Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 11 English Letter Writing Business Letters
1. Format प्रारूप :
Sender’s Address ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Date : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Letter No./Reference No. (if any)………………………………………………………………
Designation/Name and Complete Address
of the Recipient…………………………………………………………………………………………….
Ending ………………………………………………………………………..
Closing Phrase/s ……………………………………………………….
Signature …………………………………………………………………….
Name of the Business Firm……………………………………………
Name of the Sender………………………………………………………
Designation of the Sender……………………………………………..
Enclosure(s) (if any) :
1. Post Script (if any) : …………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Parts of Business Letters :
1. Sender’s Address – पत्र भेजने वाला व्यापारिक प्रतिष्ठान अपना पूर्ण पता मय फोन नम्बर, मोबाइल नम्बर, ई-मेल पता आदि लिखता है। प्रेषक का पता दायें अथवा बायें किसी भी तरफ लिखा जा सकता है। इसमें भेजने वाले का नाम सम्मिलित नहीं करते हैं। Punctuation marks का प्रयोग प्रायः नहीं करते हैं।
2. Date – जिस दिन पत्र लिखा जाता है उस दिन की तारीख यहाँ लिखते हैं।
3. Letter Number/Reference No. (if any) – पत्र लिखने वाला व्यापारिक प्रतिष्ठान प्रत्येक पत्र पर नम्बर डालता है ताकि आवश्यकता पड़ने पर उसे तुरन्त ढूँढ़ा जा सके। कुछ प्रतिष्ठान यह नम्बर नहीं डालते। वे केवल दिनांक से काम चला लेते हैं।
4. Designation/Name and Complete Address of the Recipient – जैसे पत्र लिखा जा रहा है उसे व्यापारिक प्रतिष्ठान के अधिकारी का पद, व्यापारिक प्रतिष्ठान का नाम व उसका पूर्ण पता लिखा जाता है। यदि आवश्यक न हो तो प्रतिष्ठान के अधिकारी के पद को न लिखें। सीधे ही, Messrs या M/s लिखकर व्यापारिक प्रतिष्ठान का नाम व पता लिख दें। यह केवल बायीं तरफ ही लिखा जाता है तथा प्रायः punctuation marks का प्रयोग नहीं करते हैं।
5. Subject (विषय) – जिस सम्बन्ध में पत्र लिखा जा रहा है उसका संकेत यहाँ दिया जाता है। विषय हमेशा संक्षिप्त व सटीक होना चाहिए। ‘विषय’ को Salutation के बाद भी लिखा जा सकता है।
6. Salutation (सम्बोधन)
(i) यदि व्यापारिक प्रतिष्ठान के किसी अधिकारी को पत्र लिखा जा रहा है और वह अधिकारी पुरुष है तो Dear Sir लिखें। किन्तु यदि वह महिला है तो Dear Madam लिखें।
(ii) यदि पत्र सीधे व्यापारिक प्रतिष्ठान के नाम पर लिखा है तो Dear Sirs लिखें। Gentlemen भी लिखा जा सकता है।
7. Communication – यह पत्र का केन्द्रीय भाग है। आपको लगभग बराबर-बराबर शब्दों के दो या तीन Paragraphs बनाने हैं। आपकी भाषा (language) मधुर व स्पष्ट (clear) होनी चाहिए। वाक्य short होने चाहिए। Communication लिखते समय भूमिका न बनाएँ। जो विषय प्रेषित करना है उसे सीधे ही लिखना आरम्भ कर दें। तथ्य व आँकड़ों का प्रयोग करें। निम्न expressions
से पत्र आरम्भ कर सकते हैं
- We wish to buy …………….
- We thank you very much for your letter of enquiry dated ……………….
- We are pleased to send you a copy of our latest illustrated catalogue showing our entire range of …………………
- We have planned to give a heavy discount in our ‘Clearance Sale’ of ……………
- You will be pleased to know ………………….
- This has reference to your advertisement in The Dainik Bhaskar dated 10 Aug. 20_for……………….
- Please send the following books through VPP……………….
- We thank you for your order dated ……………..
- We are sorry to say that the material sent by you doesn’t match the sample sent by us ………………..
- Many of our customers are complaining about your product …………………..
