Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 8 English Unseen Passages for Comprehension
Unseen Passages हल करते समय ध्यान देने योग्य बातें । Unseen Passages को हल करने के कोई विशेष नियम नहीं हैं किन्तु कुछ बातों का ध्यान रखकर इन्हें सर्वश्रेष्ठ तरीके से हल किया जा सकता है। मुख्य बातें निम्न प्रकार हैं
- सर्वप्रथम दिये गये Unseen Passage को कम से-कम दो बार ध्यान से अवश्य पढ़ना चाहिए।
- Passage को पढ़ने के बाद उसके केन्द्रीय भाव (central idea) को भी समझना चाहिए। केन्द्रीय भाव समझने से हमें उसमें आये कठिन शब्दों को भी अर्थ समझ में आ जायेगा।
- यदि अब भी किसी शब्द का अर्थ समझ में नहीं आये तो उसे समझने के लिए अथवा अनुमान करने के लिए अधिक समय नहीं लगाना चाहिए।
- अब हमें Passage में दिये प्रश्नों को पढ़ना और समझना चाहिए।
- प्रश्न में दिये गये Tense के अनुसार ही Answer में Tense का प्रयोग करना चाहिए।
- प्रश्नों के उत्तर दिये गये Passage में से ही निकालने चाहिए।
- उत्तर पूर्ण वाक्यों में देने चाहिए, केवल ‘Yes’ या ‘No’ में नहीं।
- एक प्रश्न में गद्यांश में से छः वाक्य अथवा छः तथ्य अव्यवस्थित क्रम में देकर उन्हें क्रमानुसार व्यवस्थित करके लिखने को कहा जा सकता है। विद्यार्थियों को पैसिज में दी गई जानकारी के अनुसार इन सभी वाक्यों/तथ्यों को क्रमबद्ध करके लिखना होगा।
- Unseen Passage को हल करते समय परीक्षा की समय-सीमा का भी ध्यान अवश्य रखना चाहिए।
यहाँ छात्रों के अभ्यास के लिए अनेक Passage दिए जा रहे हैं। इनका अभ्यास अवश्य करें। अभ्यास से ही निपुणता प्राप्त की जा सकती है।
Unseen Passages Read the following unseen passages carefully and answer the following Question
Passage 1
Once upon a time there was a great kingdom, named Mahapal. It was a very fertile kingdom and people of the kingdom were happy. Mahapal was ruled by king Mahender, who was a noble king. He took care of the people like his own children. But the people of Mahapal were not happy about the fact that the king didn’t have a child of his own. One day the ministers came to the king with a request.
Question 1.
(a) What was the name of the kingdom?
(b) Why were the people of Mahapal not happy?
(a) The name of the kingdom Mahapal.
(b) The people were not happy because the king didn’t have a child of his own.
Question 2.
(a) Write one word for the
A person who rules a kingdom. K ___
(b) Find out the word from the passage which is opposite to ‘sad’.
(a) King
(b) happy
Passage 2
One day, when the woodcutter was returning from the forest with a load of wood on his head, he found a big wooden box. It was full of gold coins. There was so much money in it that he could live in comfort without working for the rest of his life. He was overjoyed to see the money.
Question 1.
(a) What did the woodcutter find?
(b) How much money was there in the box?
(a) The woodcutter found a big wooden box. It was full of gold coins.
(b) There was so much money in the box that the woodcutter could live in comfort without working for the rest of his life.
Question 2.
(a) Write the one word for the
A person who cuts woods in the forest. W…………
(b) Find the word from the passage which is opposite to ‘small”.
(a) Woodcutter.
(b) big,
Passage 3
I am Sunita. I live in Delhi with my parents. Last summer I went to Rampur to stay with my maternal uncle. My mother packed my luggage. She gave me some dresses for my cousins. She also gave me a wooden horse for little Monti. My father gave me some money. Then he took me to the railway station. When I reached Rampur, I saw my uncle. He was waiting for me at the railway station. He took me home.
Question 1.
