Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 Religion
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 Text book Questions
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
“Religion is the expanse of divinity and spirituality prevalent in the man”. Whose statement is this?
(a) Confucius
(b) Swami Vivekananda
(c) Plato
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Swami Vivekananda
Question 2.
Which heart is considered as a stone by Maithilisharan Gupta?
(a) Heart without love for his/her religion
(b) Heart without love for his/her country.
(c) Heart without love for his/her culture
(d) None of these.
(b) Heart without love for his/her country.
Question 3.
What is considered to be against the religion in Manusmriti?
(a) Pardon
(b) Patience
(c) Accumulation
(d) Not to be angry
(c) Accumulation
Question 4.
The secular state means
(a) Religion less state
(b) State that favors only one religion
(c) All religions are equal for the state
(d) Religious state
(c) All religions are equal for the state
Question 5.
Who is the founder of the Islam?
(a) Paigamber Mohammad
(b) Abu Baqar
(c) Hasan and Hussain
(d) Mohammed Bin Qasim
(a) Paigamber Mohammad
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Which scholar has recognized the spirituality as the centre of religion?
Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan
Question 2.
Write the English translation of the word ‘Dharm’.
English translation of the word ‘Dharm’ is Religion.
Question 3.
What is the establishment year of Islam religion?
Islam religion was established in 622AD.
Question 4.
Who is the founder of the Christianity?
Jesus Christ is the founder of Christianity.
Question 5.
What is the name of the religion founded by Gautam Buddha?
Buddhism is the religion founded by Gautam Buddha.
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What is religion? Explain briefly.
Meaning of religion :
Religion has an important conceptuality in Indian culture and philosophy. In India, religion stands for duty, non-violence, justice, good conduct and virtues. Religion means adoption. Religion is defined in the form of an unified pattern, which joins a specific community with morality from traditions and beliefs.
Many definitions of religion are presented and its features are described.
In Manu Smriti, there is a description of ten characteristics of religion :
‘धृतिः क्षमा दमाऽस्तेयं शौचमिन्द्रिय निग्रहः।
घीर्विद्या सत्यमक्रोधो दशकं धर्मलक्षणम्।।
That is, patience, pardon, self-control, not to steel, purity, control over senses, intellect, study of knowledge, to speak truth, no wrath (anger) etc. are ten features of religion.
Question 2.
Clarify the concept of secularism.
Concept of Secularism :
Secularism means no discrimination against followers of any religion and to regard all religions on equal podium. In India, secularism has constitutional sanction and it is accepted everywhere. Secularism is a basic pride of Indian culture. India has a volley of religions, but it has not affected the unity of the country in diversity. Here, despite being various religions and beliefs the people live in harmony.
Question 3.
Mention the relationship between religion and ethics.
Relation between Religion and Ethics :
The basic motto of religion is to serve mankind. Religion emphasizes on good conduct, compassion, modesty and non-violence. Religion teaches us to remain aloof from evils and follows the path of good conduct. The basic form of religion is spiritual; and without pomp and show. The work of religion is to render good. Religion is a ethical point of view. To serve humankind is morality (ethics) and above virtues are main qualification of ethics. De facto, only such a religion is the best, which is par-excellance in the context of ethical parameters and which is in the pursuit of welfare of humanity. Truth and morality cannot be demarcated with the circumferences of any country or any period. Ethical truth sends a message of goodwill, compassion and mercy in all religions. In fact, to obey the conventions of ethics is a symbol of religion.
Question 4.
What is the religions concept of Christianity?
Religions concept in Chrisitian Religion :
The founder of Christian religion was Jesus Christ. Christianity is monotheist. In the context of the population of the world, it is having maximum followers. This theory believes in non-violence, but in this religion too, violence has been used because of certain religions and political reasons. In western Christian political ideology, a parallel authority of religion and politics is acknowledged. In Christian religion, there is a recognition of parallel state of God, Church, State, Vicar and Society.
