड़े भाई के साथ खेत पर गया, तो खेत में उसे बड़े भाई का प्यार पसरा हुआ मिला। वह सभी जगह उनके पैर, हथेली तथा अंगुलियों के निशान को महसूस करने में सक्षम था। उसके भाई के पसीने की चमक खेत के मध्य में उसे साफ | दिखाई दे रही थी। खेत के प्रति अपने भाई के गहरे अनुराग का उसने अनुभव किया।
Question 7.
How did Babuli feel when he met his elder brother after a long time?
अपने बड़े भाई से लंबे समय के बाद बबुली ने कैसा महसूस किया?
Babuli got down from the bus at five in the evening. As he had written before, his elder brother was there to receive him. But his elder brother seemed a little tired and old. His brother almost snatched his brief-case from him. Babuli forgot to touch his brother’s feet even. It had never happened before. His brother was walking ahead of him. He really felt small before his brother.
बबुली पाँच बजे शाम को बस से उतरा। जैसा कि वह पहले लिख चुका है, उसके बड़े भाई वहाँ उसकी आगवानी करने के लिए मौजूद थे। किंतु उसके बड़े भाई कुछ थके हुए तथा बूढे-से लग रहे थे। उसके भाई ने उससे उसका ब्रीफकेस लगभग छीन-सा लिया। बबुली अपने भाई के पैरों को स्पर्श करना भी भूल गया। ऐसा पहले कभी नहीं हुआ था। उसके भाई उसके आगे चल रहे थे। उसने अपने भाई के सामने वस्तुतः अपने को छोटा महसूस किया।
Question 8.
What was the cause of division in the family?
परिवार में विभाजन का कारण क्या था?
Babul’s two sisters-in-law had quarreled. His second brother was adamant about the division. He wanted division at any cost. The feud in the family had cropped up to such an extent that nobody could avoid it. Perhaps division was destined in the fate of his family.
बबुली की दोनों भाभियों में लड़ाई हुई थी। उसका दूसरा भाई बँटवारे पर दृढ़ था। वह किसी भी कीमत पर बँटवारा चाहता था। पारिवारिक झगड़ा इस कदर बढ़ गया कि अब बँटवारे को रोकना मुश्किल हो गया। संभवतः विभाजन उसके परिवार के भविष्य की नियति बन गया।
Question 9.
Why did Babuli compare the stillness of house to a graveyard?
बबुली ने घर की शांति की तुलना कब्रिस्तान से क्यों की?
It was evening when Babuli reached home. Nobody came forward to receive him. His nephews and sister-in-law also did not come out to receive him. His second brother and his wife was also in the house but they took no notice of him. Everything seemed silent like the stillness of a graveyard.
शाम के समय बबुली अपने घर पहुँचा। उसकी घर में अगवानी करने कोई नहीं आया। उसके छोटे भाई तथा उसकी पत्नी घर में मौजूद थे, किंतु किसी ने उसकी सुधि नहीं ली। हर चीज इतनी शांत थी जैसे कोई कब्रिस्तान का सन्नाटा पसरा हो।
Question 10.
How does this story tell the saga of a traditional Indian family?
यह कहानी किस प्रकार से पारंपरिक भारतीय परिवार का आख्यान करती है?
The traditional Indian family is a joint family. Every member of this family is tied by the bond of love and affection. The head of the family has to take care of everything. He is usually an idol of love and patience. Babuli’s elder brother is a perfect example of the head of a joint family. Sometimes the members of such family has to make sacrifices also. In this regard, Babuli plays an excellent role.
पारंपरिक भारतीय परिवार संयुक्त परिवार है। इस परिवार के सभी सदस्य प्यार एवं अपनत्व के बंधन में बँधे होते हैं। परिवार के मुखिया को हर चीज का ध्यान रखना होता है। वह सामान्यतः संयम और प्यार की मूर्ति होता है। बबुली के बड़े भाई संयुक्त परिवार के मुखिया के सटीक उदाहरण हैं। कभी-कभी इस प्रकार के परिवार के सदस्यों को त्याग भी करना होता है। इस संबंध में बबुली ने अपनी उत्कृष्ट भूमिका का निर्वहन किया।
D. Answer the following questions in about 60 words each:
Question 1.