(a) Where does Sunita live?
(b) Where did Sunita go last summer?
(a) Sunita lives in Delhi
(b) Sunita went to Rampur last summer.
Question 2.
(a) Write one word for the
Brother of mother, M…….
(b) Find out the word from the passage which is opposite to “Received.”
(a) Maternal uncle
(b) Gave
Passage 4
The state police went to Rastapal village on 19 June 1947 to close the school which was running in the house of Nanabhai Khant. Nanabhai refused to close the school. The police then beat up Nanabhai severely. He fell unconscious. They took him away with them for jailing him. However, Nanabhai died of his injuries on the way before the police could reach their camp. After this the police beat up the teacher Sengabhai Bheel, who had continued to teach the children despite Nanabhai’s death. After beating Sengabhai the police tied him to their truck. They took him away dragging on the road. A student of the school, named Kalibai, could not see this. She ran towards the truck with a sickle to cut the ropes and free Sengabhai.
Question 1.
(a) When did the state police go to Rastpal village?
(b) Where did the police take Sengabhai?
(a) The state police went to Rastpal village on 19 June 1947.
(b) The police took Sengabhai away dragging on the road.
Question 2.
(a) Write one word for the
Not awake and aware of Un …………
(b) Find out the word from the passage which is opposite to “Accepted”.
(a) Unconscious
(b) Refused
Passage 5
The King of Siam had a peculiar habit. Instead of receiving gifts on his birthday he gave them. One year of his birthday, not having anything else handy, he gave each of his daughters a green parrot in a golden cage. The princesses were very proud of their parrots and they spent an hour every day in teaching them to talk. Presently all the parrots could say “God save the King and some of them could say “Pretty Polly’ in no less than seven languages.
Question 1.
(a) Who was very proud of their parrots?
(b) What peculiar habit did Siam have?
(a) The princesses were very proud of their parrots
(b) Siam had a peculiar habit of giving gifts instead of receiving.
Question 2.
(a) Write one word for the
Different to what is normal, P………….
(b) Find out the word from the passage which is opposite to “Ashamed”.
(a) Peculiar
(b) Proud
Passage 6
Every Monday, on his way back from work, Ram Prakash stopped at Shree Bookstore in Bapu Bazaar to buy books like crime stories, ghost stories, and thrillers. He bought at least five at a time to last him through the week. He loved to stay alone. Therefore he had few friends and didn’t like spending time in idle chat.
Today, at Shree Bookstore, Ram Prakash had the feeling that someone was observing him from close quarters. He turned around and found himself looking at a round-faced, meek-looking man who now grinned. “I don’t suppose you recognize me”. “Have we met before?” asked Ram Prakash The man looked greatly surprised, “My name is Gopal. We met every day for a whole week. I arranged for a car to take you to the Fatehsagar.”
Question 1.
(a) Why did Ram Prakash stop?
(b) What did Ram Prakash love to do?
(a) Ramprakash stopped to buy books.
(b) Ramprakash loved to stay alone.
Question 2.
(a) Write one word for the
An act that is illegal and punishable, C………….
(b) Find out the word from the passage which is opposite to “Sold”.
(a) Crime
(b) Bought
Passage 7
Yoga plays a vital role in maintaining good health. It keeps us physically and mentally healthy. It provides us a positive attitude. Yoga keeps us energetic and agile throughout the day.
Today our lifestyle has changed a great deal. We remain busy the whole day long. Stress and tension have become part and parcel of our life. Stress and tension are also the product of a modern lifestyle.
Yoga relieves us from stress and tension. It generates energy, creativity, and self-discipline. It also helps in curing fatal diseases like cancer, hepatitis, and AIDS.
Question 1.
(a) What role does yoga play?
(b) What is the product of a modern lifestyle?
(a) Yoga plays a vital role in maintaining a good health.
(b) Stress and tension are the product of modern lifestyle
Question 2.
(a) Write one word for the
A fatal disease which kills normal body cells, C…………..
(b) Find out the word from the passage which is opposite to “old fashioned”.
