Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 12 English Letter Writing Letters to Editors
(On Various Social, National And International Issues)
Letter to Editor:
यह एक प्रकार का पत्र होता है जो समय-समय पर लोगों के द्वारा एक समाचार पत्र या पत्रिका के सम्पादक को अपने विभिन्न प्रकार के विचार, राय, शिकायत, सुझाव इत्यादि को व्यक्त करने के लिए लिखा जाता है।
एक सम्पादक को पत्र लिखने में निम्नलिखित बातों का ध्यान रखना चाहिये:
1. अपना नाम, पता, ई-मेल का पता, फोन नम्बर इत्यादि को सबसे ऊपर देना नहीं भूलें क्योंकि एक समाचार-पत्र सम्पादक को इनकी आवश्यकता होती है। वह इसकी पूरी तरह से जाँच पड़ताल करने के बाद ही किसी भी समाचार या वक्तव्य को अपने समाचार-पत्र में स्थान देगा।
2. यदि आप किसी पत्र या लेख का प्रत्युत्तर दे रहे हैं तो इसे सीधा ही कहें। अपने पत्र के मुख्य भाग में लेख का नाम पहले ही लिख दें।
3. अपनी बात को संक्षिप्त में कहने का प्रयोस करें। अपने पत्र में सारपूर्ण व बुद्धिमत्तापूर्ण विचारों को ही व्यक्त करें।
4. एक पत्र में निम्नलिखित प्रारूप का अनुसरण करने का प्रयास करें –
- पहले पैरा में अपनी समस्या बतायें व उनके प्रतिरोध को संक्षिप्त रूप में लिखने का प्रयास करें।
- दूसरे पैरा में अपने दृष्टिकोण के सहायक के रूप में कुछ वाक्यों को लिखने का प्रयास करें।
- अंत में सारांश को जोरदार व बुद्धिमत्ता पूर्ण लाइन के साथ समाप्त करें।
5. अपने पुत्र को दोबारा पढ़ लें क्योंकि एक पत्र-सम्पादक उन पत्रों की उपेक्षा कर देता है जिनमें व्याकरण सम्बंधी त्रुटियाँ पाई जाती हैं। यह पत्र सम्पादक के ऊपर एक बुरा प्रभाव छोड़ता है।
6. यह भी याद रखें कि एक प्रसिद्ध समाचार पत्र को बहुत संख्या में पत्र प्राप्त होते हैं, इसलिए अपने पत्र का स्तर बनाये रखना चाहिये। यदि आप अपने पत्र को छपवाना ही चाहते हैं तो आरम्भ में आप छोटे समाचार पत्रों में प्रयास कर सकते हैं।
7. यदि आप अपना नाम नहीं छपवाना चाहते हैं तो इसे स्पष्ट रूप से लिख दें। आप ऐसे किसी निर्देश या प्रार्थना को अलग पैरों में लिख सकते हैं। जैसे –
“Please note: I do not want my full name to be published with this letter.”
8. चूँकि आपके पत्र को सम्पादित किया जायेगा। अतः लम्बी बहस में अपने विषय को डुबोने का प्रयास न करके सीधे ही अपने मूल बिन्दु पर आ जाना चाहिये। किसी को आघात पहुँचाने वाली भाषा का प्रयोग नहीं करें। जरूरत से ज्यादा भावुक होने की कोशिश भी न करें।
नीचे एक कम्पनी द्वारा एक समाचार सम्पादक को लिखे गये पत्र का नमूना दिया जा रहा है जिसमें कम्पनी से संबंधित छपी एक खबर का खण्डन दिया जा रहा है –
Company Name or Letterhead
City State, Pin
Addressee Address
City State Pin
Dear Sir
In your March 1st issue of Daily News, you stated that our organization had been losing money ever since we launched our new product, Mixus, and we were on the brink of bankruptcy. The truth of the matter is that we have shown a profit in six out of the past eight quarters. In no way has Mixus been our downfall, as you imply. Our revenue for this product has been just slightly under our projections during this period of product introduction to our customers.
As you are aware, such implications of impending bankruptcy directly affect our relationship with suppliers and distributors. We insist you immediately print a statement that corrects this misinformation.
