Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 28 Main Characteristics of Indian Foreign Policy and Non-Alignment
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 28 Text book Questions
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 28 Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
The meaning of co-existence is :
(a) Live and let others live
(b) Struggle together
(c) Connect the boundaries of all nations
(d) Maintain own existence
(a) Live and let others live
Question 2.
The statement that does not match with the aim of Indian foreign policy :
(a) Opposing colonialism
(b) Expansion of imperialism
(c) Opposition of imperialism
(d) Faith in UNO
(b) Expansion of imperialism
Question 3.
Meaning of the word ‘Sheel’:
(a) Stamp
(b) Closing envelope
(c) Conduct
(d) Inscription
(c) Conduct
Question 4.
Membership of which organ of UNO is demanded by India?
(a) Gen. Assembly
(b) Trusteeship Council
(c) Security Council
(d) International Court
(c) Security Council
Question 5.
Who was the founder of non-alignment movement?
(a) Nehru
(b) Nasser
(c) Tito
(d) All of these
(d) All of these
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 28 Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Name the characteristics of Indian foreign policy.
- It is based on Panchsheel principles.
- It is associated with non-alignment.
Question 2.
What are the two principles of Panchsheel?
- Non-aggression
- Equality
Question 3.
Which are the founder nations of non-alignment movement?
- India
- Egypt
- Yugoslavia
Question 4.
When did Bangladesh get freedom?
It got freedom in 1971.
Question 5.
Write full name of UNO.
United Nations Organization.
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 28 Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Write a note on the principles of Panchsheel.
Principles of Panchsheel:
It is a based on the five principles of international conduct.
- Under this principle, the countries have mutual regard for one another’s sovereignty and integrity
- Under this principle, one country cannot attack another country without any reason.
- Under this principle, no country would interfere in the internal affairs of any country, in other words act under the limits.
- Under these principles, whatever policy is made to attain the aims, all countries should respect equally. In other words, this principle is based on the conception of unity.
- This principle supports peaceful co-existance.
Question 2.
What is colonialism?
Meaning of colonialism :
It indicates a dominating system in which a foreign society imposes social changes on another country forcibly or by political victory. It is associated with such a particular industrial capitalism in which financial right along with capital flows another country is controlled by the colonising country. In the form of regional capitalism system, it expresses the international division of labour.
The beginning of the colonial age took place due to the expansion of European countries in the countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America and in the other parts of the world.
Question 3.
What do you mean by apartheid?
This policy is based on the policy of partiality, separation, exploition, suppession on the basis of race and colour. It was widely used in South Africa after 1948. But after the first democratically held elections in 1994, it was officially eradicated from there. In western countries and in USA, there was partiality on the basis of colour. Nelson Mandela also had to face apartheid.
Question 4.
Tell the meaning of non-alignment
Different words like unattachment, non-alignment and stability are used for non-alignment. This word is generally used for a country’s policy which does not stand with any of warring countries, in other words, it does not favour any one power group and remains aloof from west and east from military point of view. It involves conduct of foreign policy in a justified way for the countries.
Question 5.
Explain the principle of co-existence.
Principle of co-existence :
The essence of Indian foreign policy is the “feeling of co-existence in a peaceful way”. It means giving help to other countries at the time of crises. If the countries would not live together in friendly way, no peace would establish in the world, thus, for the development of society, it is necessary to live in friendly with all countries. India believes in the concept of co-existence through the policy of Panchsheel and non-alignment. The principles of Panchsheel is an important base to encourage peaceful co-existence. The five principles of Panchsheel were declared jointly on April 29, 1954, by Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru and China’s premier Chou-en-lai.
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 28 Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Explain the chief characteristics of Indian foreign policy.
Chief characteristics :
The chief characteristics of Indian foreign policy can be clarified through the following points :
- Policy of peaceful co-existence :
Indian foreign policy supports the policy of peaceful co-existance. In other words, India follows friendly policy with neighbouring countries, so that peace may be established. “Live and let others live” is our culture which gives direction to our foreign policy. - Opposition of imperialism and colonialism :
Imperialist countries subvert the freedom of other countries and exploit them. Imperialism is the cause of struggles and wars India, itself, was a prey to imperialism and colonialism, so, Indian foreign policy is against the concept of narrow imperialist ideology, which stops the development of the global society and hence, real progress is hindered. - Opposition to apartheid :
Indian foreign policy is against- the policy of apartheid. It is against all countries who practise racial discrimination. India believes that no difference can be made among the people on the basis of colour and all are accepted equally. - Support to international institutions :
Indian foreign policy openly supports international institutions. After independence, accepting UND’s membership and its participation in its different programs and agencies amply shows this. In UNO security council, Indian claim of permanent membership, received much international support. This is a symbol of the success of our foreign policy. - Policy based on Panchsheel’ principles :
It is the chief characteristic of Indian foreign policy, which is based on the five principles of conduct in it. Equality, non-aggression, non-interference in the internal matters of other countries and respect and peaceful co-existence are included in it. - Policy of non-alignment :
After the world war- II, the world was divided into two power groups. In it one group was of western countries and other was of Russia and East European countries. Both superpowers tried to take India in their group but India , decided to stay away from any military group, adopted free foreign policy, did not ‘ become a member any military group. On each question of national importance, it will think freely and impartially.
