RBSE Class 7 English Grammar Framing Questions are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 7 English. Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 7 English Grammar Framing Questions.
Board | RBSE |
Textbook | SIERT, Rajasthan |
Class | Class 7 |
Subject | English |
Chapter | English Grammar |
Chapter Name | Framing Questions |
Category | RBSE Solutions |
Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 7 English Grammar Framing Questions
परीक्षा में इस प्रकार के प्रश्न में उत्तर दिया हुआ होता है। उसके आधार पर एक प्रश्न बनाना पड़ता है।
प्रश्न दो प्रकार से बनाये जा सकते हैं :
- Helping Verbs से शुरू होने वाले प्रश्न
- Wh-group से शुरू होने वाले प्रश्न।
(1) Helping Verbs से शुरू होने वाले प्रश्न
- जब उत्तर Yes अथवा No के रूप में दिया हो तो प्रश्न Helping Verb से बनाना चाहिए।
- प्रश्न बनाते समय Yes या No को छोड़ दिया जाता है।
- No से दिये गये उत्तरों में वाक्य के बीच में not भी आता है। प्रश्न बनाते समय No तथा not दोनों को हटा देते हैं।
- जिन उत्तरों में Helping verb दिया हुआ हो, उनका प्रश्न उसी Helping Verb को subject के पहले रखकर बनाया जाता है।
Pattern (सूत्र) : Helping Verb + Subject + Verb + ……..?
उदाहरण :
1. Answer:
Yes, she is coming with Radha.
Is she coming with Radha?
2. Answer:
No, Anil had not repaired the table.
Had Anil repaired the table?
3. Answer:
Yes, she will have played well.
Will she have played well?
5 जिन उत्तरों में कोई helping verb नहीं दी गई होती है उनमें दी गई main verb में से निम्नलिखित प्रकार से helping verb निकलेगी। इस helping verb को subject के पहले रखेंगे व परिवर्तित main verb अपने स्थान पर ही रहेगी –
- verb at I Form से do + verb at I Form
- verb की I Form + s/es से does + verb की I Form
- verb की II Form से did + verb की I Form
1. Answer:
Yes, he writes stories.
Does he write stories ?
उपर्युक्त उदाहरण में उत्तर में दिये गये Yes को हटा दिया गया है। Verb ‘write’ में ‘s’ जुड़ा हुआ है। अतः नियम (v) के अनुसार प्रश्न को Does से शुरू किया गया है।
2. Answer:
No, he doesn’t write letters.
Does he write letters?
यहाँ उत्तर No-not में दिया गया है। प्रश्न बनाते समय No तथा not को हटाने के बाद केवल he does write letters बचता है। इसमें does को पहले रख देने पर Interrogative Sentence सहज ही बन जाता है।
अन्य उदाहरणः
1. Answer:
Yes, she goes to temple daily.
Does she go to temple daily?
[Verb goes = does (H. V.) + go (M.V)]
2. Answer:
Yes, they work hard.
Do they work hard?
[Verb work = do (H. V.) + work (M.V)]
3. Answer:
Yes, Rani completed her homework.
Did Rani complete her homework?
(Verb completed = did (H. V.) + complete (M.V)]
4. Answer:
No, Radha didn’t sleep well,
Did Radha sleep well?
No तथा not को हटा दिया गया है।
5. Answer:
Yes, they have seen the Taj Mahal.
Have they seen the Taj Mahal?
Note : कुछ दिये गये कथनों के subject I, we तथा you में से हो सकते हैं। इन्हें प्रश्न बनाते समय इस प्रकार से बदल दिया जाता है I तथा we को you में बदला जाता है तथा you को I या we में बदला जाता है। यदि दिये गये कथन में you का प्रयोग Singular form (एकवचन रूप) में है तो you को I में बदलते हैं। किन्तु यदि you का प्रयोग बहुवचन के रूप में किया गया हो तो इसे (you को) we में बदलते हैं। इसी प्रकार से my, me या myself हो तो इन्हें your, you या yourself में बदलते हैं तथा our, us या ourselves हो तो इन्हें your, you या yourselves में बदलते हैं। जैसे
1. Answer:
Yes, I have seen the museum…
Have you seen the museum ? (I को you में बदला गया है ।)
2. Answer:
Yes, we have done our work.
