RBSE Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 3 The Praying Hands are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 8 English. Here we have given RBSE Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 3 The Praying Hands.
Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 3 The Praying Hands
Board | RBSE |
Class | Class 8 |
Subject | English |
Chapter | Chapter3 |
Chapter Name | The Praying Hands |
Number of Questions Solved | 42 |
Category | RBSE Solutions |
Summary of the Lesson
This chapter is about a poor family with sixteen children who lived near Khetri. The father, blacksmith.by profession, had to work very hard from morning till late night to feed his family. Two of his sons, Kuldeep Singh and Sudeep Singh were talented in the field of art yet they knew that they would not be able to go to Jaipur to study at the academy to polish their art as the financial condition of the family was very poor. Both the brothers discussed a lot about this and came to a decision that they would toss a coin and whosoever wins the toss will go to Jaipur to study at the academy. And the one who loses will stay back, will work in the nearby mines to earn money so that the winner could get financial support to complete his studies at the academy. And after completing the studies he will come back and support the family. Both the brothers agreed on this.
Next morning, the coin was tossed. Sudeep won the toss, hence went to Jaipur for studies. Kuldeep to support Sudeep financially started working in dangerous mines for next four years, Time passed. Sudeep became an artist. He returned to his village. A dinner party was organised. After the party Sudeep acknowledged Kuldeep’s effort, hard work and sacrifice. And he told Kuldeep to go and study in Jaipur. Now, Kuldeep burst into tears as his health did not allow him to do so because of working in so bad conditions. He refused softly as it was to0 late for him to go Jaipur for studies. His bones smashed at least once while working at the mines and he was suffering from arthritis also. it was too difficult to hold a pen or a brush to draw Or write something.
Sudeep painted hundreds of paintings but people are aware about one of his works only. It is the painting of the hands of his brother Kuldeep. He named his painting as ‘Hands’ only but people renamed his masterpiece as ‘The Praying Hands’.
पाठ का सार
यह कहानी खेतड़ी के पास रहने वाले एक ऐसे परिवार की है जिसमें सोलह बच्चे थे। पिता, जो पेशे से लुहार थे, सुबह से रात तक कमर-तोड़ मेहनत करते थे ताकि वे अपने परिवार के सदस्यों का पेट पाल सकें। उनके दो पुत्र कुलदीप सिंह तथा सुदीप सिंह कला के क्षेत्र में माहिर थे परन्तु वे जानते थे कि वे जयपुर जाकर अपने हुनर को तराश नहीं पाएँगे क्योंकि उनकी आर्थिक स्थिति अच्छी नहीं थी। वे दोनों इस बारे में चर्चा करते और फिर उन्होंने एक समझौता किया कि वे एक सिक्का उछालेंगे और जो जीतेगा वह जयपुर जाकर पढ़ाई करेगा और हारने वाला खेतड़ी में ही रहकर कुछ काम करेगा ताकि पढ़ाई की फीस भरी जा सके। सिक्का उछाला गया। सुदीप ने टॉस जीत लिया। वह जयपुर में अकादमी में पढ़ने के लिए रवाना हो गया। कुलदीप, जैसा कि तय हुआ था, अपने पास की खतरनाक खदानों में काम करने लगा ताकि सुदीप की पढ़ाई में किसी प्रकार की आर्थिक बाधा न आए। अकादमी में सुदीप को उसके हुनर के लिए तारीफ मिली और उसे कुछ कार्यों के लिए फीस भी मिलने लगी। समय बीता।
सुदीप की पढ़ाई पूरी हुई। वह अपने गाँव वापिस गया। उसके सम्मान में रात्रि भोज का आयोजन किया गया। रात्रि भोज के बाद सुदीप ने अपने भाई कुलदीप को उसके त्याग और कड़ी मेहनत के लिए बहुत धन्यवाद दिया जिसके कारण वह अपनी पढ़ाई पूरी करके एक कलाकार बन पाया। अब उसने अपने भाई को जयपुर जाकर पढ़ाई करने को कहा। यह सुनकर कुलदीप की आँखों में आँसू आ गए और वह सिसकने लगा। वह चाहकर भी जयपुर जाकर नहीं पढ़ सकता था क्योंकि खदानों में काम कर-कर के उसकी शारीरिक स्थिति खराब हो चुकी थी। कोई भी दिन ऐसा नहीं गया था जब उसकी कोई न कोई हड्डी न चटकी हो। उसे गठिया रोग ने जकड़ लिया था। उसके लिए पेंसिल और ब्रश से सीधीलाइन खींचना असंभव हो चुका था। सच में, बहुत देर हो चुकी थी।
