Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 11 Political Science Chapter 7 Theories of the Origin of the State (Divine, Force, Matriarchal and Patriarchal)
RBSE Class 11 Political Science Chapter 7 Textual Questions
RBSE Class 11 Political Science Chapter 7 Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What are the ideas of theory of force in respect of human behaviour?
According to the theory of force, human behaviour has greed of power and aggression.
Question 2.
Who is the head of the family as per matriarchal theory?
As per matriarchal theory, mother is the head of the family.
Question 3.
What is the description in the Shanti Parva of Mahabharata in the context of origin of state?
In the Shanti Parvas of Mahabharata, there is description of divine principle in respect to origin of state.
Question 4.
What is the defect of patriarchal theory?
Patriarchal system could not be assumed to be prevalent in the entire world.
Question 5.
Which form of governance is thought to be the best in Divine theory?
Monarchy is thought to be the best form of governance in Divine theory.
RBSE Class 11 Political Science Chapter 7 Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Criticize the matriarchal principle.
Criticism of Matriarchal Principle:
The following are the main criticisms of matriarchal principle of the origin of state:
- This principle does not have historical proof, that the family was male – dominated or female-dominated in the earlier times.
- For the development of the state, this principle disregards other key attributes except the family.
- This principle is more social and less political. This explains the development of society, not the development of the state.
- It is a simple principle, whereas the origin of the state is the result of a complex process of development.
- This system was not prevalent in the whole world. At different places, we encounter the examples of father-dominated and mother – dominated arrangements.
- Woman is thought to be relatively weaker than man. Therefore, it seems unlikely for her to sustain the recognition of the hierarchy down the line.
Question 2.
Mention the shortcomings of principle of force.
Shortcomings of Principle of Force:
The following are the main shortcomings of the principle of force as regards origin of state:
- Force is not only decisive factor in origin of state.
- This principle defines a one – side explanation of human behaviour.
- This principle regards only power as the base of the state, whereas base of the state is a ‘will’ not ‘force’. According to T.H. Green, without the wish of people, neither a state can be organised nor can it be established.
- This principle makes a state autocratic.
- This principle believes in war and revolution, and hence, it is anti-democratic.
- This principle harbours extreme – nationalism and imperialism.
- This principle is in opposition to international peace and world brotherhood.
- This principle gives importance to physical force, whereas in present period, spiritual, technical and legal power (forces) are also to be given importance.
Question 3.
What are the duties of a state, according to the divine principle?
The divine principle is the oldest and imaginary principle of origin of the state. The state is a divine institution. It is made by God himself for the good of the people. God either rules himself or sends someone as this representative for administration. King is the representative of God and he is answerable to God only. The sovereign of the state,that is the king, does not come at all under any the law.
The king makes law. No power in the world can prevent the king from imposing his will. The order of the king is law and his acts are always judicious and benevolent. The monarchy of the state is heirarchical. On the event of king’s death, his son will be his successor. A king, should plan works for the benefit of the people. If he does not do his duty, the people should not oppose him. God himself will settle the score with him.
Question 4.
Explain the features / characteristics of patriarchal theory.
Patriarchal Theory:
The following are the main features of patriarchal theory:
- In ancient times, the unit of society was a family.
- Base of family was stable marriage relations.
- The head of the family was the eldest male.
- Hierarchy was carried by males. A female did not have any right of succession.
- In patriarchal family, absolute and unlimited rights of the family head were the original source of political governance.
- Clans formed from patriarchal families, tribes from clans and then the state was founded by tribes.
- Blood relation was the main factor for the unity of family members.
- The powers of the head in the family were absolute.
- The basis of the development of a state was patriarchal system (father-dominated system).
Question 5.
Write the characteristics of the principle of force.
Characteristics of Principle (theory) of Force:
The following are the main characteristics of the principle of the force as regards origin of the state:
- Force is the only basis for the origin of the state. Here, ‘force’ means economic, physical and military powers.
- Greed of dominance, and aggression are the natural attributes of human behaviour.
- It is the eternal rule of nature that ‘force is justice’. Force is supreme.
- Only the powerful minority always rules the administration, and the majority powerless people follow them.
- In present time, existence of all states is power centric.
- The objective of the state is promotion of power and its successful use.
RBSE Class 11 Political Science Chapter 7 Essay Type Questions
Question 1.