Have you done your work ? (We को you में, our को your में बदला गया है।)
3. Answer:
Yes, you have broken the glasses.
Have I broken the glasses ?
(you को I में बदला गया है ।)
4. Answer:
Yes, you should do your work yourselves.
Should we do our work ourselves ? [इस वाक्य में yourselves शब्द बहुवचन (Plural) का रूप है । अतःyou एक से अधिक लोगों के लिए प्रयुक्त हुआ है। इसलिए you को upe में, your को our में तथा yourselves को ourselves में बदला गया है।]
‘Have’ का प्रयोग
इस Verb के प्रयोग में निम्नलिखित बातों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए ।
(a) have verb जब Helping Verb के रूप में प्रयुक्त होता है तो Interrogative बनाते समय इसी को Helping Verb के रूप में प्रयोग करते हैं। जैसे –
1. Answer:
I have put the things.
Have you put the things ?
2. Answer:
She has got her pen.
Has she got her pen ?
(b) किन्तु जब ‘have’ का प्रयोग किसी वाक्य में Main Verb के रूप में होता है तो ऐसे वाक्य का Interrogative Sentence वाक्य के Tense के अनुसार बनाया जाता है। इससे Helping Verb इस प्रकार से निकलेगी- has = does + have, have = do + have, had = did + havel जैसे –
1. Answer:
Yes, I have breakfast at 8 a.m.
Do you have breakfast at 8 a.m. ?
2. Answer:
Yes, she has dinner in the evening.
Does she have dinner in the evening?
3. Answer:
Yes, they had comfortable days.
Did they have comfortable days ?
(c) ‘have’ showing possession :
Verb ‘have’ (has, have, had) के अधिकार या स्वामित्व के रूप में प्रयुक्त होने की स्थिति में इन्हीं क्रियाओं (has, have, had) से या Do/Does/Did को subject के पहले रखकर Interrogative Sentences बनाये जाते हैं। जैसे –
1. Answer:
No, Manju has not a black dog.
Has Manju a black dog ?
Or Does Manju have a black dog ?
2. Answer:
Yes, they have enough money.
Have they enough money ?
Or Do they have enough money ?
3. Answer:
Yes, everyone has a knife.
Has anyone a knife ?
Or Does anyone have a knife ?
‘Be’ का प्रयोग
‘be’ verb का Full verb या Linking verb के रूप में प्रयोग
(a) जब verb ‘Be’ (is, am, are, was, were….) का प्रयोग Helping verb के रूप में न होकर पूर्ण क्रिया (Full verb) के रूप में होता है तो इस स्थिति में is, are, am, was, were… से ही प्रश्न बनाया जथा है जैसे –
1. Answer:
Yes, she is very honest.
Is she very honest?
2. Yes, they were all labourers.
Were they all labourers?
(b) ‘be’ का Helping Verb के रूप में होने पर Interrogative Sentence भी इसी से बनाया जाता
1. Answer:
Yes, I am doing my work.
Are you doing your work?
2. Answer:
No, she was not reading.
Was she reading?
याद रखें- Yes के बाद हमेशा Affirmative तथा No के बाद हमेशा Negative sentence लिखें ।
‘Do’का प्रयोग
‘Have’Verb की ही भाँति ‘do’ के प्रयोग में भी सतर्कता बरतनी चाहिए यह Verb भी Anomalous (असामान्य) तथा Ordinary (सामान्य) form में प्रयुक्त होती है दोनों स्थितयों में Interrogative Sentences भिन्न – भिन्न होती हैं जैसे –
(a) ‘Do’ as an Anomalous (असामान्य) Verb:
1. Answer:
No, I don’t sleep alone.
Do you sleep alone ?
2. Answer:
No, she doesn’t do her work at night.
Does she do her work at night?
(b) Do’as an Ordinary (सामान्य) Verb:
इसके Helping verb इस प्रकार निकलेगी
does = does + do do = do + do
did = did + do
1. Answer:
Yes, she does her work.
Does she do her work ?
2. Answer:
Yes, they do the job sincerely.
Do they do the job sincerely ?
3. Answer:
Yes, I did my work before sunrise.
