RBSE Class 8 English Grammar Tenses (Correct Forms of the Verbs) are part of RBSE Solutions for Class 8 English. Here we have given Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 8 English Grammar Tenses (Correct Forms of the Verbs).
Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 8 English Grammar Tenses (Correct Forms of the Verbs)
1. अर्थ- हमारी समय की अवधारणा के अनुरूप tense, क्रिया (Verb) की form को इंगित करता है।
नोट- ध्यान रखें कि tense का अर्थ time नहीं होता है ।। अर्थात् Present Tense में present time की बातें तो बताई ही जाती हैं, साथ में, past time या future time की भी कुछ निश्चित परिस्थितियाँ भी बताई जा सकती हैं। कुल मिलाकर, यह कहा जा सकता है कि Present Tense द्वारा present या past या future time की बातें बताई जा सकती हैं। इसी प्रकार, Past Tense व Future Tense से भी तीनों प्रकार के times की बातें बताई जा सकती हैं।
2. Tense के प्रकार:
1. Present Tense
- Simple Present/Present Indefinite
- Present Progressive/Present Continuous
- Present Perfect
- Present Perfect Progressive (Continuous)
2. Past Tense
- Simple Past/Past Indefinite
- Past Progressive/Past Continuous
- Past Perfect
- Past Perfect Progressive (Continuous)
3. Future Tense
- Simple Future/Future Indefinite
- Future Progressive/Future Continuous
- Future Perfect
- Future Perfect Progressive (Continuous) इन सभी Tenses का वर्णन निम्न प्रकार है-
Fill In Correct Form Of Verbs Verb
की correct form भरने के लिए लेखक ने Golden Rules बनाये हैं। इनका पालन करने से आप Correct form of verb सरलता से व सही भर सकेंगे।। इनका अध्ययन ध्यान से समझ कर करिये। [ नोट—आपकी पाठ्यपुस्तक में केवल Simple Present एवं Present Perfect Tenses को ही समझाया गया है। अत: यहाँ पर केवल इन्हीं Tenses की CoTect Form of Verbs भरने के ही Golden Rules दिये जा रहे हैं।]
Correct Form Of Verbs
भरने के
Golden Rules
Rule: 1
यदि आदतन/नियमित कार्य (habitual/ regular action) को संकेत कि सी adverb (क्रियाविशेषण) जैसे-always, daily, everyday, regularly, frequently, seldom, sometime, never etc. द्वारा दिया गया हो तो Simple Present Tense की verb form (V-I/V-1 + s/es) का use करना है।
Question 1.
She always……………t0 school on cycle. (g0)
She always goes to school on cycle.
Question 2.
He……………to School regularly. (come)
He comes to school regularly.
Question 3.
She never,…………..classes. (miss)
She never misses classes.
Question 4.
Nature…………..a good look in spring. (wear)
Nature wears a good look in spring.
Question 5.
Birds always……………in the sky. (fly)
Birds always fly in the sky.
Rule: 2
यदि सार्वभौम सत्य (universal truth) है तो भी Simple Present Tense की Verb form (V-I/V-I + s/cs अर्थात् base forIT या ‘-s’ form) का use करना है।
Question 1.
The sun……………in the east. (rise)
The sun rises in the east.
Question 2.
Stars……………by the night. (shine)
Stars shine by the night.
Rule: 3
यदि भविष्य का कोई नियोजित कार्यक्रम (future planned action) & Simple Present Tense की verb form (V-I/V-I + s/es अर्थात् base form या -s form) का use करना है।
Question 1.
My father…………… next month. (retire)
My father retires next month.
Question 2.
They will return you book as soon as they…………it. (finish)
They will return your book as soon as they finish it.
Rule: 4
यदि वाक्य में जन्मजात गुण (inherent quality) का उल्लेख है तो Simple Present Tense की verb form (base form या -s form) का use करना
Question 1.
A mother………….her children. (love)
A mother loves her children.
Rule: 5
यदि वाक्य में वैज्ञानिक (Scientific) या आध्यात्मिक (spiritual) या अन्य सिद्धान्त (other principles and theories) हैं तो Simple Present Tense verb form (base form s form)
use करना है
Question 1.
Water……………hydrogen and oxygen. (contain)
Water contains hydrogen and oxygen.
Question 2.
God……………birth. (not take)
God does not take birth.
Question 3.
A square……………four sides. (have)
A square has four sides.
Rule: 6
यदि वाक्य कोई उद्धरण (quotation) या कोई कहावत (proverb) है तो Simple Present Tense it verb form (base form या -s form) use करना है
Question 1.