Question 5.
Write the names of five countries that have the highest extension of Islam.
Islam is one of the latest religions of the world. In geographical point of view, Islam has its sway and dominance over the central terrain on global map. Five countries of the world, having optimum percolation of Islam are :
- Indonesia,
- India,
- Iran,
- Iraq and
- Soudi Arab.
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Explain the inter-relation between religion and politics.
Inter-relation between religion and politics : Since ancient times, religion and politics have been correlated. The fundamental element of politics is to rule in accordance with policy. The policy is that, which is nurtured by moral values and the highest religious conventions. According to Dr Ram Manohar Lohia, ‘Areas of religion and politics are different, but their roots are common.’ Religion is long-term politics, whereas politics is short-term religion. The duty of religion is to render good and its devotion, whereas the duty of politics is to fight the evil and damn it.
When politics and religion have negative tango, problems do erupt. B. Russel and E.M. Foster say that politics on the name of religion always gives to malice and struggle. After World War-II, many rulers announced specific religion as state-religion. Under the veil of religion, emphires were extended, which were followed by wars. In the last two thousand years, there have been bloody struggles. In late 20th century, a massive terrorist activities are being witnessed. Their main goal is to prove supremacy of religion. India’s neighbour in its live example.
In 21st century, there originated such classes in society, which are grossly impacted by religions bigotry. Mere, for fulfilling their vested interests, administrative class and religious masters have used politics and religion by their own distinct ways. When pompousness and selfishness enters into religion, human gets derailed from its path and it becomes a curse for the society. In fact, logical blend of religion and politics play a conduct for human good, whereas in contrary circumstances, the objects of the both stand mired. Religion and politics should play their roles in their related fields and obviously, there will not be its misuse. There should be a dignified contact between religion and politics. The practice of policy-studded religion and religion studded politics is a must for establishment of world peace.
Question 2.
Explain the concept of ‘Swarashtra’ in the context of Maithalisharan Gupta’s poetry regarding nation religion (Duty towards Nation).
The concept of ‘Swarashtra’ in reference to the poetry of Maithalisharan Gupta in the Context of Nation Religion : We, having been born in the dust of the nation, groomed and got educated, having been enjoying environmental flavour should be dedicated to the nation, and if there is a call for extreme sacrifice, then too it should be done for the sake of the nation. It is called nation religion (Duty towards Nation).
‘ Some poet writes :
”तुम जिसका जल अन्न ग्रहण कर
बड़े हुए लेकर जिसकी रज।
तन रहते कैसे तज दोगे,
उसको हे वीरों के वंशज।।
In fact, regardless of the faith, we follow or sect we regard, but the nation we live in, is supreme and foremost. We can be followers of any doctrine, language, conviction or religion, but national religion is supreme for an individual.
In this regard, national poet Maithalisharan Gupta writes :
जो भरा नहीं है भावों से, बहती जिसमें रसधार नहीं।
वह हृदय नहीं है पत्थर है जिसमें स्वदेश का प्यार नहीं।।
National religion is supreme for an individual. The interest of all is included in the security of the nation, unity of the nation and development of the nation. We, Indian, call our nation by the name ‘Bharat Mata’ (Mother India). And, hence is the duty of every Indian to pledge for her protection by all means. The explanation/introduction of nation religion is given by Maryada Puroshottam Ram in the following sentence
जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी
In fact, to perform devotion and prayer to mother India by good deeds is our religion. The way a brave soldier keeps on fighting till his last breath for the protection of motherland. Similarly, it is the duty of every Indian to respect humanity and should serve the nation rising above petty differences on religion, community and language. Philanthrapy and ultimate reality is practical side of religion. It is the conviction of religion that while working in accordance with own religion, community, vema and ashram, we should involve for the good to the nation. At the time of terrorist activities, we should rise about personal religions feeling and serve the nation selflessly. It is the nation religion (Duty towards Nation).
Question 3.