8. Endings ( समाप्ति ) – पत्र का अन्त ऐसे संक्षिप्त वाक्य से करें जो आपकी intimacy (नजदीकी सम्बन्ध) को show करे व अन्त में ‘Thanking you’ लिखें तो अच्छा है। जैसे-
- We anticipate an early response.
- Awaiting to hear from you soon.
- Always ready to serve you.
- Looking forward to hearing from you.
- An early reply would be appreciated.
9. Closing Phrases – इसमें अधिकतर Yours faithfully का use करते हैं। Yours sincerely : आदि का भी use हो सकता है।
10. Signature – पत्र लिखने वाला हस्ताक्षर करता है।
11. Name of the Business Firm – व्यापारिक प्रतिष्ठान का नाम ‘For’ लगाकर लिखें। जैसे For Reliance Industries Ltd.
12. Name of the Sender – भेजने वाला अपना नाम लिखे। जैसे-
- P.K. Gupta
- Mahesh Sharma
13. Designation of the Sender – पत्र भेजने वाला अपना पद इस प्रकार लिखता है-
- (Sales Manager)
- (Proprietor)
- (Partner)
- (Managing Director)
14. Enclosure(s) – पत्र के साथ जो भी दस्तावेज संलग्न किया जाता उसको/उनको क्रमबद्ध रूप से यहाँ लिखा जाता है क्योंकि पत्र के Communication उस/उन दस्तावेजों का जिक्र किया जा चुका है। जैसे।
Encl :
- Cheque No. ……………….. dt. …………… for Rs.
- Attested. Copy of Marksheet for Graduation.
15. Post Script – पत्र लिखते समय यदि कोई महत्त्वपूर्ण बिन्दु छूट गये हों तो उनको इसमें लिखते हैं। इसके प्रयोग से बचा जाना चाहिए। जैसे
Please, send our dishonoured cheque No. 234567 dated 11.10. for Rs. two lac at your earliest.
[नोट-(1) पत्र लिखने वाले का पता व दिनांक दायीं या बायीं किसी भी तरफ लिखा जा सकता है। इसी प्रकार closing phrase तथा signature भी दायीं या बायीं किसी भी तरफ लिखे जा सकते हैं। किन्तु वर्तमान में इन्हें बायीं तरफ लिखने का प्रचलन अधिक है।
(2) पते, दिनांक, सम्बोधन तथा closing phrase में वर्तमान में विराम चिन्हों यथा| कोमा, फुलस्टॉप का प्रयोग सामान्यतया नहीं किया जाता है। इनका प्रयोग अत्यावश्यक होने पर ही किया जाता है।]
1. Letters for Business Enquiries/Asking for Information :
Question 1.
You are the proprietor of M/s Gupta Book Store, P.G. Road, Doongerpur. You want bulk supply of ‘Sanjiv English Course for XI class on cash payment.Write a letter to M/s Sanjiv Prakashan, Chaura Rasta, Jaipur for making necessary enquiries.
Gupta Book Store P.G. Road Doongerpur Ph. : ….
11 July 20 – –
No. : GBSD/BE/121
Sales Manager
Sanjiv Prakashan
Chaura Rasta
Sub. : Enquiry about bulk supply of Sanjiv English Course-Class 11.
Dear Sir
We want twenty – one thousand Sanjiv English Course for XI class by 21st July. The edition must be of 20 – – .
We will make cash payment. We would like to know your terms and conditions and whether you can supply the above cited or not. Awaiting to hear from you soon.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
For Gupta Book Store
Vishnu Kaushik
Question 2.
Write a letter to a wholesaler of ready made garments asking for quotations for ready made garments and their terms regarding payment and delivery and rate of discount.
106 Johari Bazar
Jaipur 302003
18 Aug. 20 – –
J.B. Sons
48/106 Gandhi Nagar
New Delhi
Sub. : Send quotation for ready made garments.
Dear Sir
We are interested in dealing in your ready made garments. Please send us your ratelist and quotations for ready made garments. We also want to know the rate of discount and terms regarding payment and delivery.
Please reply early.
Yours faithfully
For Navdeep
Deepak Kumar
Question 3.
You are Narain Das Gupta of Jaipur. Write a letter to the manager of a local bank for asking information about how to open a saving bank account.
127 Shastri Nagar
12 March 20 – –
The Manager
UCO Bank
Shastri Nagar Branch
Sub. : To open a Saving Bank a/c
Respectfully I bring to your notice that I am a teacher in Subodh Sr. Sec. School. I want to open a Savings Bank a/c with your bank. Please advise and send necessary forms to me at an early date.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Narain Das Gupta
Question 4.