Evaluate the principle (theory) of force in the context of origin of the state.
The “Theory of Force”of origin of the State:
According to the principle of force, the only reason of the origin of state is use of force or power. The emergence of the state has been on account of the nature of dominance of powerful people over weak people. In other words, war was the main reason of origin of state. The victorious in the war became the ruler and the defeated became the subjects.
The state is the result of rights and dominance upon the weak by the powerful people. That is to say, that the greed of dominance leads the people to mutual struggle and the individual who is capable to crush the other, becomes the king. The powerful compel the defeated the majority weak people to bow before them on the basis of their might. He then organizes these followers in the shape of a tribe and becomes their leader.
Main Characteristics of the Principle of Force:
The main characteristics of the principle of force are as follows:
- Force is the only basis for the origin of the state. Here, force means economic, physical and military power.
- Greed of dominance and aggression are the natural attributes of a human being.
- It is the everlasting truth of the nature that ‘Force is justice.’ Force is supreme.
- Only the minority powerful rule the administration in the state and the majority powerless follow them.
- In present times, existence of all states is power – centric.
- The objective of the state is promotion of power and its successful use.
The use of Theory of Force:
- In medieval period, the use of this principle was done by Christian religious leaders to declare the state as an impure institution, and to glorify the church as an exalted institution.
- Individualistic thinkers used this for stemming the government’s intervention in personal freedom.
- Socialists and anarchistic thinkers also used this principle comprehensively for liberty of an individual.
- Fascists and Nazists also supported this principle and used it for expansion of their power.
Criticism of Principle of Force:
With the following bases, criticism of the principle of force can be done:
- Force is only a helping factor for the formation of the state, and it is not a decisive element. Though it played an instrumental role in the origin of the state, but there are other factors also, such as awareness, religion, blood – relation, etc. in the course of its origin.
- This principle accepts only force as the base of the state, whereas the base of the state is will, and not force. Without people’s will there can be neither organization of the state its establishment. People follow orders of a state by their logical thought and intellectual acumen, not due to fear.
- This principle gives a one – sided explanation of human behaviour.
- This theory believes in war and revolution, hence it is anti – democratic.
- This principle boosts extreme nationalism and imperialism.
- This principle emphasises on physical force alone. In modern times, importance is given to spiritual, technical and legal powers also.
Importance of Principle of Force:
Despite having many shortcomings, the principle of force has many utilities:
- Since ancient times, force has played an important role in the origin and development of the state.
- In ancient times, the anarchist society could be organised, and discipline and obedience could be instilled in it because of power.
- It is seen in present time that when a state is not powerful, (then) it becomes victimised by anarchy and disintegration. It can be said with convection in its conclusion that the principle of force has played a very important role in the origin of the state. Because of this, it is apparent that ‘force’ was the driving force in the development of a state.
Question 2.
Which is the most ancient principle of origin of state? Explain in detail.
The most ancient principle of the origin of state is the ‘Divine Principle’. The description of this is as follows:
Advent and Development of Divine Principle: According to ‘Divine theory’, origin of the state is from gods (devtas) and God head. In this regard, the description is available in ancient Indian philosophy, western philosophy and also in the doctrines of other civilisations
1. Western Philosophy:
In western philosophy also, there has been an enunciation of godly form of the state, which is described below:
- Judaism:
This principle was first supported by Jews. In Jewish religious scriptures, God created the state and the king. - Egypt:
In ancient Egypt, king was called ‘Son of Sun God’. - China and Japan:
King a called ‘Son of Heaven’ in China and ‘Son of Sun’ in Japan. - Greece and Rome:
Here too, divine theory is recognized. - Bible:
Bible too, while enunciating the concept of godly creation of state, regards God as the source of all political powers.
2. Indian Philosophy:
According to ancient Indian thinkers, the origin of the state was by God. In accordance with Indian tradition, indications are found in Shanti Parva of the Mahabharata as regards divine principle. It is said in Manu Smriti that when anarchy began to rule the roost, and when the people began to run here and there then almighty made the king. In India, king is called Surya – putra (Son of Sun). Similarly, in Nepal, king was regarded as the incarnation of ‘Vishnu’.
Main Characteristics of Divine Principle:
The main characteristics of Divine Principle are as follows:
- State is a God – created institution. A state is neither a institution developed on its own, nor is it a man – made institution.