The concept of religion in Indian eternal culture is considered as a collective approach. How? Explain by giving a detailed description of religion.
Concept of Religion in Indian Eternal Culture : There has been an important place of concept of religion in Indian culture and philosophy. With regard to religion, meditation and contemplation was done in early cultures. Here, there has always been wider sense of religion. In Indian, it was recognized in the sense of duty, non-violence, justice, good character and virtue. In India, religion is regarded sancrosanct and incorporeal. In the Bhagwat Gita, Shri Krishna calls religion or own-religion for the way to know and render the best on the basis of power of nationality.
According to Swami Vivekananda :
“Religion is a mere extension of spirituality already prevalent in a person.”
Dr Sarvpalli Radhakrishnan writes :
“The essence of religion is dependent on this fact that it emphasizes on spiritual side for the growth of soul and takes life towards sacularism.”
Collective Outlook of religion in Indian Eternal Culture :
In Indian eternal culture, religion is acknowledged in wider perspective. It is described in Indian religions scriptures that,
” यतो अभ्युदय निःश्रेयस सिद्धी स धर्म ”
That is, where there is growth and welfare of all, is religion. Though different thinkers and belivers have presented different definitions on religion,the real and factual form of religion is found in Indian culture only, where a wider some of religion is taken from duty, non-violence, justice, good conduct and virtue. Religion is an art of life, which fills a man with humanity. The initial duty of religion is to inculcate virtues in children.
Sanatan Dharma (Eternal religion) is regard as the most ancient religion. Ethernal religion is based on Vedas, wherein several process of devotion, different concepts, communities and philosophies are embedded. It is basically a monotheist religion. The advent of Bodha Dharma, Jain Dharma and Sikh Dharma is regarded from Hindu religion. The spirit of coordination is put forth by Sri Krishna :
श्रूयतां धर्म सर्वस्वं श्रुत्वा चाप्यवधार्यताम।
आत्मेनः प्रतिकूलानि परेषां न समाचरेत्।।
Listen to the tenets of all religions and then try to churn on basic elements. It is the result of nature of collectivism that in Indian culture, welfare of all is regarded the object of life. The welfare of humankind is the unique characteristic of Indian eternal religion. The following is the description in the Gita.
न त्वहं कामये राज्यं न स्वर्ग नापुनर्भवम्।
कामये दु:ख तप्तानां प्राणिनाम् आर्तिनाशनम्।।
That is, I don’t wish for a state; neither for heaven, nor for salvation. I have only one desire that can remove the problems of aggrieved creatures.
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 Other Important Questions
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 Multiple Choice Questions
Question 1.
First of all, contemplation of religion happened in :
(a) Western culture
(b) Eastern cultures
(c) In both of these
(d) None of these
(b) Eastern cultures
Question 2.
According to Sri Krishna in Gita, a person is gifted by nature for :
(a) intellect
(b) spirit of welfare of others
(c) logical power
(d) acumen
(d) acumen
Question 3.
Which one of the following has constitutional recognition?
(a) Morality
(b) Purity and impurity
(c) Secularism
(d) None of these
(c) Secularism
Question 4.
The element of ethical truth is :
(a) love
(b) mercy
(c) compassion
(d) all of these
(d) all of these
Question 5.
“Those who live for others live in true sense, the rest though live are like corpse.” Whose statement is this?
(a) Dr Sarvpalli Radhakrishnan
(b) Sri Krishna
(c) Swami Vivekananda
(d) Ram Manohar Lohia
(c) Swami Vivekananda
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What has Swami Vivekananda said, while making distinction between spirituality and external formal religion?
Swami Vivekananda said that ‘religion is a mere extension of spirituality prevalent in human being.
Question 2.
What has been termed as epicentre of religion by Dr Sarvpalli Radhakrishnan?
Question 3.
According to Dr Sarvpalli Radhakrishnan, what is the essence of religion?