(a) Cancer
(b) Modern
Passage 8
Health is the most important thing in life. To enjoy good health we should take balanced diet and do exercises. Morning walk is one of the best exercises. It is a light exercise so it is equally good for men and women, young and old, sick and healthy and even for children. The fresh air of the morning makes our lungs strong and provides us a fund of energy. We feel all day long fresh after morning walk. So morning walk is the only way to keep our body fit. It is a tonic for health. The peaceful atmosphere of the morning invites everyone to go for a morning walk. One can think better in such atmosphere.
Question 1.
(a) What should we do to enjoy good health?
(b) What is the only way to keep our body fit?
(a) We should take balanced diet and exercises to enjoy a good health.
(b) Morning walk is the only way to keep our body fit.
Question 2.
(a) Write one word for the
Two organs in the chest used for breaking, L …………….
(b) Find out the word from the passage which is opposite to “Noisy”.
(a) Lungs
(b) Peaceful
Passage 9
One day a very old lady was traveling alone in a first class compartment. She was very well dressed. She was sitting in a corner quietly reading a book. A traveling ticket examiner came into her compartment and asked for her ticket. The old lady looked for it in her bag but couldn’t find. She then looked for it among her other things but she could not find. Then she got worried and said to the ticket examiner, “Will you please pull the chain and stop the train immediately? I’ve lost my ticket.” The ticket examiner said, **Please don’t worry. I know that you are honest.” But the old lady said, “You don’t understand. If I do not find my ticket, how will I know where I have to get off ?”
Question 1.
(a) What was the old lady doing in the corner of the compartment?
(b) What did the old lady look for in her bag?
(a) The old lady was reading a book.
(b) The old lady looked for the ticket in her bag
Question 2.
(a) Write one word for the
A person who asks for tickets from the travelers, E………………….
(b) Find out the word from the passage which is opposite to “Without delay
(a) Examiner
(b) Immediately
Passage 10
An old man was walking slowly along a street. One day he saw a little boy who was trying to reach a doorbell which was too high for him. He was a kind
ed old man, so he stopped and said, “I will ring the bell for you.” Then he pushed the button of the bell so hard that it could be heard all over the house.
The little boy looked up at him and said, “Now we will run away. Come on or we shall be caught.” Before the old gentleman knew what was happening, the naughty little boy had run away around the corner of the street, leaving the old man to explain to the angry owner of the house, “Why you had rung the bell ?”
Question 1.
(a) What was the little boy trying to do?
(b) What did the boy say to the old man?
(a) The little boy was trying to reach a doorbell.
(b) The little boy said to the old man, “Now we will run away.”
Question 2.
(a) Write one word for the
A device that rings to alert, D ………………
(b) Find out the word from the passage which is opposite to “Released”.
(a) Doorbell
(b) Caught
Passage 11
The Mahabharata is a story about the Pandays and the Kauravs and the great war they fought for the throne of Hastinapur.
Pandu was the king of Hastinapur. He was a brave man and a wise ruler and the kingdom he came rich under him, but he did not rule for many years. When he died his eldest son was too young to rule, so his brother Dhritarashtra, a blind man, became the king. The blind king had hundred sons. They were known as the Kauravas. The five sons of Pandu were known as the Pandavs. They were Dharamputra or Yudhisthir, the wise, Bheem, the strong, Arjun, the great warrior and the twins Nakul and Sahadev.
The Pandavs and the Kauravs grew up together in the palace at Hastinapur. They played and studied together but from the very beginning, the Kauravs did not like the Pandavs. Duryodhan, the eldest Kaurav, hated them. He wanted to be the king, but how could he? The Pandavs were the heirs to the throne.
Question 1.
(a) Why did the Pandavs and the Kauravs fight?
(b) How many sons did the blind king have?
(a) The Pandavs and the Kauravs fought for the throne of Hastinapur.
(b) The blind king had hundred sons.
Question 2.