Gandhi ………………., ‘Non-violence is the supreme virtue. (say)
Gandhi says, “Non-violence is the supreme virtue.
Question 2.
All that……………, is not gold. (glitter)
All that glitters, is not gold.
Rule: 7
यदि वाक्य में भूतकाल की घटनाओं का प्रभावी वर्णन (historic present) है तो Simple Present Tense verb form (base form या -S form) का use करना है।
Question 1.
In that film, the villain hits the hero but Past he………….himself. (defend)
In that film, the villain hits the hero but he defends himself.
Rule: 8
यदि वाक्य में अवबोधनात्मक क्रिया (verbs of perception जैसै-notice, see, watch, feel, hear, smell, taste etc.) है तो Simple Present Tense verb form (base form या – form)
Question 1.
…………..affection in your eyes. (notice)
I notice affection in your eyes.
Question 2.
A mango……………sweet. (taste)
A mango tastes sweet.
Rule: 9
यदि वाक्य में संज्ञानात्मक क्रिया (verb of cognition जैसे- know, suppose, remember, forget, believe, mean, think, understand, trust आदि) है तो Simple Present Tense verb form (base form या -s form) use करना है
Question 1.
L …………… in fate. (believe)
I believe in fate.
Rule: 10
यदि वाक्य में भावनात्मक क्रिया (verb of emotion जैसे -love, hate, anger, fear. desire, hope, like, want, wish, mind, prefer आदि) है तो Simple Present Tense verb form (base form या – form) use करना है
Question 1.
We……………for the best result. (hope)
We hope for the best result.
Question 2.
My mother…………..me much. (love)
My mother loves me much.
Rule: 11
यदि वाक्य में विविधा क्रिया (miscellaneous verb जैसे-appear, seem, resemble, matter, consist of contain deserve) है तो Simple Present Tense verb form (base form या =s form) का use करना है।
Question 1.
She…………..to be an actress. (appear)
She appears to be an actress.
Question 2.
The jug…………… milk. (contain)
The jug contains milk.
Rule: 12
यदि वाक्य सशर्त आदेशातमक (conditional imperative) Simple Present Tense verb form (base form या -s form) का प्रयोग करना है।
Question 1.
………….hard if you want success. (work)
Work hard if you want success.
Rule: 13
यदि वाक्य नकारत्मक आदेशत्मक (negative-imperative) हे तो Simple Present Tense verb form (base form या -s form) का use करना है
Question 1.
……………a noise. (not make)
Don’t make a noise.
Rule: 14
यदि वाक्य में yet, just, already, Recently, ever, never आदि शब्द हों या कार्य वर्तमान समय तक चलता हैं (action continues until present) की सूचना हो तो रिक्त स्थान में has अथवा have + verb III Form अयोगी
Question 1.
I ……… just …….. my clothes. (wash)
I have just washed my clothes.
Question 2.
Leela ……… not yet……. her homework. (do)
Leela has not yet done her homework.
Question 3.
He ……… already …….. some mangoes. (take)
He has already taken some mangoes.
Question 4.
We …….. not ……… her since Tuesday. (see)
We have not seen her since Tuesday.
Question 5.
They …….. here for many years. (live)
They have lived here for many years.
(नोट-वाक्य चार व पाँच में कार्य वर्तमान समय तक चलता है इसीलिए का since/for प्रयोग है)
Rule: 15
यदि वाक्य में by now दिया हो तो रिक्त-स्थान में has अथवा have + verb की III Form आंयोगी
Question 1.
It’s five o’clock now. By now …….. eight letters. (type)
By now I have typed eight letters.
Rule: 16
यदि वाक्य का मुख्य उपवाक्य (main clause) future tense में हो तो समय वाले क्रियाविशेषण उपवाक्य (adverb clause of time) में Present Perfect Tense verb form (has/ have + V-III) का use करना है।
Question 1.
We shall stay here till the teacher has returned.
Question 2.
When the heat has lessened, I shall go out.
Rule: 17
यदि वक्य बारंबारता वाला कार्य (repeated action) Present Perfect Tense की verb form (has/have + V-III) का use करना
Question 1.
We………..Udaipur lots of times. (visit)
We have visited Udaipur lots of times.
Rule: 18
यदि वाक्य सिथति बताता (denote ‘state’) हे तो Present Perfect Tense की verb form (has/have + V-III) का use करना है
Question 1.
I…………always………… about you. (know)
I have always known about you.
We hope the given RBSE Class 8 English Grammar Tenses (Correct Forms of the Verbs) will help you. If you have any query regarding Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 8 English Grammar Tenses (Correct Forms of the Verbs), drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.
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