सुदीप ने सैकड़ो चित्र बनाए। परन्तु लोग उसके बाकी के चित्रों के बारे में इतना नही जानते जितना उस चित्र के बारे में जिसमें उसने अपने भाई के विकृत हाथों को चित्रित किया था। उसने अपने इस प्रभावशाली चित्र को केवल ‘हाथ’ नाम दिया था परंतु लोगों ने उसकी इस महान कलाकृति की प्रशंसा करते हुए इसे एक नया नाम दिया- ‘प्रार्थना करते हाथ’।
Difficult Words (कठिन शब्द )
Profession—any occupation that needs special training or skill; व्यवसाथ, पेशा Toil—to work hard continuously; कठिन परिश्रम करना। Pursue-chase, to seek; पीछा करना, करते रहना, अनुसरण। Despite inspite of; बावजूद Miserable-unhappy; दुखद Talent—ability; योग्यता, प्रतिभा | Dangerous risky; खतरनाक, जोखिम भरा |Financed—to invest money; पैसा लगाना | Earned – gain by labour or service; कमाना | Instant-a very brief portion of time; तुरंत | Praise commend; प्रशंसा, सराहना | Beloved much loved; परम प्रिय। Sacrifice to make an offering; त्याग, बलिदान। Ambition aspiration; अभिलाषा, महत्वाकांक्षा। Shaking – moving to and fro; हिलाना, काँपना। Sobbed – weep convulsively; सिसकना। Wiped – rubbed; पोंछना | Smashed—break into pieces;दुकड़ें – दुकड़ें करना |Suffering—affected by; भुगतान, पीड़ित होना। Arthritis – a disease of bones; गठिया। Delicate – fine; कोमल, बारीक, उत्तम। Abused – used wrongly; दुरुपयोग करना | Masterpiece—a work of art; कलाकृति | Refined-make free from impurities; परिष्कृत करना। Skills ability to do a thing expertly; निपुणती, हुनर। Celebrate-perform | with proper rites; उत्सव मनाना
Profession : a type of job that needs special training or skill
Toil : to work very hard or for a long time
Pursue : try to achieve something over a period of time
Miserable : very unhappy or uncomfortable
Despite : to show that something happened after prevention ; inspite of
Sobbed : cried and drew in breath noisily
Arthritis : a disease that causes pain and swelling in the joints of the body
Familiar : well known
Masterpiece : a work of art such as a painting
Ambition : a strong desire to do or achieve something
The Praying Hands Textbook Questions Solved
Activity – I
A. Choose the suitable alternative.
सही विकल्प को चुनिए।
Question 1.
The blacksmith worked hard because
(a) he was a blacksmith by profession
(b) he had to support a large family
(c) he lived in a village
(d) the condition of children was pitiable
लुहार को कड़ा परिश्रम करना पड़ता था क्योंकि
(अ) वह पेशे से लुहार था |
(ब) उसे अपने बहुत बड़े परिवार को पालना था
(स) वह गांव में रहता था |
(द) बच्चों की दशा दयनीय थी |
Question 2.
Both the brothers could not go to the academy for the future studies because
(a) they were not interested in studies.
(b) they wanted to work at home.
(c) their family condition was miserable.
(d) they were lazy.
दोनों भाई आगे पढाई अकादमी न जा सके क्योंकि
(अ) उसकी पढ़ाई में रुचि नहीं थी।
(ब) वे घर पर काम करना चाहते थे।
(स) उनकी परिवारिक दशा दयनीय थी।
(द) वे आलसी थे
1. (a)
2. (c)
B. Say whether the following statements are True or False.
बताइए निम्न कथन सही है अथवा गलत
Question 1.
Blacksmith used to work for three hours.
लुहार तीन घंटे काम करता था।
Question 2.
Kuldeep should go down into the mines to fulfill his dream.
कुलदीप को अपना सपना पूरा करने के लिए खदानों में जाना चाहिए।
Question 3.
Sudeep and Kuldeep had ambitions to join Academy.
सुदीप और कुलदीप की अकादमी से जुड़ने की आशंका थी।
Question 4.
Sudeep has been suffering from back pain.
सुदीप को कमर दर्द की शिकायत थी।
Question 5.
The praying hands is the great Masterpiece of Kuldeep.
‘प्रार्थना करते हाथ’ सुदीप की महान कलाकृति है।
1. False
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True.