Whom did Babuli expect to receive him at home?
बबुली को किसके द्वारा घर में अपनी अगवानी करने की अपेक्षा थी?
When Babuli arrived at home with his elder brother, it was already dark. He expected his nephews and sister in-law come to receive him. But it was a different day. None of his nephews rushed towards him. Usually they often rushed towards him howling, “Here’s uncle.” His sister-in-law also did not run from the kitchen to receive me. He found darkness and quietness had surrounded the house.
जब बबुली अपने बड़े भाई के साथ घर में आया तो अँधेरा हो चुका था। उसे आशा थी कि उसके भतीजे तथा भाभी उसका स्वागत करने के लिए आएँगे। किंतु हमेशा की तरह इस बार ऐसा नहीं हुआ। उसका कोई भी भतीजा उससे मिलने नहीं आया। आमतौर पर वे उसके पास यह चिल्लाते हुए चाचा आए हैं।’ आते थे। उसकी भाभी भी रसोईघर से दौड़ती हुई उसके पास नहीं आई। उसने घर के चारों तरफ अँधेरा तथा नीरवता पसरा हुआ पाया।
Question 2.
How did Babuli feel when he reached home?
जब बबुली घर पहुँची तो उसने कैसा महसूस किया।
When Babuli reached home, he found that the stillness of the graveyard had clutched the entire house. Everything was clear that the family was preparing for its ultimate collapse. He tried to make himself normal and adjust with the prevailing situation. Although his second brother and his wife was present in the house, they had no care for him. Partition was destined in the family and he could do nothing to avoid it. As he was restless, he passed a sleepless night.
जब बबुली घर पहुँचा तो उसने पूरे घर में कब्रिस्तान की-सी खामोशी पसरा हुआ पाया। हर चीज ऐसा आभास दे रहा था कि जैसे परिवार टूटने के अंतिम चरण की तैयारी कर रहा है। उसने अपने-आप को सामान्य बनाने की पुरजोर कोशिश की तथा वर्तमान परिस्थितियों से खुद को समायोजित करने का प्रयास किया। हालाँकि उसका दूसरा भाई तथा उसकी पत्नी घर में मौजूद थे, किंतु उन्होंने उसकी तरफ कोई ध्यान नहीं दिया। बँटवारा इस घर की नियति बन चुका था, और वह इसे रोकने में कुछ भी करने में असमर्थ था। वह बेचैन था और रात भर सो नहीं पाया।
Question 3.
How did Babuli guess that the house was preparing for ultimate collapse?
बबुली ने कैसे यह अनुमान लगाया कि घर टूट के अंतिम चरण पर है?
When Babuli came home with his elder brother, no one came forward to receive him. Only his mother came to receive him. Although his second brother and his wife was present in the house, they showed no emotion towards him. The entire house was going to divided into three parts but they had no care for it. Babuli realized that partition was the ultimate fate of the house and nobody could avoid it. Even he was helpless to stop this partition.
जब बबुली अपने बड़े भाई के साथ घर में आया उसकी अगवानी करने के लिए कोई नहीं आया। उसका स्वागत करने के लिए केवल उसकी माँ सामने आई। यद्यपि उसका दूसरा भाई तथा उसकी पत्नी घर में मौजूद थे। किंतु उन्होंने उसके प्रति किसी भी भावना का प्रदर्शन नहीं किया। पूरा घर तीन भागों में विभाजित होने जा रहा था, किंतु उन्हें इसकी चिंता नहीं थी। बबुली को ऐसी आभास हुआ कि बँटवारा ही इस घर की अब अंतिम नियति है तथा अब कोई भी इसे रोक नहीं सकता। वह भी इस बँटवारे को रोकने में असमर्थ था।
Question 4.
