Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 11 English Letter Writing Official Letters
- कार्यालयी पत्र सरकारी व अर्द्ध-सरकारी कार्यालयों के अधिकारियों को लिखा जाता है।
- इस पत्र में औपचारिक भाषा (Formal Language) का use करें।
- इस पत्र में तथ्य (Facts) व आंकड़े (Statistics) देने चाहिए।
- पत्र to the point (सटीक) लिखना है। किसी भी तरह की भूमिका बनाने की आवश्यकता नहीं है।
- वाक्य short रखें व अर्थ स्पष्ट (clear) रहना चाहिए।
1. Official Letter का प्रारूप (Format)
Sender’s Address …………………………………………………………..
Date : ……………………………………………………………………………
Letter No./Reference No. (if any)……………………………………
Receiver’s Designation……………………………………………………
Name of the Department ……………………………………………….
Address …………………………………………………………………………
Communication …………………………………………………………….
Ending …………………………………………………
Complimentary Phrase …………………………
Sender’s Signature ……………………………….
Sender’s Name ……………………………………..
Sender’s Designation (if any) ………………..
Enclosure(s) (if any) :
2. Parts of Official Letters :
- Sender’s Address – पत्र भेजने वाला यहाँ अपना पता लिखता है।
- Date – यहाँ, पत्र लिखने का दिनांक लिखा जाता है।.
- Letter Number/Reference No.- यह पत्र का क्रमांक नम्बर (यदि है तो ही लिखें अन्यथा इस भाग को न लिखें) लिखना होता है।
- Receiver’s Designation – पत्र प्राप्तकर्ता का पद यहाँ लिखना है।
- Name of the Department – पत्र प्राप्तकर्ता अधिकारी किस सरकारी या अर्द्ध-सरकारी विभाग में है उस विभाग का नाम यहाँ लिखें।
- Address – पत्र प्राप्तकर्ता अधिकारी के कार्यालय का पता यहाँ लिखना है।
- Subject – पत्र किस बात से सम्बन्धित है, यह Subject के अन्तर्गत लिखना है। इसे संक्षिप्त में ही लिखें।
- Salutation – Sir या Madam से ही सम्बोधित करना है।
- Communication – पत्र किस विषय पर है उसे प्रमाण, तथ्यों व आँकड़ों सहित यहाँ लिखना है। Communication को दो या तीन या अधिक
- Paragraphs में बाँट लें। एक Paragraph में एक बिन्दु (बात) ही उठाएँ। Communication संक्षिप्त व सटीक (to the point) रखें।
- Ending – उपर्युक्त Communication का अन्त विनम्रता किन्तु दृढ़ता से करें। जैसे
- I hope you will take necessary steps………
- I hope you find my suggestions practicable.
- We look forward to your expert guidance.
- An immediate intervention is requested.
- Complimentary Phrase : Yours faithfully का सामान्यतः use किया जाता है। Principals आदि के लिए Yours obediently का use करते हैं।
- Sender’s signature : भेजने वाला अपने हस्ताक्षर करता है।
- Sender’s Name : पत्र लिखने वाले का नाम लिखते हैं।
- Sender’s Designation (if any) : पत्र लेखक का पद यहाँ लिखते हैं।
- Enclosure(s) : पत्र के साथ संलग्न दस्तावेजों को क्रमबद्ध रूप से यहाँ लिखते हैं।
[नोट – (1) पत्र लिखने वाले का पता व दिनांक दायीं या बायीं किसी भी तरफ लिखा जा सकता है इसी प्रकार closing phrase तथा signature भी दयीं या बायीं किसी भी तरफ लिखे जा सकते हैं। किन्तु वर्तमान में इन्हें बायीं तरफ लिखने का प्रचलन अधिक है।
(2) पते, दिनांक, सम्बेधन तथा closing phrase में वर्तमान में विराम चिह्नों यथा कोमा, फुलस्टॉप का प्रयोग सामान्यतया नहीं किया जाता है। इनका प्रयोग अत्यावश्यक होने पर ही क्रिया जाता है]
1. Official Letters for Enquiries/Asking for Information
Question 1.
Imagine you are Raj Kumar having a graduate degree in B.Sc. with Electronics as the main subject. You intend to have a course in Computer Science. Write a letter of inquiry to an educational institution.