C. Answer the following questions in 10 to 20 words.
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर 10-20 शब्दों में दीजिए।
Question 1.
Where was the academy situated?
अकादमी कहां स्थित थी?
The academy was situated in Jaipur.
अकादमी जयपुर में स्थित थी।
Question 2.
Why did Kuldeep not go to the academy?
कुलदीप अकादमी क्यों नहीं गया?
Kuldeep didn’t go to the academy as they had decided that winner of the toss will go and Sudeep won the toss. कुलदीप अकादमी इसलिए नहीं गया क्योंकि समझौते के अनुसार टॉस जितने वाला जाएगा और सुदीप ने टॉस जीता था।
Question 3.
Why did Kuldeep have to go in the mines to work?
कुलदीप को खदानों में जाकर काम क्यों करना पड़ा?
As decided, the loser had to work to support the winner financially and Kuldeep had lost the toss.
जैसा कि तय हुआ था, हारने वाले को जीतने वाले की आर्थिक मदद करनी पड़ेगी और कुलदीप टॉस हार गया था।
Question 4.
What was the reason for the party?
पार्टी के आयोजन का क्या कारण था?
The reason of the party was Sudeep’s homecoming after the completing of four-year course in Jaipur.
सुदीप के जयपुर में चार वर्षीय पाठ्यक्रम पूरा कर घर वापिस आना पार्टी के आयोजन का कारण था।
Question 5.
What did both brothers do to fulfill their dreams?
अपने सपनों को पूरा करने के लिए दोनों भाइयों ने क्या किया?
After many long discussions at night, both brothers worked out a pact to fulfill their dreams.
रात में बहुत लंबी चर्चा के बाद दोनों भाइयों ने अपने सपनों को पूरा करने की लिए एक समझौता किया।
C. Answer the following questions in 20 to 30 words.
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर 20-30 शब्दों में दीजिए।
Question 1.
Why could the brothers not fulfill their dreams?
भाई अपने सपनों को पूरा क्यों नहीं कर सकें?
The brothers could not fulfill their dreams because they were very poor and they were not financially sound to study further in other city.
भाई अपने सपनों को इसलिए पूरा ना कर सके क्योंकि वे बहुत गरीब थे और उनकी आर्थिक स्थिति इतनी अच्छी नहीं थी कि वे दूसरे शहर जाकर आगे की पढ़ाई कर सके।
Question 2.
How did Kuldeep help his brother?
कुलदीप ने अपने भाई की मदद कैसे की?
Kuldeep helped his brother by working in the dangerous mines for four years so that he could help his brother financially. He sacrificed a lot for his brother.
कुलदीप ने चार साल तक खतरनाक खदानों में मेहनत करके अपने भाई की मदद की ताकि वह अपने भाई की आर्थिक मदद कर सके। कुलदीप ने अपने भाई के लिए बहुत बड़ा त्याग किया था।
Activity – II
A. ‘Easy’ is the opposite of ‘Hard’. Therefore it is an antonym or opposite.
Question 1.
Find out antonyms for the words below in the box. miserable, small, started, familiar, necessary
Happy, Big, Finished, Unfamiliar, Unnecessary.
B. Complete the sentence with the opposite words of the words given in the brackets.
I. The small Village Khetri is very ………. from Jaipur (far)
II. They know that their father was ………. to buy a car (able)
III. We should get up ………. (late)
IV. Kuldeep Singh ………. the toss ( lost)
I. near
II. unable
III. early
IV. won.
C. Correct the mis spelt words.
1. profesions
2. suport
3. repaeted
4. sueffring
5. absued
1. profesions — professions
2. suport — support
3. repaeted — repeated
4. sueffring — suffering
5. absued — abused
Activity – III
Read the following sentences carefully.
I. I have lost my book.
II. Nazma has not prepared the food yet.
III. Has Nazma prepared food?
Has \ Have + III form of the main verb is used to express an action that has been completed in the immediate past and has its effect in the present.
A. Rewrite the following sentence as directed.
I. They have picked up their bags and are ready to go. (Negative)
II. Deepa has not given her books. (affirmative)
III. He has helped a boy (negative)
IV. Pinku has not completed his work (interrogative)
V. She has cleaned the room thoroughly (negative).
I. They have not picked their bags and are not ready to go. (negative)
II. Deepa has given her books. (affirmative)
III. He has not helped a boy (negative)
IV. Has Pinku not completed his work? (interrogative)
V. She has not cleaned the room thoroughly (negative)
B. Complete the following sentences using has/have along with the correct form of the verbs given
in the brackets.