The essence of religion :
- To emphasis on spiritual side for the ascent of soul.
- To tend life towards secularism.
Question 4.
To which senses, the religion in India relates to?
Relation of religion in India is related to the senses of duty, non-violence, justice, good conduct and virtues.
Question 5.
What is regarded religion by Sri Krishna in the Gita?
According to Sri Krishna, the acquisition of the best knowledge on the basis of rationality and performance of conduct accordingly is religion.
Question 6.
When is the conduct as per religion possible?
The conduct as per tenets of religion is possible only when a person abdicates selfishness, narrow-minded altitude, proud and wish of dominance.
Question 7.
At present times, Indian lifeline has become polluted. Why?
Today, Indian lifeline has become polluted because we have eschewed ancient religious values and given way to destructive tendencies like communalism.
Question 8.
What is secularism in Indian context?
The meaning of secularism in Indian context is that there is no discrimination against follower of any religion and all religions are equally respected.
Question 9.
What is the basic doctrine of religion?
The basic doctrine of religion is to serve humankind.
Question 10.
On what attributes, religion stresses on?
The religion emphazises on good conduct, compassion, mercy and non-violence.
Question 11.
What education does religion impart?
Religion teaches us to remain aloof from vices and follow the path of goodwill and good conduct.
Question 12.
What are the result in the rational amalgamation of religion and politics?
Rational blend of religion and politics is beneficial to the human welfare.
Question 13.
At present, what are the basic causes of religious struggle?
At present, different religious conventions and sects are trying to establish their personal supremacy, causing a situation of opposition, strife and malice. This is the basic reason of religious struggle.
Question 14.
What is the criteria of truth of religion?
There are two conditions for the criteria of religion :
- Universal acceptance of religion,
- Public utility.
Question 15.
Truth and morality is beyond country or period, why?
Truth and morality is beyond any demarcation of a country or period because fundamental ideals of love, mercy, compassion etc. are universal ethos of all religions. These are beyond influence of geographical boundaries and time etc.
Question 16.
What is the message, a moral truth sends out?
Moral truth gives message of truth, love, compassion and mercy.
Question 17.
How can a best state be established in the world?
The establishment of the best state is possible only by the identical values of all religions/faiths.
Question 18.
On what basis, religion is criticized by Bertrand Russel and E.M. Foster?
Many scholars like Bertrand Russel and E.M. Foster have criticized the religion for there has always been bloodshed in the world by the politics in the name of religion. And it is still continuing.
Question 19.
What is the fundamental element of politics?
The fundamental element of politics is to rule by policy. Policy is nurtured and groomed by moral values and the best religious conventions and beliefs.
Question 20.
What are the basic elements of non-violence and religion?
The basic elements of both, non-violence and religion, are – Pardon, mercy, compassion, truth, devotion towards duty and honesty.
Question 21.
Which is the supreme religion for a human-being.
Rashtradharma (Duty towards nation).
Question 22. Which one is the most ancient religion of the world?
Sanatan Dharma (Eternal religion) and Vedic religion.
Question 23.
Mention one characteristic of Indian culture.
Spirit of welfare of human kind.
Question 24.
What is the state of liberty and rights in Islam?
In Islam, authority and duty dominate over liberty and rights.
Question 25.
In the form of secular nation, the foundation of our country is dependent upon what?
In the form of secular nation, the foundation of country is based on religious tolerance, religious goodwill and morality.
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Today Indian lifeline has been polluted. How?
Communalism is such a state of the society, wherein different religious groups try to establish their supremacy over other groups. At present, the communalism which is being talked about in Indian life is subversive. In fact, communalism does not have similar form. If a kind of communalism is given encouragement, then naturally there erupts another form of communalism, which is detrimental in the way of nation’s building. Today, we have come to a pass where ancient values of life have been pushed to the corner and destructive activities and tendencies have taken over their place. That is the only reason because of which Indian lifeline has been polluted.
Question 2.