Question 2.
“After depolarization of power groups, the policy of non-alignment is becoming irrelevant”. In the light of this statement describe the policy of non-alignment?
The policy of non-alignment was developed in reference to cold war. After the end of cold war and the disintegration of Soviet Union, question marks were seen on the relevance of non-alignment movement. According to critics, the. relevance and efficacy of non-alignment was dubious. In fact, the meaning of non-alignment is associated with the freedom of foreign policy and its aim is to promote equality, sovereignty and unity of sovereign countries.
In this reference, it still remains relevant. Earlier, at the time of cold war or in double polar system its relevance was to remain separate from the two super powers, USA and Soviet-Union. Newly independent countries took the membership of non-alignment movement, so that these two superpowers could not exert their influence on them. Later, the situation changed and in the new unipolar world, non-alignment movement is important, because :
- An effective stage is necessary for different international problems of human rights, world trade, climate change, or regarding the improvement in UNO and to express the view of developing countries. Non-alignment movement is working as a stage.
- Althought after the disintegration of Soviet Union, the bipolar system also ended, but the sovereignty and security challenges of poor and weak nations did not reduce. Under the influence of UNQ, symptom of one polar system is flourishing. Thus, to maintain freedom of developing countries, non-alignment movement is necessary.
- At present non-alignment movement is effective to face the main challenges of the world. It is a stage that presents equal partnership to all developing countries of the world which is the main challenge of the world. Threats to security, environment pollution, and health problems can be faced easily.
- There are several agencies of world management in which, there is no sufficient role of developing countries. Thus, the NAM is a different institution of the world. There is a need to give more effective representation to developing countries. In this connection, there is need to give special attention on IMF and other financial institutions, which address the needs of developing countries through nonalignment movement.
- Non-alignment movement is capable of exchanging culture, and social and political values among the different countries of the world.
- It means to stay away from military groups. There is a need of disarmament in the world which is mooted by non-alignment movement, so that peace may remain in the world.
- Developing countries needed a movement to protect against big and capitalist countries.
- In international arena, to maintain free existence and recognition, non-alignment movement is important in the world.
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 28 Other Important Questions
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 28 Multiple Choice Questions
Who took the decision of free foreign policy?
(a) Pt. Nehru
(b) Gandhiji
(c) Bhagat Singh
(d) None of these
(a) Pt. Nehru
After which war, the division of world in two groups happened?
(a) World War I
(b) World War II
(c) World War III
(d) None of these
(b) World War II
In which year did the Israel and Arab war break?
(a) 1947
(b) 1957
(c) 1967
(d) 1977
(c) 1967
When did a war take place between India and Pakistan?
(a) 1935
(b) 1945
(c) 1955
(d) 1965
(d) 1965
What is the motto of Indian culture?
(a) Do or die
(b) Tit for tat
(c) Live and let others live
(d) None of these
(c) Live and let others live
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 28 Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Name two aims of Indian foreign policy.
- Protecting unity and diversity of the nation.
- Opposing imperialism, racism, dictatorship and military rule.
Question 2.
What is the under lying concept of Indian foreign policy?
It is non-alignment movement. It means not to form any armed group.
Question 3.
Who is known the maker of foreign policy in India?
Pt. jawahar Lal Nehru.
Question 4.
When was Egypt attacked?
In 1956.
Question 5.
Which policy was always opposed by India?
Imperialist policy.
Question 6.
Name the leaders and their countries founded the non- alignment movement.
Jawahar Lal Nehru of India, Naseer of Egypt, and Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia.
Question 7.
When did non-alignment movement come into being?
In 1955 in Bandung Conference.
Question 8.
Write any two basic principles inspiring foreign policy of present government
- Continuous constructive talks
- Emphasis on nation’s security.
Question 9.
In which country India started operation Neer?
Question 10.
Which country is the third biggest oil importing country of the world?
Question 11.
What is the full form ISIS?
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. It is active in Iraq and Syria.
Question 12.
Write two causes of decline in the closeness of relations between India and Russia.
- Disintegration of Soviet Union
- Adoption of global market oriented system in place of socialist economy.
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 28 Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Describe briefly the main aims of Indian foreign policy.
Following are the main aims :
- Supporting international peace and security and peacefully solving mutual disputes.
- Opposing the arms race, especially nuclear weapons, and strong support to disarmament.