425 Mahesh Nagar
25 July 20 – –
The Director
18 C-Scheme
Sub. : Enquiry for Course in Computer Science.
I have passed the B.Sc. degree examination with Electronics as the main subject. I intend to have a course in Computer Science and would like to know the details of the courses taught at your institution. Could you please send me a copy of your prospectus ?
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Raj Kumar
Question 2.
Write a letter to the Lost Property Department, Railway Station, Ajmer, requesting him to look for your suitcase you left in Kachiguda Express on 2nd July, 20 – – . in Coach No. F-15.
437 Kesar Ganj
Ajmer 3 July 20 – –
The In-charge
Lost Property Department
Railway Station
Sub. : To make enquiry for the lost Suitcase
I bring to your notice that I reached Ajmer on 2 July, 20 – – at about 9 p.m. by the Kachiguda Express. It terminates at Ajmer. I was travelling in Coach No. F-15. I was in a hurry. I forgot my suitcase in the coach. It is a brown V.I.P. suitcase. On its right side my name – Ankit Johri, Ajmer is written. Please look for my suitcase. Please inform me about the position.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Gaurav Agarwal
Question 3.
Write a letter to the Postmaster about a money-order which you have not received yet.
29 July 20 – –
The Post Master
I have been informed by my elder brother Shri Ravinder Seth that on July 2, he sent a money-order to me for Rs. 200/- from Sojati Gate, Jodhpur post-office vide receipt No. 195. I am sorry to inform you that the same has not yet been received by me. Please make an enquiry into the matter and arrange to pay me the amount of the money-order at an early date.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Question 4.
You are Sonia/Sonu of class XI A. Write a letter to the Secretary, Board of Secondary Education, Ajmer asking information about getting a Migration Certificate.
15 Vivekanand Hostel
Kesav Vidyapeeth
14 July 20 – –
The Secretary
Board of Secondary Education
Sub. : Information about getting a Migration Certificate
Respectfully I want to state that I have passed class X under your board in 20 – – 20 – – My father is an employee of central Govt. He has recently been transferred to other state. So, I am to study out of Rajasthan in 20 – – There would be need of a Migration certificate. Please dispatch the relevant information in this regard to me.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Class XI A
Question 5.
You are Parvati/Shivlal of class XI. You want a new ration card. Write a letter to the Sub-divisional Officer (Food Supply) of your area to ask information about the process of new ration card.
15 Ganesh Colony
14 Nov. 20 – –
Sub-divisional officer (Food Supply)
Sub. : Information about the process of a new ration card. Sir I am a student of class XI. I am the resident of the above cited address. I am to get issued a new ration card. Please give me information about its process. Thanking you Yours faithfully Parvati/Shivlal
2. Official Letters for Complaints
Question 1.
Write a letter to the Head Postmaster complaining against the irregular delivery of letters in your locality.
15 Ram Nagar
23 Nov. 20 – –
The Head Postmaster
Regional Post Office
P.G. Road
Sub. : Irregular delivery of letters in Ram Nagar Locality. Sir Please, take immediate notice of the irregular delivery of letters in Ram Nagar locality. The delayed receipt of letters is causing great inconvenience to the residents. The postman says that he is overburdened. The locality is vast. So, please, ensure immediate posting of another postman.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Purushottam Gupta
Question 2.
Write a letter to the Collector of your district to ban the use of loudspeaker.
P.G. Road
2 March 20 – –
The Hon’ble Collector
District of Udaipur
Sub. : A request to ban the use of loudspeaker. Sir/Madam The injudicious use of loudspeaker is adding troubles to the citizens of the district. Students find themselves unable to concentrate upon studies. Patients can’t have peaceful sleep and rest. Residents are deprived of tranquility. Moreover cases of deafness have been reported to be growing. Thus, you are urged to ban the unwise use of loudspeaker.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Residents Welfare Society
Question 3.
Write a letter to the Chairman, Municipal Board, of your town complaining about insanitary conditions in your locality.