- King is the representative of God. The king is complete in divine virtues, and powers of the king are God – given.
- King enjoys unlimited powers and he is autocratic. The people have no right to rise against him and the people cannot rise in rebellion against him.
- Monarchy is the best form of administration. This form of the state is in accordance with the dictat of God.
- The post of the king is hierarchical. The people cannot usurp this.
- According to this principle, state, king and administration, all three, carry same mandate. There is no difference in them.
- The king is answerable to God, not to the people. Like that of God, the orders of monarchy are supreme, appropriate and judicious.
- According to his principle, the people are duty-bound to comply with the orders of the king. Their disobedience is tantamount to ‘sin’ in religious context.
Criticism of Divine principle:
The criticism of divine principle is as follows:
- Non – scientific Principle:
The contention of divine principle can be thought to be correct on the basis of religious beliefs and not on the basis of scientific logic. - Nurture of autocracy:
As the king is not answerable to the people, monarchy turned out to be absolutely autocratic and authoritative. - Against democratic principle:
This principle is in contravention to the democratic principle of administration. - Extreme outlook:
This principle made the king all – in – all with unrestricted power and divine qualities, which is an extreme outlook. - Religious Principle:
In today’s time, many people do not believe in God and religion, and obviously, it is not of any utility for them. - Lack of historical evidence:
It is known by the study of history that there is no evidence of the king being a representative of God. This principle also neglects political awareness, blood – relation and economic necessity, etc. - Reactionary principle:
This principle develops blind faith in the minds of people for the king, which is against the principle of rationality. - Orthodrox principle:
This is an orthodox principle. This type of principle cannot be altered for public interests because any dissidence against the king will be regarded as sin and disrespect towards God.
Importance of Divine Principle:
Though in present, divine principle does not explain correctly the origin of the state, yet it has its own importance. The importance of divine principle is as follows:
- This principle is the first effort to explain the origin of the state in a systematic way.
- This principle also contributed in maintaining peace and order in the earlier anarchic society.
- This principle developed the sense of obedience and discipline in the mind of the people.
- This principle established the influence of religion in the development of the state.
Question 3.
Evaluate the Patriarchal Principle.
Patriarchal Principle:
This is an ancient principle of origin of the state. The description of this principle is seen in ancient history of Greece, Rome and the Jewish people. In the Jewish religious book, ‘old Testament’, Bible of Christians and also in different religious scriptures of ancient India and Rome, we find many references of this principle. The main interpreter of this principle is Henri-man. According to Henri-man, the society was a group of families in ancient times.
The head of the family in the form of father, had unlimited powers. He could invest money as per his desire. He could also evict his offsprings from the property and he could finalise their marriage as per his wish. In this way, many families were formed in the process of expansion and division of family, but the right of the main head of the original family remained intact. Gradually, father-dominated family groups developed. Clans were formed from families, to tribes and then tribes to state came into existence.
Main characteristics of Patriarchal principle:
The following are the main characteristics of patriarchal principle:
- In ancient time, the unit of the society was a family.
- The basis of family was stable marital relations.
- The eldest male happened to be the head of the family and there was hegemony of patriarchal elements.
- Genealogy was based on males. There was no right of succession to the female in the family.
- Rampant and unlimited right of the male head of family in a patriarchal family was the fundamental source of political governance.
- Clans were formed from patriarchal families, clans formed tribes and tribes developed into the state.
Criticism of Patriarchal Theory:
The following are the points of criticism of patriarchal principle:
1. Quite simplistic Principle:
Patriarchal principle of the origin of the state is a very simplistic one, whereas the origin of state is the result of complex development, wherein many small and big elements have their roles to play.
2. Existence of patriarchal families relavance is not everywhere:
This principle does not have relavance in the entire world. In Asia and Australia, examples of matriarchal system are found.
3. According to political thinkers such as Morgan, Maxwell etc,, the family tree was run by women, not by men. These families were the primary units of the state.
4. Sociological principle:
This principle seem to be less political principle in origin of state, and more sociological.
5. Importance of patriarchal principle:
The following are the points of importance of patriarchal principle:
- The patriarchal principle of the origin of state property analyses the contribution of blood relations in the development of the state, because the state is thought to be a developed form of families.
- Because of this principle, there spirit of obedience and discipline is established in the state.
Question 4.
Evaluate the Matriarchal Theory.