- Encouraging national security so that all types of threats to our freedom and unity could be eliminated.
- Encouraging mutual agreement by removing world wide tension and to oppose policy of conflict and armed groups.
- To oppose imperialism, colonialism, racism, separatism and military rule.
- Encouraging peaceful co-existence and ideals of Panchsheel.
- Friendly relations with all the nations of the world, especially with neighbours.
- Reducing tension among the nations and encouraging friendly relations.
Question 2.
What do you understand by peaceful co-existence?
The essence of Indian foreign policy is peaceful co-existence. It means to treat other countries in friendly way without any ill feeling. If the countries do not live like friendly with neighbours, peace cannot be established in the world. Peaceful co-existence is not only the principle of foreign policy, but also it is a manner of behaviour among the states.
India does not want to become the super power of Asia. It has faith in peaceful co-existence supported by Panchsheel and non-alignment policy. If the principles of the Panchsheel are followed by all the nations, peace can be established. One of the principles of Panchsheel is peaceful co-existence. It was declared by Indian P.M. Nehru and Chinese premier Chou-en-lie jointly on April 29, 1954.
Question 3.
Is the non-alignment and neutrality same? Discuss.
Most of the people consider the meaning of non-alignment as neutrality, which is false. Non-alignment is a policy, while neutrality is a situation, which is seen at the time when there is a conflict between the states, otherwise neutrality has no meaning. The area of non-alignment is wide enough while neutrality is one of its components.
In a speech, Pt. Nahru said, the meaning of non-alignment is not so that we will sit silent, where there will be injustice, threat to freedom, or attack, we will oppose and will not be neutral.
Question 4.
Describe the reasons of adopting non-alignment in Indian foreign policy.
Cause of adopting non-alignment in Indian foreign policy :
Following are the causes
- Right from the beginning of its leadership, India had strong faith and devotion in non-alignment policy.
- The non-alignment policy was according to contemporary social, geographical, political, economic and cultural demands.
- The non-alignment policy was favourable to Indian historical background and diversified pluralistic culture.
- India never remained in favour of creating tense situations in international scenario.
- In international politics, India considers it useful to follow a free policy.
- For its own development, India remained supporter to NAM to maintain equal relations with all nations with a free policy.
Question 5.
What was the role of India in the origin of non-alignment movement?
When India became free, it made non-alignment an essence of its foreign policy. It means that in its foreign policy India included the fact that it would not become the member of any armed group. India gave new direction and shape to its foreign policy of non-alignment. India gave it a form of movement. Egypt’s Naseer, Indonesia’s Sukarno, Yugoslavia’s Marshal Tito and Indian Jawahar Lal Nehru, together founded the movement in which 25 countries participated. Now this movement has become so large that it has 114 countries as members.
Question 6.
On what principles is non-alignment policy dependent? Describe briefly.
After independence, India adopted the policy of non-alignment. India adopted this policy seeing its political, economic and geographical situation. India played a leading role in giving birth and in maintaining the following principles :
- Non-aligned countries adopt free policy by keeping away from any power group, and on the basis of merits and demerits, criticise or support a group.
- Non-aligned countries try to maintain friendly relations. They need not to declare formally their neutrality.
- These nations can have sympathy with any group engaged in war. In such situation they, in place of armed help can help with facilities of medicines .
- These nations remain impartial. They do not allow the warring countries to use their land and also do not give any support to war.
- These nations do not join any military treaty or secret agreement.
Question 7.
What are the main principles of non-alignment movement?
Following are the principles :
- Maintaining world peace :
Non-aligned countries stay away from the armed groups, so that they may prevent an atmosphere of conflict in the world. If war starts somewhere, they try to establish peace. - Ending colonialism and imperialism :
These have given birth to the tendency of exploitation. So under non-alignment, efforts are made to uproot colonialism and imperialism. - Co-existence or living mutually :
Non-alignment movement is against the tendency of conflict. It believes in peaceful co-existance. - Condemnation of the policy of apartheid :
This movement believes in the principle of equality. It opposes the policy of apartheid and condemns it. In South Africa, it opposed this policy strongly. It was the result of this pressure that the government of South Africa had to abandon apartheid policy, released African Congress leader Nelson Mandela and South Africa’s first democratically elected black government was installed. - Faith in human-rights :
It respects the human rights because if the man, today, has no freedom, all his achievements are useless.
Question 8.
Clarify the importance of non-alignment movement
It can be clarified through following ways :
- Non-alignment movement has given important contribution to end the possibilities of world war III.
- It has made important efforts to maintain peace and security and to end imperialism.
- Due to it, peace was maintained between the two superpowers.
- Non-alignment conferences, peacefully solved the conflicts and disputes among the member countries.
- The member nations of non-alignment movement gave sufficient cooperation in the field of science and technoloy.