You have a firm namely Dangayach & Sons. You want to know the financial position of the firm Messrs Brij Basi & Sons. Write a letter to the Manager of Allahabad Bank Ltd. as the firm has given its reference.
10 SMS Road
10 January 20 – –
The Manager
Allahabad Bank Ltd.
Kishanpole Bazar Branch
Jaipur Sub. : Inquiry as to Financial Position Dear Sir Messrs Brij Basi & Sons of Chhoti Chaupar have given your Bank as reference. We consider it a great favour if you would kindly state what you know about the standing and financial position of this firm, especially in regard to the amount of credit which you might safely be extended to them.
Thanks in anticipation.
Yours faithfully
For Dangayach & Sons
Om Dangayach
Question 5.
You are Manager of Allahabad Bank Ltd. A firm namely Dangayach & Sons requested you to avail the details about the financial position of the firm Messrs Basi & Sons. Draft a letter replying to the enquiry.
Allahabad Bank Ltd.
Kishanpole Bazar Branch
16 January 20 – – .
Messrs Dangayach & Sons
10 SMS Road
Sub. : Reply to the Inquiry about the financial position of the firm Gentlemen
It is against the custom of bankers to reply direct to private enquiries. If, you, therefore make an application through your bankers, we shall be pleased to furnish them with the necessary information.
Yours faithfully
For Allahabad Bank Ltd.
Satya Prakash
Question 6.
You are Mohit Jain. You are working as a manager in Sahitya Prakashan. Your firm wants to deal with Messrs Sanjiv Prakashan Ltd. Write a letter to enquire for goods and quotations.
Sahitya Prakashan
Hospital Road
14 January 20 – –
Messrs Sanjiv Prakashan Ltd.
SMS Highway
Sub. : Asking to send the price list of publications/goods Dear Sirs As you have recently published something new. This firm wants to know the details. Please send us your latest illustrated price list for recent publications at a very early date and oblige.
Yours faithfully
For Sahitya Prakashan
Mohit Jain
Question 7.
You are manager in M/s. Sanjiv Prakashan Ltd. You have been requested to send the price-list/quotations by Sahitya Prakashan. Write a reply enclosing the price-list/qudations and try to get the order.
Sanjiv Prakashan Ltd.
SMS Highway
Jaipur 18 January 20 – –
Messrs Sahitya Prakashan
Hospital Road
Sub. : Sending the price-list/Quotations on demand
Dear Sirs
Kindly refer to your request of 14 January 20 – – . We are sending herewith for your perusal our latest price list with lowest possible quotations. Should you favour us with your order, you may rest assured that everything will be done to please you in the execution of your order.
Yours faithfully
For Sanjiv Prakashan Ltd.
2. Letters for Business Complaints :
1. You have had a defective washing machine from the dealer. Write to him for its replacement.
137 Jawahar Nagar
12 October 20 – –
M/s L.K. Agency
Station Road
Jaipur Sub. : Replacement of defective washing machine.
Dear Sirs
I regret to inform you that on 8 October, 20 – – . I purchased a Tiger washing machine from your shop vide cash memo No. 372 of that date. On 9th October the machine worked alright. But today the machine does not work. It has jammed. The other defect is that water leaks out from its water tank. You are requested to replace this machine at an early date.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Raj Kumar Seth
Question 2.
Write an imaginary letter from a wholesaler to a retailer, asking for the settlement of an overdue account.
Adarsh Prakashan
Chaura Rasta
Jaipur-302003 12 Feb. 20 – – .
M/s Ratna Book Depot
84, Madar Gate
Ajmer Sub. : Settlement of the overdue account.
Dear Sirs
We wish to call your attention to our bill for Rs. 1,60,000, payment of which is long overdue. We have sent you several reminders, but have received from you no reply. We must ask you to settle this account without further delay or we shall be obliged to take legal steps to recover the amount due to us.
Hoping a favourable reply.
Yours faithfully
For Adarsh Prakashan
Suresh Meena
Question 3.
Suppose you purchased some refrigerators for your firm Mohan Electronics Pvt. Ltd. Later you found these defective. Write a letter of complaint to the supplier.