Why did Babuli’s elder brother unfasten his watch and place on the heap of household articles?
बबुली के बड़े भाई ने अपनी घड़ी खोलकर घर के सामानों के अंबार पर क्यों रख दिया?
Babuli’s elder brother knew that his family was going to be divided. All the household articles were to be divided into three parts. They included small things like the ladles, the little box, the axe and the old radio set. Nothing was spared. Even the dhinki and the little figures of family idols were produced and a list was prepared. Babuli knew that father had bought the wrist-watch. So, his brother unfastened it and placed it on the heap of household articles.
बबुली के बड़े भाई को यह पता था कि उनका परिवार विभाजित होने जा रहा है। घर के सभी सामानों को तीन भागों में विभाजित किया जाना था। इसमें छोटी चीजें भी सम्मिलित थीं, जैसे-करछल, छोटा बॉक्स, कुल्हाड़ी तथा पुराना रेडियो सेट आदि। कुछ भी नहीं छोड़ा गया। यहाँ तक कि ढंकी तथा परिवार के देवी-देवताओं के छोटे-छोटे चित्र भी रखे गए तथा सूची तैयार की गई। बबुली को यह पता था कि कलाई घड़ी को उसके पिता जी ने खरीदा था। इसलिए उसके भाई ने इस कलाई घड़ी को उतारकर घर के सामानों के ढेर पर रख दिया।
Question 5.
How was Babuli’s elder brother his land and everything for him?
बबुली के बड़ी भाई उसके लिए भूमि तथा सब कुछ क्यों थे?
Babul’s elder brother took care of his every need from his very childhood. He always thought about his welfare. He brought him up like his own child. He sent him Bhubaneshwar for study. Babuli was in job but his brother never demanded anything from him. His brother was the same person for him. So he was the same source of support and happiness for him.
बबुली के बड़े भाई ने बचपन में उसका पूरा-पूरा ध्यान रखा था। उन्होंने हमेशा उसके कल्याण के लिए सोचा। उन्होंने उसे अपने पुत्र की तरह पाला था। उन्होंने उसे भुवनेश्वर अध्ययन के लिए भेजा था। बबुली नौकरी कर रहा था किंतु उसके भाई ने उससे कभी कुछ भी नहीं माँगा। उसके बड़े भाई उसके लिए वही व्यक्ति थे। इसलिए वह भी उनकी खुशी तथा समर्थन का समान स्रोत था।
Question 6.
Why did Babuli hand over the letter to his sister-in-law?
बबुली ने अपनी भाभी को पत्र क्यों सौंपा?
Babuli had lots of respect and regard for his elder brother. His elder brother had done everything for him. Babuli knew that he was indebted to him. At the same time he had no courage to face his brother. He knew that he had no use for the land in the village. As he was helpless to say anything before his elder brother, he wrote everything on a piece of paper and handed over it to his sister-in-law.
बबुली अपने बड़े भाई का बहुत अधिक सम्मान और इज्जत करता था। उसके बड़े भाई ने उसके लिए सब कुछ किया था। बबुली उनका ऋणी था। लेकिन इसके साथ ही वह उनका सामना करने की स्थिति में भी खुद को नहीं पा रहा था। वह जानता था कि गाँव में जमीन की उसके लिए कोई उपयोगिता नहीं है। चूंकि वह अपने बड़े भाई के समक्ष खुद को कुछ भी कह पाने में असमर्थ पा रहा था, इसलिए एक पन्ने पर सब कुछ लिखकर उसने अपनी भाभी को दे दिया।
Question 7.
Why did Babuli’s mother keep herself separate from the scene of partition?
बबुली की माँ ने बँटवारे के दृश्य से हटकर स्वयं को अलग क्यों कर लिया?