Did you do your work before sunrise ?
ऊपर जिन प्रश्नों का विवरण दिया है वे सब Yes/No type प्रश्न कहलाते हैं
Exercise 1
Frame questions for the given answers :
दिए गए उत्तरों के आधार पर प्रश्न बनाइये
1. Question.
Yes, the children are playing in the park.
2. Question……………..?
Yes, he was a brave man.
3. Question…………..?
No, they have no free time today.
4. Question. …………..?
No, this news cannot be wrong.
5. Question. ……..?
Yes, he will go there.
6. Question……………?
Yes, you should send for a doctor,
7. Question…………?
Yes, he will go to Kota.
8. Question…………..?
No, you are not well.
9. Question. ……………….?
Yes, my father is a lawyer.
10. Question…………..?
Yes, they have tiffins with them.
11. Question………………..?
Yes, honesty is the best policy.
12.Question. …………………..?
No, the shopkeeper didn’t weigh less.
13. Question………………….?
No, she can’t do any work.
14. Question………………..?
Yes, one should live in peace.
15. Question………………?
Yes, the lion jumped into the well.
(2) Question words (Wh-समूह) से प्रारम्भ होने वाले प्रश्न – जिन प्रश्नों के उत्तर Yes या No में नहीं दिये हों। और जो सूचना देने वाले (informative) हों, उनके प्रश्न wh-group के किसी Question word से बनते हैं। wh-group के विभिन्न Question words, उनके अर्थ एवं प्रयोग के क्षेत्र इस प्रकार हैं:
उपर्युक्त Question Words के अतिरिक्त how far, how fast, how deep, how wide, how high, how often, how quickly (दूरी, तीव्रता या तेजी, गहराई, चौड़ाई, ऊँचाई, बारम्बारता, जल्दी से सम्बन्धित), इत्यादि से भी Interrogative Sentences बनाये जाते हैं।
Pattern (सूत्र) :
Word + Helping Verb + Subject + Verb + ………….?
यदि Question. Word Nominative (कर्ताकारक) हो तो H. V. का प्रयोग करने की आवश्यकता नहीं होती है। यदि वाक्य में H. V. दी गई हो तो ही H. V. को प्रयोग करना चाहिए ।
Pattern ( सूत्र) :
Word (Nominative) + H. V. (यदि हो तो) + Verb + ……………….?
उदाहरण :
(a) Who – Subject के रूप में
Subject हटाकर उसके स्थान पर who लिख दिया जाता है।
1. Answer:
The watchman keeps the key.
Who keeps the key ?
2. Answer:
A boy took away your pen..
Who took away my pen ?
3. Answer:
They are all visitors.
Who are they ?
Or Who are those persons ?
(b) Who/Whom-object के रूप में – Object (सजीव) हटाकर शेष वाक्य को प्रश्नवाचक में बदलते हैं।
1. Answer:
I saw the Principal there.
Whom did you see there?
(also, Who did you see there ?)
2. Answer:
He gave the parcel to a man.
Whom did he give the parcel to ?
(also, Who did he give the parcel to ?)
(c) Whose : Possessive adjective के साथ वाला noun whose के साथ ही लगेगा ।
Pattern (सूत्र) : Whose + noun + H. V. + Subject + Verb …… ?
1. Answer:
Those are Shyam’s books.
Whose books are these ?
Whose are these books ?
Note : यदि प्रश्नकर्ता ‘this’ या ‘these’ का प्रयोग करे तो उत्तर देने वाले को ‘that’ या ‘those’ का प्रयोग करना चाहिए।
2. Answer:
I brought Ram’s scooter.
Whose scooter did you bring ? यह Subject के बारे में भी पूछ सकता है । ऐसी स्थिति में केवल possessive विशेषण के स्थान पर
whose लिख दिया जाता है । शेष वाक्य में बगैर कोई परिवर्तन किए वाक्य के अंत में प्रश्नवाचक चिह्न (?) लगा देते हैं ।
His brother stole my pen.
Whose brother stole your pen ?
(d) What – Subject के रूप में
केवल subject को हटाकर what लगा देते हैं ।
My habit made me steal books.
What made you steal books ?