Yours faithfully
Guidelines and Alternate Phrases:
अपनी स्थिति से अवगत कराइये – किसी मामले पर सहमति या असहमति या समाचार में किसी त्रुटि को दर्शाइये।
- I wholeheartedly agree with your position on………..
- I, too, become disturbed by the report that says…….
- Your editorial statement on……is extremely premature.
- I disagree most definitely with…
- In an August 6 article entitled “Candid Shots,” you printed very dated statistics on our company with regard to……….
किसी त्रुटि की स्थिति में सही सूचना प्रदान कीजिये। यदि आप किसी मामले में बिल्कुल भिन्न विचार को प्रकट करने की सोच रहे हैं तो अपना कारण बताइये तथा यदि कोई आँकड़े हैं तो उनका स्रोत बताइये।
- Request a retraction, if necessary, for erroneous information.
- We demand a retraction in your next issue.
- In an upcoming issue, please give the correct source of published statistics and explain the conditions under which the survey was done.
- We expect an immediate decision about retracting your claim.
- In the next issue of your journal, we ask you to include our company among the other vendors listed as offering this service.
- We demand you correct this impression immediately with a statement to the effect that……
यदि आप किसी समाचार से सहमत हैं तो समाचार सम्पादक को उनके प्रयास के लिए धन्यवाद दीजिये।
- Thank you for your vitally important contributions on the issue.
- We appreciate your service to the community.
- We appreciate seeing such thought-provoking opinions carried in your paper.
- Your efforts may save a life. Thank you.
- We appreciate you for using your media spotlight so responsibly.
- Thank you for your concern as evidenced by your article on this disturbing trend.
- Thank you for putting the safety of the community above all.
- Thank you for expressing the issues so subtly and poignantly.
- You have done us all a great service today with this editorial.
- You have treated the situation responsibly and with sensitivity. We commend you.
यहाँ पर आपकी सुविधा के लिए कुछ पत्र दिये जा रहे हैं जिनको देखकर अन्य पत्र लिखने का भी अभ्यास कर कर सकते हैं।
Examples of Letters to Editors
Question 1.
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the frequent breakdown of the water supply in your locality.
Radha Nagar
May 20, 20–
The Editor
The Dainik Bhaskar
Frequent breakdown of the water supply
We shall be highly obliged if you kindly publish in your esteemed journal our complaint against the Municipal Committee about the frequent breakdown of the water supply in our locality. In spite of several complaints and reminders, there has been no improvement in the water supply system. It is the same as it was in the beginning. Water is supplied for only a few hours and the time of supply is not fixed. The supply stops at any time. The amount is so small that it is hardly sufficient for drinking purposes. We hope that the Municipal Committee will immediately improve the water supply in this locality.
Yours faithfully
Hari Prasad
(Word-meanings: esteemed – प्रतिष्ठित।, frequent – बार – बार।, breakdown – व्यवधान।, reminders – स्मरणपत्र।)
Question 2.
We can read the news about atrocities against women everywhere. Write a letter to the editor of the Hindustan Times expressing your views. You are Sharad Chand from Jhalawar.
2-A-9 Housing Board Colony
19 March 20–
The Editor
Hindustan Times
Atrocities committed against women
Dear Sir
We all are pained to read news about atrocities committed against women. Have we lost our respect for womenfolk? It is all the more distressful to see these events occurring everywhere. Is this an indication of no freedom or independence for women as is available for others? Equality in terms of gender is provided by the Indian Constitution. These events could harm the development of Indian society. The law keepers need to be more sensitive about their social responsibilities. The doors of such wicked actions must be punished severely. Let us work towards a peaceful and progressive society, so that, men and women can live in equality.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Sharad Chand
(Word-meanings: atrocity – अत्याचार।, distressful – परेशान करने वाला।, indication – संकेत।, constitution – संविधान। progressive= प्रगतिशील।)
Question 3.
Write a letter to the Editor of the Nav Bharat Times on the reckless driving of minibuses in Jaipur.