Babuli’s mother had nurtured her family after a great deal of hard work. She had three sons. She had desire that her sons might live happily and add to the fame of family. She was a widow and helpless to see her sons in go three different directions. Partition was a bolt from the blue. So she kept herself separate from the scene of partition.
बबुली की माँ ने अपने परिवार को कठिन मेहनत से पाला-पोसा था। उनके तीन पुत्र थे। उनकी इच्छा थी कि उनके पुत्र खुशीपूर्वक रहेंगे तथा परिवार का नाम रोशन करेंगे। वे एक विधवा थीं तथा अपने तीनों पुत्रों को विभिन्न दिशाओं में जाते हुए देख लाचार थीं। बँटवारा उनके लिए वज्रपात की तरह था। इसलिए उन्होंने बँटवारे के दृश्य से खुद को अलग रखा।
Question 8.
How did Babuli’s wife plan to spend money which she would receive after selling her husband’s share?
अपने पति के हिस्से को बेचकर प्राप्त पैसे से बबुली की पत्नी की किस मद में खर्च करने की योजना थी।
Babuli’s wife had a selfish plan to spend money which she would receive after selling her husband’s share.She wanted to buy a fridge because summer was near. She also wanted to buy a second hand scooter for her husband. She had idea to keep the rest amount in the bank. It was a matter of around twenty-thousand rupees.
बबुली की पत्नी की अपने पति के हिस्से को बेचकर प्राप्त धन से खर्च करने की स्वार्थपरक योजना थी।क्योंकि गरमी नजदीक थी, इसलिए वह एक फ्रिज खरीदना चाहती थी। वह अपने पति के लिए एक पुराना स्कूटर भी खरीदना चाहती थी। उसकी योजना बाकी रकम बैंक में जमा करने की थी। यह बीस हजार रुपये का मामला था।
Question 9.
What request did Babuli make in the letter?
अपने पत्र में बबुली ने क्या विनती की?
Babuli openly wrote in the letter that his elder brother was everything for him. He did not need the paddy fields.He had no use for them. His elder brother was his land which could produce everything in his life. He needed his brother only. If he denied to accept his share of land, he would never show his face to him.
बबुली ने अपने पत्र में स्पष्ट शब्दों में लिखा कि उसके बड़े भाई ही उसके लिए सब कुछ हैं। उसने धान के खेत की जरूरत नहीं हैं। इसकी उसके लिए कोई उपयोगिता नहीं है। उसके बड़े भाई ही उससे लिए खेत हैं, जिनसे वह अपने जीवन में सब कुछ उत्पादन कर सकता है। उसे केवल अपने भाई की जरूरत है। यदि वे उसके हिस्से की जमीन को स्वीकार नहीं करेंगे तो वह कभी भी अपना मुँह उन्हें नहीं दिखाएगा।
Question 10.
How did Babuli’s elder brother show his reaction during the entire process of partition?
बँटवारे की संपूर्ण प्रक्रिया के दौरान बबुली के बड़े भाई की प्रतिक्रिया क्या थी?
Babuli’ elder brotheralways maintained his coolness. He sincerely attended the entire proceedings of partition. He never showed any restlessness and anger. He demonstrated the same clam and composed voice when he discussed anything with the second brother. Babuli never found any sign of distrust and regret in his behavior.
बबुली के बड़े भाई ने अपना धैर्य बनाए रखा। वे गंभीरतापूर्वक बँटवारे की पूरी प्रक्रिया को देखते रहे। उन्होंने कभी भी किसी प्रकार की बेचैनी अथवा गुस्सा का प्रदर्शन नहीं किया। अपने मझले भाई के साथ बात करते हुए उन्होंने शांत और संतुलित व्यवहार का प्रदर्शन किया। बबुली ने उनके व्यवहार में जरा भी अविश्वास अथवा पश्चात्ताप का भाव नहीं पाया।
Question 11.
Why is city life called moribund by Babuli?
बबुली ने शहरी जीवन को मृतप्राय क्यों करार दिया?