What are the fundamental characteristics of all religions? Explain.
All religions have similar basic spirit, whose main characteristics are given below :
- The foie object of religion is to serve mankind.
- Religion emphasizes on good conduct, mercy, compassion and non-violence.
- Religion preaches to eschew the path of evils and follow the path of good conduct.
- The basic form of religion is spiritual and free from pompousness.
- The task of religion is to render good and its devotion.
Question 3.
Why can the utility of a religion be proven? Explain.
The utility of any religion is proved only when it establishes uniformity with other religions. Any religion, which condemns, domns and rebukes other religions; looks at their customs and traditions or rituals with hate and disregard, cannot be true and universal.
There is no laboratory for religious conventions and beliefs. In fact, the supremacy of a religion is tested on the basis of purity of conduct, compassion, mercy and emphasis on non-violence. It preaches to remain aloof from vices and follow the path of good conduct. It should be perfect on ethical parameter and has a wish to render welfare to the mankind.
Question 4.
How is religion being misused? Explain.
After Second World-War, many empires declared specific religion their state-religion; and fought wars in order to spike their followers in the name of religion. They fought many battles to widen their empire seeking prop in religion. Islam, Christian, Yehudi, and many sects segregated from Hindi religion tried to get recognition by the use of force and widened the orbit of their religions. For the last two thousand years, there have been many instances of carnage and bloodshed. At present, terrorist activities are on the rise to have a sway under the garb of religion. Terrorists have started victimising followers of other religions. India has suffered in a big way owing to these activities.
Question 5.
Explain religion and politics in the context of Islam religion.
Islam religion gives clear glimpses of politics in religion and religion in politics. In Islam, there is dominance of authority and duty over liberty and right. In all Islamic states, personal liberty is defined and confined by the authority and power of the state. The relation of Islamic political philosophy is not only linked to the state affairs, politics and state, but it emphasizes on acknowledged behaviour of a person, morality and devotion of the ruler and the ruled towards God. Islam religion can be understood in the backdrop of Islamic traditions. Islam believes in purity out of obeyance of God and Pegambar. Islam, by nature, is a dynamic religion. In geographical and political forms, the extension and expansion of Islam has been on the rise.
RBSE Class 12 Political Science Chapter 3 Long Answer Type Question
Question 1.
Describe in brief the developmental spree of Islam religion.
Islam is one of the greatest religions of the world. Advent of Islam was done by Mohammad Pegambar in AD 622. At present, there are around 1.5 billion followers of Islam in the world. One-fifth of world’s total population is Muslims. In geographical point of view, Islam has its rampant influence over central part of the globe. Islam is spread like a web from the east to the west. There is dominance of Islam in Non-white Africa, India and China.
Islam is not a religion confined within a national culture or national boundary. It is pervasiv in the world like an universal force. Since, its origin, the number of its followers are on the increase. The advent of Islam took place is seventh century is Macca and Madina in the form of a small community. Its foundation was laid by Mohammad Pegambar with his two followers. In a short span of time since its inception, a vast magnitude of different castes gathered under its banner. Islam, by way of its continuously moving bandwagon, swept under its impact entire middle, east and north Africa, Arabian a peninsula, Irani land, Middle Asia and area of Indu Valley. Islam, by adopting Greek philosophy and science, inculcated certain changes according to their comforts and transformed in into Islamisation. While embracing minute rationality of Yahudi’s laws and skill of governance of Persian, they also adopted methodologies of Christian religion. They also included Malasian tricks and Persian’s duelism in Islam. Islam also stretched its wings, covering Begdad, Kohira. Damascus, Samarkund. Besides, many Arab tribe cultures immersed in Islam.
Islam religion does not distinguish in spirituality of religion, corporeal, non-corporeal, practical, religious and secular forms. Islam regards mutually ‘connect’ of religion and politics. In Islam, authority and duty dominate over liberty and right. In the countries following Islam, personal liberty is defined by state’s authority and power.