215 Mansarovar
16 March 20–
The Editor
Nav Bharat Times
Reckless driving of minibuses
Dear Sir
It is high time that proper steps should be taken to put a stop to the reckless driving of mini. buses on the busiest and thickly populated roads. Yesterday, an old man had a narrow escape from being run over by a minibus. Such reckless driving causes fatal accidents when someone tries to cross the roads. It is often noted that the police takes no notice of offenders, so minibus accidents occur almost daily. The traffic police should be strict in enforcing the rules and regulations for them.
Yours faithfully
Amit Lohar
(Word-meanings: reckless – अन्धाधुंध।, thickly – घने।, had a narrow escape – बाल-बाल बचे।, fatal – घातक। run over – कुचलना। offenders – अपराधी। occur – होना। strict – कठोर। enforcing= लागू करना।)
Question 4.
Recently you have read the news on “Ban on the use of plastic bags in Rajasthan”. Write a letter to the editor of the Rajasthan Patrika to publish your views. Imagine that you are Kavita from Jaipur.
19 Anand Vihar
21 August 20–
The Editor
Rajasthan Patrika
Ban on the use of plastic bags
Dear Sir
I am very pleased to read the news that recently Rajasthan State Government has banned plastic bag manufacturing, storing & distributing Companies. Along with it, whoever is indulging in the production and use of polythene bags, will be penalized for 30,000/- and 6 months of imprisonment. It will be very helpful in keeping the environment clean. The biggest problem with the plastic bags which are used for the packing of milk, oil, salt, etc. is that they are dirtying the environment, and the second, plastic is not biodegradable. When thrown, it chokes the drainages; when burnt, it emits poisonous gases. Thus, the ban on plastic will be helpful in protecting our environment in many ways. I think that it should be banned throughout the country by the Indian Government.
Yours faithfully
(Word-meanings: indulge – लिप्त होना।, discourage – हतोत्साहितकारना।, biodegradable – पर्यावरण को बचाने वाले।, emit – उत्सर्जित करना।)
Question 5.
Your residential area is facing sanitation problem as well as bad roads and drainage problems. Write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper complaining about it. You are Varun/Rita. (S.S. Exam 2015, 17)
4 Shivaji Colony
6 August 20–
The Editor
Rajasthan Patrika
Regarding sanitation, bad roads and drainage problems
Dear Sir
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I want to draw the attention of the Municipal Authorities of Jaisalmer regarding sanitation, bad roads and drainage problems of our residential area. Roads in our residential area are very dirty. The sweepers do not clean the roads regularly. The drainage system is quite defective. Dirty water flows on the road. There are heaps of dirt everywhere. Due to many potholes (pits) on the road, it is full of dirty water. Many residents of this area are suffering from a number of diseases. This is a great problem for school going children who pass on this road. They cannot ride their bikes and bicycle safely. Will the authorities concerned do something to improve the sanitation as well as bad roads and resolve drainage problems?
Yours faithfully
(Word-meanings: esteemed – प्रतिष्ठित।, sanitation – साफ-सफाई।, drainage – पानी आदि की निकासी की प्रणाली।, resolve – हल करना।)
Question 6.
Imagine that you are Prachi Mehta from Rajgarh. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The India Today’ expressing your resentment on the attack on your privacy by mobile companies.
R.K. Puram
26 January 20–
The Editor
India Today
Regarding the attack on privacy by mobile companies
Dear Sir
Our privacy is indeed at risk due to the aggressive telemarketing fostered and supported by mobile service providers. I cannot understand why mobile companies ask for 90 days to activate a DND (Do Not Disturb) when a SIM is activated within three days of purchase. I have a Reliance mobile connection. I activated DNC (Do Not Call) this December. I was free from unwanted calls just for a month. After that, the whole barrage of calls and messages began again. Now, I have to apply afresh. It will take 90 days to be activated again. I think that the spam SMS senders should be penalised. Only then we might see a stop to this menace.
Yours faithfully
Prachi Mehta
(Word-meanings: aggressive – आक्रामक।, fostered – संवर्धित।, barrage – बौछार।, spam – अवांछित।, telemarketing – टेलीफोन के माध्यम से विज्ञापन।, the menace – कष्टप्रद वस्तु।, penalise – दण्डित करना।)
Question 7.
Imagine that you are Ravi Verma from Jaipur. Write a letter to the Editor of Dainik Nav Jyoti on keeping Jaipur clean.