City life has completely changed Babuli’s life. He is heavily engrossed in hectic hours of days. His life is surrounded by busy schedules. The invisible tide of time and business has made him a slave. He has no time to think about his mother and elder brother even. It seems that happiness from his life is gone for ever. So he called city life moribund.
शहरी जीवन ने बबुली के जीवन को पूरी तरह से बदल दिया था। वह समय की व्यस्तता में पूरी तरह से डूब गया था। उसका जीवन व्यस्त दिनचर्या में घिर गया था। समय और व्यवसाय के अदृश्य प्रवाह ने उसे दास बना दिया था। उसके पास अपनी माँ तथा बड़े भाई के बारे में सोचने का समय नहीं था। ऐसा प्रतीत हो रहा था कि जैसे उसके जीवन की खुशी सदा के लिए चली गई है। इसलिए उसने शहरी जीवन को मृतप्राय बताया।
Question 12.
Give a short character sketch of Babuli.
बबुली का संक्षिप्त चरित्र-चित्रण कीजिए।
Babuli is a typical city Babu. In his student’s life, his family and village often remained the centre of attraction for him. He was always far from the moribund city. But now he has forgotten all about his village. He has maintained no contact with the members of the family. He is a man of patience and often keeps himself cool. Ultimately he becomes a victim of circumstance and participates in the family partition. His elder brother is a mark of respect and gratitude for him. He hands over his share of land to his elder brother as a tribute.
बबुली एक ठेठ शहरी बाबू बन गया था। उसके छात्र जीवन में उसका परिवार तथा गाँव अक्सर उसे आकर्षण का केंद्र बने रहने का स्मरण दिलाते थे। वह हमेशा मरणासन्न शहर से दूर भागता था। किंतु अब वह अपने गाँव को भूल चुका था। वह अपने परिवार के सदस्यों के साथ भी संबंध नहीं बना पा रहा था। वह धैर्यवान व्यक्ति था तथा हमेशा ठंडे दिमाग से काम लेता था। अंततोगत्वा वह परिस्थितियों की मार का शिकार हो गया तथा उसे पारिवारिक बँटवारे में भाग लेना पड़ा। उसके बड़े भाई उसके लिए आदर एवं कृतज्ञता के प्रतीक थे। उसने योगदान के रूप में। अपने हिस्से की जमीन अपने बड़े भाई को दे दी।
Questions For Practice
1. What forced Babuli to visit the village?
बबुली को गाँव जाने के लिए किसने बाध्य किया?
2. What made Babuli a sahari (City) Babu?
बबुली को शहरी बाबू किसने बनाया?
3. What complaint did Babuli’s mother have against him?
बबुली की माँ ने उससे किस बात की शिकायत की?
4. Babuli did not sell his share of land to his second brother. Why?
बबुली ने अपने दूसरे भाई को जमीन क्यों नहीं बेचा?
5. What was Babuli’s greatest tribute to his elder brother?
बबुली के द्वारा अपने बड़े भाई को दिया गया सबसे बड़ा योगदान क्या था?
6. How did Babuli enjoy his journey to the village?
अपनी गाँव की यात्रा का आनंद बबुली ने किस प्रकार से उठाया?
7. Describe the childhood memory of Babuli which fascinated you?
बबुली के बाल्यावस्था के उस संस्मरण का वर्णन कीजिए, जो आपको आकर्षित करता हो।
8. How could Babuli’s mother have avoided family division?
बबुली की माँ ने किस प्रकार से पारिवारिक विभाजन की अनदेखी की?
9. What is the symbolic value of the wrist-watch worn by Babuli’s elder brother?
बबुली के बड़े भाई के द्वारा पहनी गई कलाई घड़ी का प्रतीकात्मक महत्व क्या है?
10. What did the tattered blanket remind Babuli?
फटे-पुराने कंबल ने बबुली को क्या स्मरण दिलाया?
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