- It has influenced international politics widely.
- It is reducing tension in international relations.
- The non-alignment movement has played a leading role to make the weaker countries free and to oppose the policy of apartheid.
Question 9.
Describe the new dimension of Indian foreign policy.
New dimension of Indian foreign policy :
In present world, India is a rapidly emerging economy. In the decade of 1990, whatever reformative steps in economic field were taken, those have been the base of Indian foreign policy and that is to establish a safe and stable environment, so that Indian economic development continues unobstructed. No change takes place in the essential of Indian foreign policy with the change of government.
The foreign policy of present government, stresses on following the tradition of ‘Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam’. India wants to develop a policy of zero tolerance against terrorism. The present government has tried to make Indian foreign policy active. The present government, to make India a powerful nation of Asia, gives special stress to free its economy from corruption, end red tapism, and on speeding up structural reform.
Question 10.
Clarify the relation between India and Russia.
Relation between India and Russia- India and Russia have been traditional friends. But in 1991 with the disintegration of former Soviet Union and Indian adoption of market oriented global economy instead of socialist economy caused the relation between the two countries to decline. Although even today, India is the second bigger country purchasing Russian weapons. Russia is necessary for India’s nuclear capability. India and Russia are partners in different collaboritive effect, but it has become a necessity for India to establish relations with other European countries like France and Germany, and USA.
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 28 Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What is non-alignment? Discuss in detail the role of India in non-alignment movement.
Meaning of non-alignment :
It means to stay away from any power bloc or military alliance of the world, and to adopt foreign policy, which remains active for peace and stability in world politics. This policy, on all serious international problems, stresses to adopt an independent, unbiased and objective approach to international problems. This policy is not the policy of neutrality, but a policy free from the complicated group politics of the world.
This policy favours peaceful and non-violent solution of international disputes. This policy empahsized to stay away from two powerful groups at the time of cold war. This policy, evaluating the merits and demerits of international problems, favours the objective decision. It emphasizes to maintain balance between opposite groups. This is not a policy to stay away from the complications of international politics, but a policy who gives meaningful contribution in world politics.
The role of India in non-alignment movement :
It can be clarified through following points :
- Founder member of non-alignment movement: India has been the founder member of non-alignment movement. The credit of introducing the policy of non-alignment in international politics goes to India’s first P.M Pt. jawahar Lal Nehru. Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru of India, with Tito of Yugoslavia and Naseer founded the policy of non-alignment. Sukarno of Indonesia and Yasser Arafata of Palestine cordially supported it. These five leaders were called the founders of non-alignment movement. As an active member. India always respected and supported this movement.
- Keeping itself away from superpowers :
During cold war, India kept itself away from the influence of U.S.A and Soviet Union and maintained its free existance. - For world peace and stabilty to maintain active non-alignment :
India played a leading role in mediating between the groups led by USA and Soviet Union. - Inspiring newly independent countries to join non-alignment movement :
As a leader of non-alignment movement, India inspired the newly independent countries who became free from the grasp of colonialism and wanting to stay away from of superpowers, to join this movement. Thus, India presented third alternative before the newly independent countries.
Question 2.
Clarify Indian neighbourhood policy.
The neighbourhood policy adopted by present P.M., Mr Narendra Modi, is giving new direction to the foreign policy of India. This policy can be clarified through following points:
- Present P.M. Narendra Modi, started a new chapter by travelling to all neighbouring countries. It reflects a basic change in Indian foreign policy.
- P.M. Modi’s free-changing diplomacy started with the contact with the neighbouring countries. In his oath-taking ceremony, by calling the heads of governments Mauritius and other SAARC countries to India, he presented a unique example of establishing close relations with neighbours.
- In the same way, through legislation in Indian parliament, border dispute was setded with Bangladesh, Hydroelectricity project was signed with Nepal. Foundation stone of Indo-Bhutan 600 MW Khologochu hydroelectricity project was laid. Our project in Afghanistan has been completed within time and after 24 years, Columbo-Jaffna railway route was reopened by Indian cooperation.
- With the feeling of true friendship, India quickly helped the troubled neighbours. When Maldives was in danger, India quickly helped it by sending water through ships and planes through ‘operation Neer’.
- After high intensity earthquakes in Nepal, there was a great loss of life and property. India as a true neighbour, helped with all possible resources. Thus, Indian diplomacy with neighbouring countries is manifest with power, energy and compassion.
- The policy which was earlier known as Look East policy, is now known as ‘Act East’ due to the activism in foreign policy of Mr Narendra Modi. Under the policy, economic progress is seen. P.M. Modi travelled to Japan, Myanmar, Australia, South Korea, Singapore and China, while foreign minister, Sushma Swaraj travelled to Singapore, Vietnam, Myanmar, South Korea, China and Indonesia.
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