25 Jamaica Nagar
24 March 20–
The Editor
Dainik Nav Jyoti
Keep Jaipur clean
Dear Sir
I have been reading so much in the newspapers about keeping Jaipur clean, but I have just one question to ask. Where are the dustbins? A busy place like- Sindhi Camp bus stand has no proper dustbins. There are no dustbins on the roads. Major roads like – MI Road and other such busy roads have no dustbins. It is the time for the Jaipur authorities to do something in this matter. I am sure that Jaipur means will use dustbins if they are easily accessible. We should be practical and realistic when we talk about a clean Jaipur. So, now it is wake up time when we get together to keep our city neat and clean.
Yours faithfully
Ravi Verma
(Word-meanings: accessible – पहुंच के योग्य।, absolutely – पूरी तरह।, realistic – यथार्थवादी।)
Question 8.
Imagine that you are Pooja Sharma from Jhalawar. You have seen a photograph of some bikers on the front page of Dainik Sawera with three riders on each and splashing water filled on the road due to heavy rain. Write a letter to the Editor expressing your objection on such pictures being published.
23 Indra Vihar Colony
Opposite Govt Hospital
14 December 20–
The Editor
Dainik Sawera
Expressing objection on indecent pictures
Dear Şir
I absolutely disagree with the picture published on the front page of your leading newspaper. Though it is good to have good rain my objection is regarding the photograph. It showed some bikers driving very fast on the road filled with water. They were splashing water on the pedestrians. There were three riders on each bike. This is an open violation of traffic rules. Again, they were not wearing helmets. It is also a violation. It is wrong to splash water on pedestrians. A leading newspaper like yours should not publish such pictures.
Yours faithfully
Pooja Sharma
(Word-meanings: splashing – उड़ाना, उछालना।, pedestrians – पैदल चलने वाले लोग।, violation – उल्लंघन।)
Question 9.
Write a letter to the Editor of Nav Jyoti regarding the nuisance of stray cattle on the roads.
155 Krishna Nagar
12 January 20–
The Editor
Nav Jyoti
The nuisance of stray cattle on the roads
Dear Sir
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I want to draw the attention of the Municipal Authorities of Kota to the nuisance of stray cattle on the roads. Many people rear cattle but they let them stray onto the roads during day time. Apart from being unhygienic, many times cattle squat on the pavements and sometimes even in the middle of the roads. This causes a hazard to the public. It is hoped that the Municipal Authorities would take immediate steps to do away with this nuisance.
Yours faithfully
Nimita Jain
(Word-meanings: esteemed – सम्मानित।, a nuisance – बड़ी परेशानी।, stray – आवारा।, rear – पालना।, squat – बैठना।, pavements – फुटपाथ।, hazard – खतरा।, unhygienic – अस्वास्थ्य कर।, do away with this nuisance – इस परेशानी से छुटकारा पाना।)
Question 10.
Imagine that you are Ved Prakash from Ajmer. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘Jan Jagaran’ expressing your suggestion on expensive marriage ceremonies.
306 Alwar Gate
26 February 20–
The Editor
Jan Jagran
Views on expensive marriage ceremonies
Dear Sir
The marriage ceremony is an important ceremony, but today it is becoming very expensive. Parents spend their income on hard labour and savings of years on band, light-decoration, tent etc in a few hours. If they give this money to their son or daughter, their future life will be much better. The question is “Does a person from society go to ask the poor whether he has taken food or not?” Nobody comes for help. Then why there is such ostentation in society?
Yours faithfully
Ved Prakash
(Word-meanings: ostentation – आडम्बर, तड़क – भड़क।)
Question 11.
Imagine that you are Aditya from Adarsh Nagar, Jaipur. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Times of India expressing your suggestion on child labour in India. (S. S. Exam. 2012)
37 Adarsh Nagar
25 November 20–
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Views regarding child labour in India
Dear Sir
Even after 70 years of India’s independence, it is bone-chilling and blood – curdling to have a look at the children being enslaved by the eerie shadow of manual labour and being forbidden to avail school education. Child labour is banned in India by the government but still, we can see a number of children working at many places. They are compelled to do even hazardous jobs. There should be public awakening in this matter, and strict action should be taken.