Matriarchal theory (Principle):
Matriarchal principle is an ancient principle of the origin of the state. The main supporters of this principle are McLinnen, Morgan and Jacques. They believed that the origin of state was from female – oriented society, and not from male – oriented society.
In early times, there was no institution established for marriage and because of this, wedlocks collapsed and the husband – wife relationship was sustained to be stable and developed purely on voluntary basis. Polyandry was rampant in the society. One woman had many husbands. Their offsprings were recognised by the social tag of mother, and not of father. Mother was the owner of property and governance. In due time, this system gave rise to the state.
Characteristics / conventions of Matriarchal Principle:
The following are the main characteristics / conventions of matriarchal principle.
- There was lack of permanent marriage relations. Because of this reason, the family tree began with mother only. Therefore, the lineage of family relations was the mother (female).
- Women used to have role authority and successor-ship on property and governance. Therefore, the head of the family was female and not male.
- In matriarchal families, mother was the central figure. Home- administration was run by her, which had seeds of the state.
Criticism of the Principle:
The following are the points of criticism of matriarchal principle:
1. Quite simplistic principle:
It is quite a simplistic theory, whereas the origin of the state is the result of a complex development, wherein many small and big elements play the role.
2. Not a proven principle:
This principle does enlighten on the development of the society, but this principle is merely an estimation of aS to how there was a beginning of society, especially of a family. This cannot be a proven principle as regards origin of state.
3. Social principle, not a political one:
This principle defines development of society in place of development of the state.
4. Neglect of other elements:
This principle neglects the other elements responsible for the development of the state.
5. Female, comparatively weak to male:
Though a female was a medium of recognition in the family, but she was not the real active owner of the power.
6. Both types of examples – mother – dominated and father – dominated are found in the world.
Importance of Matriarchal principle:
The importance of matriarchal principle in the development of the state is explained with the help of the following points:
- Matriarchal principle of the origin of the state properly analyses the contribution of blood-relations in the development of the state, because a state is thought to be the developed form of families.
- Because of this principle, there is established an importance of the spirit of obedience and discipline in the state.
RBSE Class 11 Political Science Chapter 7 Objective Type Questions
Question 1.
Which principle of the origin of the state was famous in medieval period ?
(a) Principle of Force
(b) The Principle of Social Agreement
(c) Divine Principle
(d) Patriarchal Principle
(a) Principle of Force
Question 2.
The first king was a lucky warrior, whose statement is this?
(a) Bismark
(b) Oppenheimer
(c) Gettle
(d) Voltaire
(d) Voltaire
Question 3.
Which one of the following thinkers supported the principle of force?
(a) Voltaire
(b) Rousseau
(c) Henriman
(d) Bismark
(a) Voltaire
Question 4.
Who is the main supporter of patriarchal principle?
(a) Leacock
(b) Henriman
(c) Gilchrist
(d) Hobbes
(b) Henriman
Question 5.
In which principle is the custom of polyandry found?
(a) Matriarchal principle
(b) Patriarchal principle
(c) Divine principle
(d) Principle of force
(a) Matriarchal principle
RBSE Class 11 Political Science Chapter 7 Other Important Questions & Answers
RBSE Class 11 Political Science Chapter 7 Objective type Questions
Question 1.
The most ancient principle of origin of state is:
(a) Divine principle
(b) Matriarchal principle
(c) The principle of force
(d) Social contract principle
(a) Divine principle
Question 2.
“The state is a divine institution”. The propagation of this concept is done by which principle?
(a) The principle of divine origin
(b) Matriarchal principle
(c) The principle of force
(d) The principle of social agreement
(a) The principle of divine origin
Question 3.
Who is the author of the book “Patriarchy” ?
(a) Garner
(b) Lasky
(c) Robert Filmer
(d) Jacques
(c) Robert Filmer
Question 4.
The author or “Tools of Free Monarchies” is:
(a) Robert Filmer
(b) James-I
(c) Louis XIV
(d) Morgan
(b) James-I
Question 5.
Because of rise of democratic thought, which principle of origin of state has lost its relevance?
(a) Principle of force
(b) The principle of social agreement
(c) Matriarchal principle
(d) Divine principle
(d) Divine principle
Question 6.
“State is a developed form of families.” This thought is accepted by the thinkers of which principle?