I. Saroj ………. (go) to her school.
II. Manish ………. (pluck) flowers from the garden.
III. The patient ………. (show) a great improvement.
IV. Manoj ……… (finish) his food.
V. I ………. (announce) my marriage.
I. Saroj has gone (go) to her school.
II. Manish has plucked (pluck) flowers from the garden.
III. The patient has shown (show) a great improvement.
IV. Manoj has finished (finish) his food.
V. I have announced (announce) my marriage.
C. Arrange words in proper order to make sentences:
not done/ he/ has/ homework/ yet/his
Example: He has not done his homework yet.
I. has / kicked / he / the / ball.
II. you / prepared / have / recipe / a fine
III. you / been / ever / have / to Jaipur?
IV. has / not / coloured / the picture / Chiya.
V. has / brought / Indra / a video game.
I. He has kicked the ball.
II. You have prepared a fine recipe.
III. Have you ever been to Jaipur?
IV. Chiya has not coloured the picture.
V. Indra has brought a video game.
Activity -IV
Question 1.
You have heard about Pannadhai’s sacrifice. Tell how she saved the prince.
Pannadhai saved the life of prince Amar Singh ji of Mewar. After killing his father Maharaja Ajay Singh ji, Baldev, brother of Ajay Singh, wanted to kill Amar Singh too. But Panna Dhai the nursing mother of Amar Singh took him and made her own son lie instead on bed. Baldev killed the son of Panna Dhai mistaking him as prince Amar Singh.
Question 1.
Find out what a blacksmith does. How is he useful to the society? Write your experience in short paragraph.
When my father wanted to renovate our house he called for the black-smith to mend the gate.
Ramu, the blacksmith was sturdy man who brought the tools with him. The hinge of the gate was broken. Ramtu took out his tools and made a new hinge and rescued it to its place. The gate was mended and we were able to close the gate properly. We were all happy to see the gate closed. Because an open gate creates a security problem. We realised the importance of the blacksmith.
The Praying Hands Additional Questions for Practice
A. Tick the correct alternative.
सही विकल्प पर निशान लगाइए।
Question 1.
Where did the family live?
(a) Bikaner
(b) Jaipur
(c) a small village near Khetri
(d) Ajmer
परिवार कहां रहता था?
(अ) बीकानेर
(ब) जयपुर
(स) खेतड़ी के पास एक छोटे से गांव में
(द) अजमेर
Question 2.
What was the profession of the father?
(a) blacksmith
(b) cook
(c) cleaner
(d) farmer
पिता का पेशा क्या था?
(अ) लुहार
(ब) बावर्ची
(स) सफाई – कर्मचारी
(द) किसान
Question 3.
How many children where there in the family?
(a) 14
(b) 15
(c) 16
(d) 17
परिवार में कितने बच्चे थे?
(अ) 14
(ब) 15
(स) 16
(द) 17
Question 4.
What was the dream of Kuldeep and Sudeep?
(a) to be a teacher
(b) to be a farmer
(c) to visit various places
(d) to pursue their talent for art
कुलदीप और सुदीप का सपना क्या था?
(अ) अध्यापक बनना
(ब) किसान बनना
(स) जगह-जगह घूमना
(द) कला में अपना हुनर निखारना
Question 5.
What was the pact?
(a) to toss the coin
(b) to win the race
(c) to earn money
(d) to eat sweets
समझौता क्या था?
(अ) सिक्का उछालना
(ब) दौड़ जीतना
(स) पैसे कमाना
(द) मिठाई खाना
Question 6.
Who won the toss?
(a) Nikhil
(b) Sudeep
(c) Kuldeep
(d) Hardeep
टॉस किसने जीता?
(अ) निखिल
(ब) सुदीप
(स) कुलदीप
(द) हरदीप
Question 7.
Who worked in mines?
(a) Kuldeep
(b) Sandeep
(c) Sudeep
(d) Jagdeep
खदानों में काम किसने किया?
(अ) कुलदीप
(ब) संदीप
(स) सुदीप
(द) जगदीप
Question 8.
What was the duration of the course?
(a) 4 :
(b) 5
(c) 3
(d) 2
पाठ्यक्रम कितने सालों का था?
(अ) 4
(ब) 5
(स) 3
(द) 12
Question 9.
Kuldeep suffered from which disease?