Yours faithfully
(Word-meanings: bone-chilling – हाड़ कँपा देने वाली।, blood-curdling – खून जमा देने वाली।, enslaved – दासता में होना। eerie – डरावनी। avail – लाभ उठाना। compelled – बाध्य करना। awakening – जागृति।)
Question 12.
Imagine that you are Shashank Dubey from Jodhpur. Write a letter to the Editor of Lokswami expressing grief over the children committing crimes. Answer:
P-51 Shri Ram Marg
12 December 20–
The Editor
Children committing crimes
Dear Sir
Time and again we read about children committing crimes (e.g. the four boys accused of stabbing another boy…. now being tried as adults). My question is: where are the parents and why are they not being brought up to answer and be responsible for their child’s behaviour? Children learn by example. Sometimes that example is by something not being done or a parent not standing up for a principle. Parents need to be held accountable for their children committing such types of wicked crimes.
Yours faithfully
(Word-meanings: stab – चाकू मारना।, held accountable – जिमोंदार ठहराना।, wicked – दुष्ट।, accused – दोषी ठहराना।, brought up – चर्चा चलाना।, standing for a principle – एक अच्छे आचरण के समर्थन में कुछ कहना।)
Question 13.
Imagine that you are Kamal from Jaipur. Write a letter to the Editor of ‘Rajasthan Patrika’ expressing your views on the news “Penalty on the Officer under Right to Information Act.”
25 Bani Park
August 9, 20–
The Editor
Rajasthan Patrika
Views regarding the news “Penalty on the officer under Right to Information Act”
Dear Sir
I read the news of penalty on an officer under the ‘Right to Information Act’. It is clear how the bureaucrats are lazy and careless in furnishing information. They have a fear of revealing everything to the public. They don’t want their wrongdoings to be disclosed. In furnishing information, they don’t seem prompt. By the news of penalty, the bureaucrats will learn the lesson of providing information on time and will demonstrate the right spirit of democracy and transparency.
Yours faithfully
(Word-meanings: disclosed – खुलना।, prompt – तत्पर।, bureaucrats – नौकरशाह।, transparency= पारदर्शिता।)
Question 14.
Write a letter to the Editor of the ‘Rajasthan Patrika’, Banswara regarding the frequent breakdown of power.
154 Hari Om Nagar
20 June 20–
The Editor
The Rajasthan Patrika
Frequent breakdown of power
Sir Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw attention on the authorities concerned of the Rajasthan State Electricity Board to the problem of frequent breakdown of power in Banswara. The supply of power is cut now and then without any notice. Even the big festivals like Diwali or Christmas have to be celebrated in darkness. During Board examinations, we suffer due to power break-down. We fail to study properly. There have been many incidents of theft, purse snatching, due to power failure. Will the authorities of the Rajasthan State Electricity Board do something to redress our difficulties and earn a good name for the department?
Yours faithfully
Mohan Lal
(Word-meanings: esteemed – सम्मानित।, column – स्तम्भ।, power breakdown – बिजली की कटौती।, have to be celebrated – मनाने होते हैं। earn a good name – यश प्राप्त करना।)
Question 15.
Write a letter to the Editor about the nuisance of loudspeakers during the examination days.
Write a letter to the editor of the ‘Dainik Bhaskar’ complaining against noise pollution in your area giving suggestion to reduce it.
17 Bihari Pura
10 March 20–
The Editor
Dainik Bhaskar
Regarding nuisance of loudspeakers during exams
Through your esteemed daily I want to draw the attention of the authorities concerned that nowadays the examination of the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan is going on. The loud-speakers keep blaring throughout the night due to which we are unable to prepare ourselves for the examination since the noise interferes in our studies. If these loudspeakers continue to create a disturbance, we may fail in the examination. It is, therefore, earnestly requested to put a ban against the use of loudspeakers during our examination days. I hope that the authorities concerned will pay attention to solve this problem of the students.
Yours faithfully
Hari Singh
(Word-meanings: blaring – ऊंची कर्कश ध्वनि उत्पन्न करते हैं।, interfere – व्यवधान डालना।)
Question 16.
Write a letter to the Editor about an enormous increase in the prices of essential commodities.