128 Vyas Colony
15 Nov. 20 – –
The Chairman
Municipal Board
Sub. : Insanitary Conditions
I beg to bring to your kind notice about insanitary conditions in our locality. The sweeper does not come regularly. His behaviour is not good. There are heaps of rubbish and night soil here and there. The drains are broken at many places. They are clogged due to rubbish in them. Dirty water is on the road. The streets have become very dirty. It is very difficult even to walk on foot. There is bad smell everywhere. Diseases may break out. Our life is hell here. Please visit our locality some day and see the position yourself. Please look into the matter immediately and do the needful.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Prakash Sethia
Question 4.
Write a letter to the Chairman, Municipal Board of your town complaining about poor lighting in your locality.
137 Adarsh Colony
10 February 20 – –
The Chairman
Municipal Board
Sub. : Poor Lighting
Respectfully I bring to your kind notice about poor lighting in our locality. There are electric poles but no electricity. There is complete darkness at night. There had been many accidents. There may be cases of theft. Our life is in danger. Please look into the matter immediately and do the needful.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Vishnu Purohit
Question 5.
Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police of your town complaining against the thefts and street-quarrels going on in your locality.
125 Bikaji Colony
16 January 20 – –
The Superintendent of Police
Sub. : Thefts and bad-elements in our colony
Respectfully I bring to your kind notice about the deteriorating condition of law and order in our locality. There had been three cases of theft within a month in the locality. The cases have been reported to the police, but no result. There are some bad-elements in the locality. Sometimes they quarrel. Sometimes they tease the ladies and young girls. They are a headache to the peace-loving persons of the locality. Our life is always in danger. We request you to arrange for proper police-patrol at night and set-up a police chowki (station in the locality). Please look into the matter immediately and do the needful.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Question 6.
Write a letter to the Collector of your district to close the shop of wine near your school.
Govt. Secondary School
4 January 20 – –
The Collector
Jaipur District
Sub. : To close of wine shop near the school
There is a wine shop near our school. It is a nuisance for this locality. It is all the more undesirably located near the school building. Very often the people in a drunken state are found standing here using abusive language. It puts a bad effect on the students of this school. It is awfully hazardous for girl students passing that way. Ladies generally avoid going that way. Bad smell of wine is experienced even inside the school campus. We hope you understand the situation. We shall feel obliged if your good self takes interest to have this shop removed from this locality.
With regards
Yours faithfully
Class XI
Question 7.
You have not received your Roll Number card for the Class XII examination. Write a letter to the Registrar, Examination Branch, BSER asking for it.
21 Pratap Nagar
G.T. Road
23 Feb. 20 – –
The Registrar Examination Branch
Sub. : Non-receipt of Roll Number card for the Class XII Examination.
I, Hari Ram Bairwa S/o Sh. Ram Krishan Bairwa, resident of 21 Pratap Nagar, G.T. Road, Udaipur, haven’t received the Roll Number card for the Class XII examination.
I have enclosed a photocopy of the board examination form and of the fee receipt for your kind consideration.
Please, send it to me immediately.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Hari Ram Bairwa
3. Official Letter for Placement of a Person [नोट – इसके लिए Business Letters वाला भाग देखें]
4. Official Letters for Placement of Orders
Question 1.
You are Principal of Govt. Sr. Sec. School-Patan. Write a letter to Messrs Swami Iron Works – Jaipur to place order for supply of 10 official chairs, one official table and five full size almirahs.
Office Of The Principal, Govt. SR. SEC. School Patan
Letter No…..spl/1
Ph. No……….
Date : May 5, 20 – –
M/s Swami Iron Works
Sub. : Supply of table, chairs and almirahs
Dear Sirs
As you are an approved supplier by the State Government – Rajasthan for official items. I want you to supply the following items to this institution.
Please send these by your own carriage to the above given address. Your bill will be paid on receipt. Hope to receive the delivery soon.
Yours faithfully
Satya Prakash Tailor
G.S.S.S. – Patan
Question 2.
Imagine you are S.D.O. Neemkathana. Your office needs some official material. Order the concerned. Invent the details.
Office Of The Sub-Divisional Officer – Neemkathanai
Letter No. spl/2
Ph. No……
Date : May 6, 20 – –
M/s Durga Pustak & Stationers
Sub. : Supply of official material
As your rates have been found the lowest in tender process done on 4th of May in this office. The order to supply the following items is being sent to you :
Delay may result in cancellation.
Yours faithfully
Seva Ram Swami
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