(a) Migraine
(b) Arthritis
(c) Cancer
(d) Asthama
कुलदीप को कौन- सी बीमारी हो गई थी?
(अ) माइग्रेन
(ब) गठिया
(स) कैंसर
(द) अस्थमा
Question 10.
What was the name of Sudeep’s masterpiece?
(a) The praying hands
(b) The crying eyes
(c) The heart
(d) My brother
सुदीप की महान कलाकृति का नाम क्या था?
(अ) प्रार्थना करते हाथ
(ब) रोती आंखें
(स) दिल
(द) मेरा भाई
1. (c)
2. (a)
3. (c)
4. (d)
5. (a)
6. (b)
7. (a)
8. (a)
9. (b)
10. (a)
B. Answer the following questions in 10 to 20 words.
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर 10-20 शब्दों में दीजिए।
Question 1.
Where did the blacksmith’s family live?
लुहार का परिवार कहां रहता था?
The blacksmith’s family lived in a small village near Khetri.
लुहार का परिवार खेतड़ी के पास से छोटे से गांव में रहता था।
Question 2.
What was the dream of Kuldeep and Sudeep?
कुलदीप और सुदीप का सपना क्या था?
Kuldeep and Sudeep had a dream of pursuing their talent of art.
कुलदीप और सुदीप का सपना कला के क्षेत्र में पढ़ाई करके नाम कमाने का था।
Question 3.
What was the loser supposed to do?
हारने वाले को क्या करना था?
The loser was supposed to work and earn money to support the winner.
हारने वाले को काम करके पैसा कमाना था ताकि वह जिसने वाले की मदद कर सके।
Question 4.
Who could fulfill his dream of joining the academy?
अकादमी जाने का सपना किसका पूरा हुआ?
Sudeep could fulfill his dream of joining the academy.
अकादमी जाने का सपना सुदीप का पूरा हुआ।
Question 5.
What name was given to the masterpiece of Sudeep, by people?
लोगों ने सुदीप की महान कलाकृति को क्या नाम दिया?
Sudeep’s masterpiece was named as “The Praying Hands’ by the people.
लोगों ने सुदीप की महान कलाकृति को प्रार्थना करते हाथ’ नाम दिया।
C. Answer the following questions in 20 to 30 words.
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर 20-30 शब्दों में दीजिए।
Question 1.
What was the profession of the father? How many children were there in the family?
पिता का पेशा क्या था? परिवार में कितने बच्चे थे?
The profession of the father was that of a blacksmith. There were sixteen children in the family.
पिता का पेशा लुहार का था। परिवार में सोलह बच्चे थे।
Question 2.
What did the father do to feed the family?
अपने परिवार के पोषण के लिए पिता क्या करते थे?
The father had to toil from 7 am in the morning till 10 at night to feed his family.
अपनी परिवार के पोषण के लिए पिता को सुबह सात बजे से रात के 10 बजे तक कड़ी मेहनत करनी पड़ती थी।
Question 3.
What did two brothers decide?
दोनों भाइयों ने क्या तय किया?
Both the brothers after a long discussion, decided a pact for which they tossed a coin in the morning.
दोनों भाइयों ने, लंबी चर्चा के बाद, एक समझौता किया जिसमें दोनों ने अगली सुबह सिक्का उछालना तय किया।
D. Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words.
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर 30-40 शब्दों में दीजिए।
Question 1.
What were the loser and winner entitled for?
और जितने वाले को क्या करना था? ।
The loser had to go to the nearby mines to earn money to support the winner at the academy. The winner had to go to the academy situated in Jaipur for pursuing the art course.
हारने वाले को पास की खदानों में जाकर पैसा कमाना था। ताकि वह जीतने वाले की अकादमी की पढ़ाई में मदद कर सके। जीतने वाले को जयपुर स्थित अकादमी जाकर कला का पाठ्यक्रम पूरा करना था।
Question 2.
Why was it too late for Kuldeep to go to Jaipur for studies?
कुलदीप के लिए जयपुर जाकर पढ़ाई करने के लिए बहुत देर क्यों हो चुकी थी?
It was too late for Kuldeep to go to Jaipur for studies because working in dangerous mines had smashed his bones most of the times and he was suffering from arthritis also.
कुलदीप के लिए जयपुर जाकर पढ़ाई करने के लिए बहुत देर इसलिए हो चुकी थी क्योंकि खतरनाक खदानों में काम करके उसकी हड्डयाँ कमजोर हो गई थी और उसे गठिया भी हो गया था।
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