7 Ranjeet Nagar
6 January 20–
The Editor
Rajasthan Patrika
Regarding the enormous increase in the prices of essential commodities
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I want to draw the attention of the Government that in few days the prices of essential commodities have risen so high. Sometimes, the hoarders try to create artificial scarcity of the articles of daily use. It has now become very difficult for middle-class people to meet their needs. The poor are somehow trying to make both ends meet. Life, at this age, has become very expensive. I, therefore, request the government officials to keep a strict watch on the hoarders, profiteers, smugglers and black-marketeers so that they may not make the situation worse. Marketing Inspectors should be instructed to make a raid on the stores of the hoarders.
Yours faithfully
Mohan Agrawal
(Word-meanings: enormous – भारी – भरकम।, essential – आवश्यक।, commodities – सामान।, hoarders – जमाखारा।, scarcity – कमा।, smugglers – तस्करी।, black marketeers – काला बाजारी करने वालों।, raid – धावा बोलना।)
Question 17.
Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Times of India’ about the poor lighting arrangement in your city.
Rana Pratap Nagar
28 July 20–
The Editor
The Times of India
Poor lighting arrangement in the city
Through the esteemed columns of your newspaper, I wish to attract the attention of the authorities concerned of the Jhalawar Municipal Board to the poor lighting arrangement in the city. Being an old city, Jhalawar has many narrow streets. Unfortunately, the lighting arrangement is very old and poor. So, most of the streets remain dark due to lack of proper street lights. The arrangement is so poor that fused and broken bulbs have not been replaced for so many years. Wiring has become outdated. Will the Municipal authorities do something to solve the problem and earn a good name for the department?
Yours faithfully
Nirmal Kumar
(Word-meanings: for want of – कमी के कारण।, fused – फ्यूज हुए।, outdated – पुराना।)
Question 18.
Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about atmospheric pollution of your city.
27 Gola Bazar
28 July 20–
The Editor
The Dainik Bhaskar
Regarding atmospheric pollution of the city
Through your esteemed daily, I want to draw the attention of civic authorities to the atmospheric pollution in Kota. Thanks to the neglect and carelessness of the Municipal Corporation that the city is full of dirt and filth. To make it worse, people use coal for cooking purposes which fills the atmosphere with smoke. There are no trees which could absorb the carbon in the air. The dust and the smoke in the air have become a risk to the health of the people. It is a duty of the Corporation authorities to keep the city clean and to make laws for keeping the atmosphere clean. I hope they will take the necessary action.
Yours faithfully
Bahadur Singh
(Word-meanings: absorb – सोखना।, filth – गंदगी।)
Question 19.
You are Mukesh / Meenakshi of class XII. Write a letter to the editor of ‘The Times of India’ about terrorism which is a wide-spread problem in the world.
95 Mohan Nagar
21 January 20–
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Terrorism a wide-spread problem
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I want to highlight the problem of terrorism which is spreading across the world. There are many states in India which are under the threat of terrorism. Likewise in the world, most countries are facing this problem. People feel insecure in such an environment. Man has lost faith in man. If we want to live in peace, we should face this problem boldly. The government should take the strongest action against terrorists. All countries must come on a single platform in the fight against terrorism without thinking about caste, creed, religion, sex, etc. Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Mukesh / Meenakshi
(Word-meanings: harmful – हानिकारक।, terrorism – आतंकवाद।)
Question 20.
Write a letter to the Editor of ‘The Hindustan Times’ about ‘Preservation of Wildlife’. You are Sumit/Sunita of class XII.
35 Bansal Apartments
New Friends’ Colony
16 August 20–
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
Preservation of Wild Life
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I want to highlight the disappearance of wild animals and the need for their preservation. Nowadays, we see the disappearance of wild animals due to deforestation, greed for adventure, money, etc. Many species of wild animals are almost extinct due to man’s greed. Though the government has initiated many programmes for preserving the wild animals yet no fruitful result has been acquired. Wildlife Week is celebrated every year in the first week of October. I wish that now onwards not a single wild animal should be killed for the sake of fulfilling man’s greed.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Sumit / Sunita
(Word-meanings: species – प्रजाति।, extinct – विलुप्त।, immense – अत्यधिक।, scavengers – अपमार्जक।)
Question 21.