MOHAN ELECTRONICS PVT. LTD. (AN ISO 9002 COMPANY) 50 P.G. Road, JAIPUR Ph. : ………………………. e-mail : MEPL@yahoo.com |
15 Jan. 20 – – Letter No. MEPL/CM/121 Messrs Pant Refrigerator House D.B. Road. New Delhi |
Sub. : Complaint against supply of defective refrigerators.
Ref. : Our Order No. MEPL/S/110 dt. 15 Dec. 20 – – Dear Sirs
We are sorry to say that we have received defective refrigerators against the above cited order. Please, send the fresh supply within a week and oblige.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
For Mohan Electronics Pvt. Ltd.
Rameshwar Sharma
(Sales Manager)
3. Letters for Placement of a Person :
Question 1.
Draft a letter for placement for the post of Stenographer in Subodh Senior Secondary School, Jaipur that was advertised in “The Times of India’ on 4. February, 20 – -.
25 Bharati Colony
11 February 20 – – .
The Principal
Subodh Senior Sec. School
Sub. : Resume for the job of a Stenographer
This is with reference to your advertisement in “The Times of India’ on 4 February, 20 – – . for the post of a Stenographer.
I am at present working with Surendra and Company in Dausa. My family is stationed at Jaipur. I find it rather difficult to go to Dausa daily and come back. My parents are old. They are sick and require constant care and attendance. So I am looking up for a job in Jaipur.
I have one year’s experience. I assure you of my best services if given a chance. I am enclosing my Bio-data for your perusal.
Yours faithfully
Name : Mahendra Gupta
Address : 25 Bharati Colony, Jaipur
Date of Birth : December 15, 19 – –
Marital Status : Married
Educational Qualifications : B.A. (Rajasthan University), JAIPUR
Job Experience : Working for last one year with Surendra & Co., Dausa
Expected Salary : Rs. 12,000 P.M.
References : Mr. Nair Head Sales Division, Surendra & Co., Dausa .
Question 2.
You are Radha Mohan. You found an advertisement in Dainik Bhaskar for the post of a clerk given by Jaipur Plastics-Jaipur. You want to apply for the same. Write an application to the manager describing your qualifications and experience.
30/102 Malviya Nagar
25 Jan. 20 – –
The Manager
Jaipur Plastics
Ajmer Road
Sub. : Application for the post of a clerk.
Dear Sir
In response to your advertisement in Dainik Bhaskar dated 15th Jan., 20 – -, for the post of a clerk, I want to submit my candidature for the same. The following is a brief description of my qualifications and experience.
Name : Radha Mohan
Age : 26 years
Education : B.Com. (I Division) (20_) Extra
Qualification : Hindi and English typing
Work Experience : 3 years’ experience as a lower divisional clerk in a private firm.
Besides my academic qualifications, I have been a good player of hockey and volley-ball during my college career. I have also participated in debates and won good many certificates and prizes.
If given a chance, I promise to serve your concern to the best of my abilities.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Radha Mohan
Question 3.
Write an application to the Director, School Education on applying for the post of a lecturer in English.
12 July 20 – –
The Director
School Education
Govt. of Rajasthan, Jaipur
Sub. : For the post of a Lecturer in English.
This is in response to your advertisement for the post of a few lecturers in English in the “Rajasthan Patrika’, dated 10 July, 20 – -. Respectfully I offer my services (candidature) for the same post. My details are given below :
Name : Ganesh Purohit
Father’s Name : Shri Shiv Kumar Purohit
Postal Address : 37, Pawan Puri, Bikaner – 334001
Academic Qualifications : (i) M.A. (Eng. Lit.); II Division; 59 percent marks; 20 – – ; Rajasthan University, (ii) B.A. (Eng. Lit.); II Division; 56 percent marks; 20 – – ; Rajasthan University
Others : Took part in N.C.C., Games & Sports
Experience : Have been working as a lecturer in English in Todi School, Lachmangarh since July, 20 – –
Age etc. : About 26 years (d.o.b. 17 July, 19 – -); robust (good) health
Interests and Hobbies : Music, reading books (in English), watching cricket matches
Strength : Sincerity, helping nature, optimistic
Weakness : Emotional by nature, Ethical ·
Nationality and State : Indian; Rajasthan
Marital Status : Married, one child
I attach herewith attested copies of my certificates and testimonials for your perusal. In case I am appointed, I assure you, Sir, to satisfy all the concerned with my work and conduct.