(a) The principle of force
(b) Patriarchal / matriarchal principle
(c) Divine principle
(d) The evolutionary principle
(b) Patriarchal / matriarchal principle
Question 7.
The main supporter of patriarchal principle is:
(a) Hegel
(b) Henriman
(c) Plato
(d) Green
(b) Henriman
Question 8.
Jewish religious book ‘Old Testament’ is related to which principle of the origin of state?
(a) Matriarchal principle
(b) Principle of force
(c) Patriarchal principle
(d) The contract theory
(c) Patriarchal principle
Question 9.
Main supporter of matriarchal theory is:
(a) McLinnen
(b) Morgan
(c) Jacques
(d) All of these
(d) All of these
Question 10.
“The survival of the fittest”. Which principle of the origin of state is based on it?
(a) The principle of social agreement
(b) The principle of force
(c) Divine principle
(d) Historical principle
(b) The principle of force
Question 11.
“Without force no state is alive nor can remain alive.” This statement is of:
(a) Bluntschli
(b) Aristotle
(c) Leacock
(d) Green
(a) Bluntschli
RBSE Class 11 Political Science Chapter 7 Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Mention any two principles of origin of the state.
- The principle of divine origin
- The principle of force.
Question 2.
Which principle of origin of state is imaginary?
The principle of Divine origin.
Question 3.
Who was the first supporter of the principle of divine origin?
The Jews.
Question 4.
Mention the name of the book written by king James-I of England.
Tools of free monarchy.
Question 5.
According to the principle of divine origin, king is known by what name?
By the name ‘Suryaputra’ (Son of Sun god).
Question 6.
King of Napal was regarded as whose incarnation ?
Incarnation of Vishnu.
Question 7.
In what form is the right of successorship of power explained in divine principle?
This principle explains the successorship of the governance on the basis of geneology.
Question 8.
Mention any two characteristic conventions of the principle of divine origin.
- State is a God-created institution
- Monarchy is autocratic.
Question 9.
Mention the causes of downfall of divine principle.
- The rise of the principle of social agreement
- Rise of democratic thought.
- Conflict between the state and church.
Question 10.
Mention two defects/criticisms of divine principle.
- Promoter of autocracy
- Anti democratic.
Question 11.
Who is the main supporter of patriarchal principle?
Question 12.
Mention any two characteristics of patriarchal principle.
- Male was the head of a family
- The basis of a family was permanent marriage relations.
Question 13.
Mention two points in criticism of patriarchal principle.
- Patriarchal system is not found everywhere
- It is too simplistic.
Question 14.
Who are the main supporters of matriarchal principle?
Main supporters of matriarchal principle are McLinnen, Morgan and Jacques etc.
Question 15.
Write two points in criticism of matriarchal principle.
- Very simple principle
- Neglects other important factors for the development of the state.
Question 16.
What is the only one reason for the origin of state as per the principle of force?
Force (Power).
Question 17.
Who said that the basis of a state should be blood and strength?
Question 18.
Which principle of origin of state encourages imperialism?
The principle of force.
Question 19.
What do you mean by ‘force’?
‘Force’ means physical and military power.
Question 20.
Which principle is used for the freedom of an individual by anarchists and socialist thinkers?
The principle of force.
RBSE Class 11 Political Science Chapter 7 Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Mention the use of divine principle of the origin of the state and the reasons of its downfall.
Use of divine principle of origin of state:
- Kings used this principle for consolidating their power and also for receiving the blind – faith of the people.
- It was used against democracy.
- It was used even in the struggle between king and church to prove the king better.
Reasons of Collapse:
The following are the reasons for the decline of divine principle:
- The rise of the principle of social agreement, wherein it was propagated that the state was not a divine institution. It is a man – made institution.
- The struggle between king and church also contributed in its fall.
- Also on account of advent of democratic thought, this principle lost its importance.
Question 2.
Mention the importance of divine principle of origin of state.
Importance of divine principle of origin of state:
Though the principle of divine origin does not explain properly the origin of state in present context, yet its has its importance. The following is the importance of divine principle:
1. Sequential explanation of origin of state:
This principle was the first attempt to make sequential explanation of origin of the state and upon which new principles came into being on the origin of the state in the later period.
2. Contribution in establishing peace and order:
This principle contributed significantly in establishing peace and order in the previously anarchist society. This principle organised people under the leadership of the king.