What – Object के रूप में
object (निर्जीव) के बारे में पूछने के लिए इसका प्रयोग होता है तथा इसे हटाकर शेष वाक्य को प्रश्नवाचक में बदलते हैं ।
We take bread and butter for breakfast.
What do you take for breakfast ?
(e) which – Subject के रूप में
इसका प्रयोग चयन के लिए होता है। अतः जिसमें से चयन करना होता है उसको व्यक्त करने वाले noun का प्रयोग इसके साथ अवश्य ही होती है ।
1. Answer:
Maya is the cleverer of the two girls.
Which of the two girls is the cleverer? (दो में से कौन-सी)
2. Answer:
Archana is the oldest of all girls. (Oldest = सबसे अधिक उम्र वाला या वाली)
Which of the girls is the oldest (one)?
Which – Object के रूप में
1. Answer:
I like banana the most.
Which fruit do you like the most ?
(कौन-सा फल)
2. Answer:
My son goes to a public school.
Which school does your son go to ?
(f) When – यह समय के बारे में जानकारी पूछता है । अतः वाक्य में से समय बताने वाले शब्द (शब्द-समूह) को उसके Preposition सहित हटाकर शेष वाक्य को प्रश्नवाचक में बदलते हैं ।
1. Answer:
I get up at four.
When do you get up ?
2. Answer:
She reached the station after six.
When did she reach the station ?
(g) Where – यह स्थान के बारे में जानकारी पूछता है। अतः वाक्य में से स्थानसूचक शब्द (शब्द समूह) को हटाकर शेष वाक्य को प्रश्नवाचक में बदलते हैं।
1. Answer:
They live in a hut.
Where do they live?
2. Answer:
Rabindranath Tagore studied at home.
Where did Rabindranath Tagore study?
3. Answer:
She found the boy near a stream at noon.
Where and when did she find the boy?
Where did she find the boy at noon?
When did she find the boy near a stream?
(h) Why – यह करण पूछता है अतः वाक्य में से करण सूचक शब्द (शब्द -समूह) या वाक्य को छोड़कर शेश वाक्यो का प्रश्नवाचक में बदलते हैं
नोट – इसके उत्तर सामान्यतया to + verb की I form या because + clause से दिये जाते हैं अतः प्रश्न बनाते समय इन्हें हटा देता हैं
I bought a car because I wanted to learn driving.
Why did you buy a car?
(i) How :
1. Answer:
She came by bus.
(आवागमन का साधन पूछने के लिए)
How did she come?
He broke the window and entered the room. (कार्य करने का ढंग जानने के लिए)
How did he enter the room?
3. Answer:.
Pressing the button he started the engine. (कार्य करने का ढंग जानने के लिए)
How did he start the engine?
4. Answer:
She is sixty years old. (उम्र पूछने के लिए)
How old is she?
5. Answer:
She is quite well now. (हलचल जानने के लिए)
How is she now?
(j) How much, How many, How long, How far :
1. Answer:
I want fifty rupees.
How much money do you want?
(मात्रा के लिए ‘How much’)
2. Answer:
There are two hundred visitors in the park.
How many visitors are there in the park? (संख्या के लिए ‘How many’).
3. Answer:
I have been waiting for you since morning.
How long have you been waiting for me? (समय अवधि के लिए ‘How long’)
4. Answer:
Agra is fifty-five km. from
Bharatpur. (kms लिखना गलत है।)
How far is Agra from Bharatpur?
(दूरी के लिए ‘How far’)
नोट – How many व How much के ठीक बाद उस noun को अवश्य लिखा जाता है जिसकी संख्या या मात्रा इनके द्वारा पूछी जाती है। (देखें उपरोक्त वाक्य 1 व 2)
Pattern (सूत्र):
How many/How much + noun + H. V. + M.V…..?
Hari ate two mangoes yesterday.
How many mangoes did Hari eat yesterday?
यदि ये कर्ता की संख्या या मात्रा पूछते हैं तो केवल subject की संख्या या मात्रा हटाकर इनका प्रयोग कर देते हैं। शेष वाक्य में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं होता है।
- Are the children playing in the park?
- Was he a brave man?
- Have they free time today?
- Can this news be wrong?
- Will he go there?
- Should I send for a doctor?
