RBSE Class 10 Science Model Paper 5 English Medium are part of RBSE Class 10 Science Board Model Papers. Here we have given RBSE Class 10 Science Sample Paper 5 English Medium.
Board | RBSE |
Textbook | SIERT, Rajasthan |
Class | Class 10 |
Subject | Science |
Paper Set | Model Paper 5 |
Category | RBSE Model Papers |
RBSE Class 10 Science Sample Paper 5 English Medium
Time: 3.¼ Hours
Maxim Marks: 80
General Instructions to the Examinees:
- Candidate must write first his/her Roll on the question paper compulsory.
- All the questions are compulsory.
- Write the answer to each question in the given answer-book only.
- For question having more than one part, the answers to those parts are to be written together in continuity.
- If there is any error/difference/contradiction in Hindi & English versions of the question paper, the question of Hindi versions should be treated valid.
Part Question Nos. Marks per Question A 1 – 11 1 B 12 – 21 3 C 22 – 27 4 D 28 – 30 5 - There are internal choices in Q. No. 27 and Q.No 30.
Part – A
Question 1.
Which diseases are associated with obesity? [1]
Question 2.
What are the different parts of renal tubule? [1]
Question 3.
Give the immunoglobulin model as proposed by porter. [1]
Question 4.
What are the different barriers of operations of innate immunity? [1]
Question 5.
What are immunoglobulins? [1]
Question 6.
Write the formula of polystyrene. [1]
Question 7.
When work done on a body is negative? [1]
Question 8.
What happens, when a barmagnet falls into a conducting loop? [1]
Question 9.
What is ‘Kalpavriksha’? [1]
Question 10.
Write the different types of food used in poultry farming. [1]
Question 11.
Name the organisation formed by United Nations in 1968. [1]
Part – B
Question 12.
Write main sources and main functions of the following mineral elements. [1½ x 6 = 3]
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Calcium
- Phosphorus
- Iron element
- Iodine.
Question 13.
(a) CH3COOH + NaOH —> CH3COONa + H2O What should be the pH of the solution obtained by above reaction?
(b) How many grams of carbon will combine with oxygen to give 44 gins of carbon dioxide?
(c) What do you mean by exothermic reaction? Give an example. [1 + 1 + 1 = 3]
Question 14.
(a) Explain with example of saturated hydrocarbon. [1 + 1 + 1 = 3]
(b) Write molecular formula of benzene, draws its structure and write the number of double bonds present in it.
(c) Identify alkene and alkyne from the following:
- C2H6
- C3H4
- C3H6
- C3H8
Question 15.
What is the necessity of wildlife conservation? [3]
Question 16.
Why the application of polythene be banned? [3]
Question 17.
Give the inner structure of the earth. Draw a Labelled diagram of the same. [3]
Question 18.
Mention the Theory of Biocentrism. [3]
Question 19.
How is the Astronauts use the food in the satellites? [3]
Question 20.
What is the contribution of Sushruta to the modern world? [3]
Question 21.
Why does the battery of a vehicle get discharged if not in use for a long period of time? [3]
Part – C
Question 22.
Define the following— [1 + 1 + 2 = 4]
- Trihybrid cross,
- Polyhybrid cross,
- F1 generation and F2 generation.
Question 23.
- Write the equation for the reaction of fatty acid with dil NaOH solution.
- What is hard soap?
- What happens when carbon dioxide gas is passed through sodium carbonate solution?
- Write the conjugate acid of S2- ion and H2O. [1+ 1 + 1 + 1= 4]
Question 24.
- Draw a neat of DC generator and describe its working.
- Mention different uses of generator.
Question 25.
- A body doubles its velocity. Calculate percentage gain in kinetic energy.
- A body reduces half of its original velocity. Calculate percentage loss in kinetic energy of the body. [2 + 2 = 4]
Question 26.
Describe the different stages of development of silkworm. [4]
Question 27.
What is Nutrition Cycle Control? [4]
How does the disposal of environmental pollution take place? [4]
Part – D
Question 28.
Give an account of male primary reproductive organs. [3 + 2 = 5]
What are the types of nephron. Show them with diagrams. Differentiate between them. [5]
Question 29.
a) How does atomic radii vary in a period? [2 + 1 + 2 = 5]
(b) Arrange the following ions in the increasing order of their ionic radii.
Li+, Mg2+, K+,AI3+
(c) Why is the 2nd ionization enthalpy of an element is more than its 1st ionization enthalpy?
(a) Which element in the periodic table has highest electronegativity? [1+ 1 + 1+ 2 = 5]
(b) Which of the following has lowest atomic volume? Al, B, F, O
(c) Between lithium and sodium which is more positive and why?
(d) Among the following pairs which has larger in size?
- Li, F and
- Na+, F –
Question 30.
- Explain with a neat diagram for visibility of sun to observer before actual sunrise and after actual sunset.
- How the path of a ray of light changes as it moves from one transparent medium to another transparent medium. [3+2=5]
- Explain construction of human eye with a neat diagram.
- The focal length of a convex lens is 40cm. Calculate power of the lens. [3 + 2 = 5]
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