3. Development of spirit of obedience and discipline:
This principle contributed in a big way in the development of spirit of compliance and discipline.
4. Promotion of the influence of religion:
When there was lack of moral, social and economical ideals, this principle of religion provided an ethical and systematic life to the people.
Question 3.
Criticise the patriarchal principle.
Criticism of patriarchal principle:
The following are the points of criticism of patriarchal principle:
- Very simplistic principle:
Patriarchal principle of origin of the state is quite simplistic principle, whereas emergence of a state is the result of a complex process development, wherein many small and big factors play their roles. - It does not have existence everywhere:
This principle does not exist in the entire world. Examples of matriarchal system are found in Asia and Australia. - Initial social unit was the tribe:
According to Morgan and Maxwell etc., initial social unit was the tribe. With ‘break’ of tribe, clan was formed. From clan, family was formed. According to it, geneology (family-tree) was from female, not by the male. - Sociological principle:
This principle of origin of state seems less political principle, but more of a sociological one.
Question 4.
Mention the importance of patriarchal and matriarchal theories.
Importance of patriarchal and matriarchal theories:
Despite many criticisms of patriarchal and matriarchal theories (principles), these have their own importance. This importance can be presented with the help of the following points:
1. Importance of blood – relation:
Both these principles – patriarchal and matiarchal explain in a proper way the contribution of blood relation in the development of the state. The evolutionary principle of the origin of the state also accepts that there has been a big importance and contribution of blood-relation in the development of the state. The family was the main unit of cohesion in the society.
2. Development of the spirit of obedience and discipline:
Because of patriarchal and matriarchal theories, the importance of spirit of obedience and discipline was established in the state.
Question 5.
How have different thinkers explained the use of the principle of force? Clarify.
The basic premise of the principle of force of the origin of the state is that the main reason behind the origin of the state is force. In every state, the powerful persons rule over the weak persons. The history is the testimony and also at present the existence of the states is dependent on force or is force – centric. Different thinkers have made use of the principle of force in the following ways:
- In medieval period, the use of this principle was done by the religious leaders to belittle the state and also brand the church as the best institution.
- Individualist used this in order to prevent the intervention of the government in their individual freedom.
- Fascists and Nazis also supported and used this principle.
- Anarchists and socialistic thinkers also used this principle comprehensively for the freedom of an individual.
Question 6.
Explain the importance of the principle of force in the context of the state of today.
Importance of the principle of force in the context of the state of today:
According to the ‘principle of force’ of the origin of the state, the fundamental basis of the origin of the state is power (force). In the beginning, the use of force was done by the powerful to suppress the weak. The use of force gave rise to an organization, and gradually, the state of political organization developed. In the context of the state in present scenario, the principle of force is very important. This is made clear with the help of the following points:
- This principle described in detail the contribution of the force in the development of the state.
- This principle presented the extensive form of force before us.
- This principle explained holistically the different forms of economic, military and political power.
RBSE Class 11 Political Science Chapter 7 Essay Type Question
Question 1.
Perform a critical evaluation of the principle of force of the origin of the state.
The principle of force of the origin of the state:
According to the principle of force, the only element in the origin of the state is the use of force or power. The origin of the state was on account of tendency of the powerful people to enslave weak persons. In other words, war was the main reason of the origin of the state. The winner of the war became king and the losers his subject.
The state is the result of dominance and authority upon weak persons. That is to say, that the greed of dominance leads people to the mutual struggle, and in the struggle, the person who defeats others by his formidable strength becomes the king.
Critical evaluation of the principle of force of the origin of the state:
The following is the critical evaluation of the principle of force in respect of origin of the state:
- Force is a helping element for the formation of the state, not a decisive factor. Though it has played a vital role in the origin of the state, yet other factors such as awareness, religion, blood-relations, etc have also been very much responsible in the making of the state.
- This principle unilaterally defines the human behaviour.
- This principle believes in war and revolution, and hence, it is anti – democratic.
- This principle encourages extremism, nationalism and imperialism.
- This principle emphasises only physical power. In modern time, spiritual, technical and legal powers also carry their own importance.
- This principle is against international cooperation and global fraternity.
- This principle makes the state autocratic, because of which the freedom of the people gets restricted and democracy gets subverted. It can be said in conclusion, that though ‘power’ has played a very important role in the origin of the state and its development, yet this principle is not acceptable in its entirety.