(S. S. Exam 2018)
You are Nikunj/Rani. Write a letter to the editor of The Hindustan Times commenting on “The influence of T.V. and internet on students”.
C-73 Jawahar Nagar
July 21st, 20–
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
The influence of TV and the internet on students
Through your esteemed daily, I want to draw your kind attention regarding the influence of TV and the internet on students. I’m expressing the same in this letter and hope you will give it quite weight in your daily. Television has become part and parcel of our life. But we are unable to identify its abuses. Students keep glued to the TV screen for long hours. This makes them physically inactive and obese. The TV also hampers their mental development. In the same way, the students are now in the grip of the internet. They are becoming internet addict and vulgar videos and materials are ruining their lives. So now it is wake up time for each and every parent to think about the abuses of TV and the internet and try to make their children free from such addictions.
Yours faithfully
(Word-meanings: influence – प्रभाव।, identify – पहचानना।, inactive – निष्क्रिय।, obese – मोटा।, addict – आदी।, vulgar – अश्लील, भद्दे।, are ruining – बर्बाद कर रहे हैं।, addiction – लत, व्यसन।)
Question 22.
Write a letter to the editor of ‘The Hindustan Times’ commenting on ‘The Influence of TV and Internet on Students’.
50-Vasant Vihar
15 November 20–
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
The Influence of TV and Internet on Students
Dear Sir
Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I want to draw the attention of parents as well as authorities governing TV and internet services that some channels and websites are providing unwanted material which is polluting young generation. Playstations and vulgar videos on the internet are ruining their life. 3-G and 4-G smartphones have become a status symbol among the students. Students have left their playground and remain busy with the internet. It is the time to think over the matter seriously.
Yours faithfully
Question 23.
You wish to join the Indian Army. Write a letter to the editor of ‘The Hindu’ praising the illustrious history and tradition of the Indian Army.
52-Krishna Nagar
10 January 20–
The Editor
The Hindu
Views on Illustrious History and Tradition of the Indian Army
Dear Sir
Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I want to draw the attention of young boys towards the illustrious history and tradition of the Indian Army. Since independence, Indian Army has fought three battles against Pakistan and won all of them. It is playing a great role in fighting against terrorism and keeping the unity of India intact. Indian Army is known for its discipline. It plays an extraordinary role whenever a natural calamity or havoc occurs inside or outside India. Whenever I see an army officer or a soldier, I feel proud of my country. I wish to join Indian Army and invite my friends to become glorious soldiers of my mother-land. Jai Hind.
Yours faithfully
Ved Vatsal
Question 24.
Write a letter to the editor of the ‘Indian Express’ about the exploitation of Indigo farmers at the hands of the English landlords on the basis of the lesson ‘Indigo’.
Hari Mohan
27, Ranjeet Nagar
18 July 20–
The Editor
The Indian Express
Regarding exploitation of the Indigo farmers at the hands of the English landlords.
It’s very painful to inform that most of the Indian farmers were working as sharecroppers in Champaran. They were working on the land of English landlords and were forced to grow indigo on the fifteen per cent area of the total farmland. This whole cultivation was to be surrendered to the landlords as the rent of the land. The British landlords were asking for compensation from the farmers to free them from the agreement. It was an unfair act of the English landlords. They exploited our poor Indian farmers. But due to the efforts of Gandhiji, the English landlords gave in and the exploitation of Indian farmers came to an end. You are respectfully requested to publish this article about the exploitation of the English landlords in your esteemed newspaper.
Yours sincerely
Hari Mohan
Question 25.
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the importance of freedom and liberty for birds and animals keeping in view the problem of their extinction.
Editor, Rajasthan Patrika
10 Jan 20–
Dear Sir
Freedom is a gift given by nature to every living creature. Like human beings, birds and animals also need freedom. Generally, people are not sympathetic and kind towards birds and animals. They catch them and cage them for their own benefits. They become so selfish that they don’t feel pain at all for them. In zoos, visitors tease birds and animals. In circuses, they are forced to perform dangerous feats. Due to lack of protection, many species of birds and animals are on the verge of extinction. So, strict laws for conservation of wildlife should be enacted. The government should provide special arrangements for protecting wildlife.
Yours faithfully
Alka Mishra
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