Looking forward
Yours faithfully
Ganesh Purohit
Question 4.
Write a job application for door to door Executive required by The Hindustan Times, Jaipur. Invent details.
21 Scheme No. 2
07 May 20 – –
The Managing Director (Personnel)
The Hindustan Times
Re : Recruitment of door to door Executive.
In response to your advertisement appeared in your reputed English daily of 6th instant, I offer my services for the same. My curriculum vitae is enclosed herewith for your ready reference.
I am a young man with a dream and drive. I like to meet challenges. If given an opportunity, I’ll prove as asset.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Vijay Kumar
Encl. : 1. Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
1. Name : Vijay Kumar
2. Father’s Name : Sh. Manohar Lal
3. Date of Birth : 01.01.19
4. Address : 21 Scheme No. 2, Jaipur-11
5. Phone No… : (M) ……………..
6. Qualification : Studying in XII class ‘St. Vivekanand’. School, Jaipur
7. Additional Skills : I have a driving licence. I have good communication skills. I have pleasant personality.
4. Letters for Placement of Orders :
Question 1.
Write a letter to Messrs Jain Pustak Mandir, Chaura Rasta, Jaipur ordering the book Modern English by N. Krishnaswami. Also request them to send the book by V.P.P.
131 Adarsh Nagar
12 July 20 – –
Jain Pustak Mandir
Chaura Rasta
Sub. : Sending a copy of the book “Modern English’ by N. Krishnaswami.
Dear Sir
Kindly send me a copy of Modern English by N. Krishnaswami by V.P.P. I will make the necessary payment on the receipt of the book.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
R.N. Dixit
Question 2.
Your firm received the price list and a letter sent by Messrs Sanjiv Prakashan, Jaipur. You found the prices appropriate. Draft a letter placing the order for the supply of books/goods.
Singhania Brothers
10 Topdara
24 January 20 – –
Messrs Sanjiv Prakashan
SMS Highway, Jaipur
Sub. : Order for the supply of books/goods
Dear Sirs
We have received your letter of 14th instant and also your price – list by the same post.
We send herewith order No. 3042 and shall be glad if you execute it as early as possible forwarding the goods by passenger train.
Yours faithfully
For Singhania Brothers
A.S. Singhania
Question 3.
Draft a letter executing order for the supply of books/goods.
Sanjiv Prakashan Ltd.
SMS Highway
29 January 20 – –
Messrs Singhania Brothers
10 Topadara Ajmer
Sub. : Execution of order for books/goods
Dear Sir
We have received your favour of 24 January containing Order No. 3042 for which we thank you. We send you herewith invoice for the goods. The required books are being sent today by the passenger train. We hope they will arrive safely and give you every satisfaction. Looking forward to your future orders.
Yours faithfully
For Sanjiv Prakashan Ltd.
Question 4.
You work as a manager in the firm Satya Prakash Gupta & Bros. Stockist & Agent, Jaipur. You sent an order earlier to Ms. Singhania & Sons, Ajmer. Later you found the terms and conditions unfavorable. Draft a letter cancelling the order.
Satya Prakash Gupta & Bros.
Stockist & Agent
15 Bara Mori
15 January 20 – –
Messrs Singhania & Sons
Stockists & Agents
15 Krishna Ganj
Sub. : Cancellation of order already sent
Dear Sir
We sent you an order to supply some books published by you. Now we found that your terms and conditions do not suit us. We regretfully want to inform you that we don’t need the supply now. So, please cancel our order No. 37 of 8 January 20 – – and inform accordingly.
Yours faithfully
For Satya Prakash Gupta & Bros.
Satya Prakash
Question 5.
Write a letter to a firm, ordering a pair of football boots. Mention the size, shape and quality required, and the method by which they are to be sent and paid for.
403 Kaveri Path
26 August 20 – –
M/s Nataraj Shoe Palace
84 Madar Gate
Sub. : Sending a pair of football boots.
Dear Sir
Your establishment has a reputation for foot – wears of highest quality, quick delivery and reasonable price. I need a pair of football boots of the following description. Kindly send them by V.P.P. –
Size – 9 (Nine)
Shape – Rounded at toes
Quality – Red Chief or Bata
Number of Pairs – 1
Hope to receive the delivery early.
Yours faithfully
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