- Will he go to Kota?
- Am I well?
- Is your father a lawyer?
- Do they have tiffins with them?
- Is honesty the best policy?
- Did the shopkeeper weigh less?
- Can she do any work?
- Should one live in peace?
- Did the lion jump into the well?
Exercise 2
(Based on Text Book)
Change the following sentences into interrogative.
निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को प्रश्नवाचक में बदलिये।
What …………….
Amrita Devi was busy doing her household work.
Question. 2.
What ………………….. ?
The family heard an unusual uproar outside.
Which tree ………………. ?
Khejari tree is worshipped by the Bishnois.
Question. 4.
The cruel Hakim ordered his men to cut down the trees at any cost.
Question. 5.
Who ……………….. ?
Maharaja Abhay Singh was the king of Jodhpur.
Question. 6.
What ……………. ?
The cat swallowed a plastic bag.
Question. 7.
How ..
Many animals die by swallowing plastic bags or pieces of glass.
Question. 8.
What ……………….. ?
A team of scientists found a sea turtle. that had swallowed fifty plastic bags.
Q. 9.
What ……………. ?
Plastic or any other such waste causes great harm to the environment.
Question. 10.
How ……………………… ?
We pollute the environment by throwing different kinds of waste carelessly.
Question. 11.
What ..
All of us must be careful about disposing the waste.
Question. 12.
What …….
Reuse of shopping bags is mandatory.
Question. 13.
About what …………….. ?
Abhay was mad about computers and video games.
Question. 14.
Abhay would spend hours together in front of the screen.
Question. 15.
What ………………. ?
Rapid poaching and deforestation have endangered many species.
- What was Amrita Devi busy doing?
- What did the family hear?
- Which tree is worshipped by the Bishnois ?
- What did the cruel Hakim order his men ?
- Who was the king of Jodhpur ?
- What had the cat swallowed ?
- How do many animals die ?
- What did a team of scientists find ?
- What causes great harm to the environment?
- How do you pollute the environment?
- What must all of us be careful about ?
- What is mandatory ?
- About what was Abhay mad ? v mad ? .
- Where would Abhay spend hours together?
- What has endangered many species ?
Exercise 3
(Based on Text Book)
Change the following sentences into interrogative. निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को प्रश्नवाचक में बदलिये।
Question. 1.
Where ……………….. ?
Fateh Sing Rathore was born in Choradia of the Jodhpur district.
Question. 2.
When ………………..?
He was born on the 10th of August 1938.
Question. 3.
When …………..
Rathore joined the Indian Forest Service in 1960.
Question. 4.
By whom………………
Rathore was attacked by a group of villagers.
Question. 5.
How ………………… ?
Rathore died of lung cancer.
Question. 6.
How ………………..?…
He took care of the people like his own children.
Question. 7.
Who …………………?
One day the ministers came to the king with a request.
Question. 8.
When …………………… ?
After three months people returned with their flower pots.
Question. 9.
Who …………………. ?
The owner of the pot was Vikram.
Question. 10.
Who ……?
Piyush was the only child of the Panwars.
Question. 11.
When Piyush was six, Mr Panwar decided to send him to school.
Question. 12.
Whom …………………..?
They met the school headmaster.
Question. 13.
Where .. ………………….?
The relics of the Indus Valley civilization were found at Harappa and Mohen – jodaro.
Question. 14.
When ……………
The golden age of science in India was from the 4th century B.C. to the 7th century A.D.
Question. 15.
Who …………
One of the earliest scientists was Sushruta.
- Where was Fateh Singh Rathore born ?
- When was he born ?
- When did Rathore join the Indian Forest Service ?
- By whom was Rathore attacked ?
- How did Rathore die ?
- How did he take care of his people ?
- Who came to the king with a request … one day?
- When did the people return with their flower pots ?
- Who was the owner of the pot ?
- Who was Piyush ?
- When did År Panwar decide to send Piyush to school ?
- Whom did they meet ?
- Where were the relics of the Indus Valley civilization found ?
- When was the golden age of science in India ?
- Who was one of the earliest scientists ?
We hope the given RBSE Class 7 English Grammar Framing Questions will help you. If you have any query regarding Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 7 English Grammar Framing Questions, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.
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