(a) Write one word for the
A special chair used by a king or queen, T………
(b) Find out the vord from the passage which is opposite to “Foolish”,
(a) Throne
(b) Wise
Passage 12
Ashoka was a great emperor. He thought that the duty of a great king was to protect the people and safeguard their rights. He gave protection to the public and made arrangements for Justice. He instructed his officials to behave properly with public. He engraved the message of Justice and Non-violence on pillars and installed them at different places. Some of the pillars tell us about his greatness. He opened hospitals for the infirm and the old where good treatment was given to the patients. He also opened hospitals for animals. He was really great as he advocated pity and mercy for all living creatures.
Question 1.
(a) What did Ashoka instruct his officials?
(b) What did Ashoka think?
(a) Ashoka instructed his officials to behave properly with public.
(b) Ashoka thought that the duty of a great king was to protect the people and safeguard their rights.
Question 2.
(a) Write one word for the
The ruler of on empire. E………………….
(b) Find out the word from the passage which is opposite to Small”.
(a) Emperor
(b) Great
Passage 13
This is a true story about a poet called Kabir who was born more than five hundred years ago. He taught us an important lesson: God loves all men. One day a young man called Niru and his wife Neema were traveling to Banaras. The day was hot. Their bullock cart bumped slowly along the dusty road. On the way, they passed a pool with lotus plants at its edge. These plants had huge leaves and beautiful flowers. Neema was feeling hot and thirsty, so they stopped near the pool. While they were drinking the cool water and were washing the dust from their faces, Neema heard a weak cry.
Question 1.
(a) When was Kabir born?
(b) Why did Niru and Neema stop near the pool?
(a) Kabir was born more than five hundred years ago.
(b) Niru and Neema stopped because Neema was feeling hot and thirsty.
Question 2.
(a) Write one word for the
A cart pulled by oxen, B……………….
(b) Find out the word from the passage which is opposite to“Ugly”
(a) Bullock cart
(b) Beautiful
Passage 14
Gandhiji wanted to live like a poor villager. He dressed like one and lived in a hut. His needs were very few and he owned only a few things. He had only two or three dhoties, a pocket watch, a pair of spectacles and a pair of chappals. He ate from a wooden bowl with a wooden spoon.
Gandhiji led us in our fight against foreign rule and got us our freedom. But he fou that without arms. He practiced ahimsa and was fearless. The foreign rulers put him in jail a number of times. But he did not hate them. He never hated anyone. He loved all the people of the world. So people everywhere called him a Mahatma.
Question 1.
(a) How did Gandhiji want to live?
(b) How did Gandhiji fight?
(a) Gandhiji wanted to live like a poor villager.
(b) Gandhiji fought without arms.
Question 2.
(a) Write one word for the
A person who does not fear anyone, E ……………
(b) Find out the word from the passage which is opposite to “Violence”.
(a) Fearless
(b) Non-violence
Passage 15
He, however, could not leave his old habit. One dark night he broke into the house of the famous lawyer L.K. Madnani. Shri Madnani was also well known for his rich collection of antiques, jewelry, and ornaments. He often held exhibition of his collection. Gopal Das’s eyes spread wide when he saw many precious things. First he took off his gloves and put them on a table. Then he filled his pockets with golden ornaments. There was a beautiful knife which had many diamonds fixed on its handle. Gopal Das took it and looked at it closely. Just then he heard from behind, Gopal Das! you, here’ Gopal Das turned around and saw that it was Madnani himself. Madnani had recognized him. Without waiting, Gopal Das thrust the knife into Madnani’s body. Madnani fell down on the floor and died. Gopal Das quickly put his gloves into his pocket and left the place.
Question 1.
(a) What did L.K. Madnani have in his collection?
(b) When did Gopal Das’s eyes spread wide?
(a) L.K. Madnani had antiques, jewelry, and ornaments.
(b) Gopal Das’s eyes spread wide to see many precious things.
Question 2.
(a) Write one word for the
Precious ornaments, J……………..
(b) Find out the word from the passage which is opposite to “Gathered”.
(a) Jewelry
(b) Spread
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