Rajasthan Board RBSE Class 8 Science Notes Chapter 17 Environment
Meaning of Environment:
The envelope surrounding us is called environment. Its components are all those elements which we could see and feel like – plants, animals, water, air etc. It is the base of existence of ail living beings.
Types of Environment:
It can be mainly classified into two types
- Social environment
- Natural Environment
The main component of social environment is human society while others biotic and abiotic components are the part of natural environment.
Social Environment: It is reflected through interaction among social relations, mutual feelings adjustment, brotherhood, being a good neighbour, helping each other in joys and sorrows, patience, security of public property, respect to elders, affection with youngers, positive thinking etc. are important factors which are essential to make a healthy social environment. .
Natural Environment: Trees, plants, living beings animals, air, water and soil etc. found in our surroundings collectively form the natural environment.
It is made by two components:
1. Abiotic
2. Biotic
- Abiotic Components: All non living components are included in it like – water related (rain, snowfall, hails, dew, humidity, wind, temperature, light) land related and soil related factors.
- Biotic components: All types of vegetation (green trees and plants) microbes and animals. Plants are (producers) while animals are (consumers), while microbes are (decomposers). When unwanted substances mixes with water, soil and air it is called pollution.
Environment Pollution:
Environment is unlimited. Clean environment helps in growth and development of living beings. Tne different components and their different levels and stages put a great effect on our life. At present natural and social environment are affected by our materialistic thinking. Prevailing all the components of environment in balanced form is called an ideal environment or balanced environment. If any of the component disbalances then whole environment is affected and also living world is affected by its undesirable changes held in environmental components is called environmental pollution.
In general meaning of pollution is contaminated environment.
Some types of natural pollution are as follows:
- Water pollution
- Air pollution
- Soil pollution
- Noise pollution
- Heat pollution
- Radioactive or nuclear pollution
- Social pollution
Soil Pollution: Agriculture is the base of our economic system in agriculture dominating country. Occupation of most of the people is agriculture and animal rearing. Fertility and production is decreased due to storms, floods, unwise methods of farming, exploitation of natural resources and pollution.
Use of insecticides, pesticides, fungicides and chemical fertilizers have increased the agricultural production but reduces the fertility of the soil, if conditions are not controlled then that day is not far, when our land would become barren.
To control environmental degradation we have to keep our thinking positive, natural resources should used economically and for doing this people should be inspired.
Environment Conservations:
Biotic and Abiotic Components of nature and soil environment are interdependent. Their interdependence is the base of natural cycle. To keep this natural cycle continue is called environmental conservation.
Role of Rajasthan in Environment Conservation:
Environment plays an important role not in human’s life but also for lives of plants, animals, birds also.
The following are the main examples of environmental conservation in Rajasthan:
- Sacrifice of Amrita Devi in Khejarligram District of Jodhpur.
- Activities of Kiran Nidhi Institution of Gram Piplalantri District of Rajsamand.
Khejarli Balidan: That time Maharaja of Jodhpur needed wood for states work, for this kings soldiers selected Khejarli Gram near Jodhpur. The soldiers started hammering the trees of Khejarli Gram forest. When this information reached to Mrs. Amrita Devi and other villagers, they ran to save trees. Amrita devi requested to the soldiers of the king.
“Don’t cut gram trees, cutting green trees is wrong”.
Soldiers didn’t agreed, then Amrita Devi, her daughters and villagers huged the trees and said-
“Sar Sathe Runkh Rahe, To bhi Sasto Jaan” OR
It is a cheap deal if tree is saved and head is cut. To save trees 363 villagers including Amrita Devi and her daughter martyred. Every year in their remembrance a fair is celebrated in village Khejarli on Bhadrapad Sudi Dashmi.
Rajsamand Jila Gram Piplantri: Kiran Nidhi institution of Gram Piplantri run a movement, where birth of a girl child is celebrated and on this day villagers plant 1100 trees. On the day of Raksha Bandhan villagers tie a thread and take pledge to conserve these trees. This method is unique and successful example for environment conservation.
Our life style and environment conservation:
Environmental Friendly: Our lifestyle should be environmental friendly. Our each act should be in such a way that we shouldn’t harm the environment. We should follow lifestyle to save environment
- We should use natural resources in a control and wise manner by keeping in mind the needs of future generations.
- We should use bio-degradable things maximum.
- Re-cycle things after use to keep environment safe.
Practical aspects of lifestyle: Least use of water and electricity.
- Well ventilated rooms, use of five star electrical appliances, use of LED and CFL light bulbs and tube lights etc. after bathing water should be treated and reused in plants.
- To avoid use of environmental harmful things.
- Complete use of resources like – paper, cloth, water, served food, etc.
- Use of compost and biotic manure – Prepared from peels of vegetables, decayed fruit, dry leaves, twigs etc.
- On 5th June Environmental day and on 22nd April earth day is celebrated. The objective of this is to make people aware regarding environmental conservation for this we can adopt following activities.
- Making public awareness through rallies.
- Organizing poster making, slogan competitions, plays, seminars etc.
- Group planting programs in public places.
- Pledge for environmental conservation – We should plant trees on special occasions like birthday, festival, death day)
Different levels of environmental conservation:
- Individual
- Family
- Public
- Official (Working place)
- School
- Administrative level
Environment and Indian Perspective:
Environmental components are worshipped in our culture and traditions where cutting green trees is sin, after bath, plants and trees are watered. Sun is worshipped which is the greatest source of energy.
Human has unbreakable bonding with environment. Our Aacharyas have said “Yat Pinde Tat Brahmande” or Ras that is in body has in nature. Prithvi, Jal, Vayu, Agni, Aakash are the main components of environment. Our body is also build of these. By keeping these five elements conserve we can secure our life. We consider Prithvi as our mother. We can keep grains preserved by traditional methods without harming the environment like – using dry neem leaves.
We have given an important place to all living beings. We worship snake on Nagpanchmi, Cow and Calf on BachhBaras, Kheer offering to crow during Shradh Paksh, Atta Powder to ants, Dana to birds, roti to cow and dog etc. shows kindness towards Jeev Matra making different dishes on festivals is a way to conserved seeds, so they may not become extinct. Many plants have medicinal values, which we use in our daily life like – Peepal, Banyan tree, Amla, Tulsi, Samidha used in Yagya makes the environment pure.
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